HNLBAPU by Little Carpenter Chapter- 2

 His new life began after being picked up and carried home by a little carpenter- Chapter 2

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Gu Qiming had considered purchasing a yard for his old age, but his wish came true sooner. But this is not his yard which is the far from what he had anticipated.

He can accept it wherever he is and will be at peace with it as it happens. It's merely a change of living environment.

Lin Xing dries his clothing on a hemp-rope clothesline in the yard during the workweek. The open area is sizable, and on either side are vegetable plots containing cucumbers, eggplants, and other vegetables. On one side of the wall, there is also a well that has been dug.

Gu Qiming took the quilt he was holding and went outside. Today's weather was pleasant. It was a clear, bright day with sunshine. Both the sky and the air were shades of blue he had never seen in his entire life. It seemed that this experience was not altogether negative, despite the fact that the air was pleasant after leaving the mountains.

As Lin Xing prepared breakfast, Gu Qiming put the quilt on. LinXing typically ate a straightforward breakfast. A small amount of millet can be used to make several steamed corn cakes and two bowls of porridge. The side dishes were pickled by Lin Xing himself. All of the side dishes use fresh veggies to make pickles.

Lin Xing received help from Gu Qiming to take the food and place it on the outdoor table. Summer time temperatures made it ideal to eat outside. The cooking abilities of Lin Xing are very excellent. Despite having a rough texture, wowotou has a sweet flavour, and the pickled cucumbers and garlic are also very crunchy.

Gu Qiming inhaled three steamed buns before he was satisfied.

After the lunch, Gu Qiming volunteered to assist with cleaning the kitchen's pots and dishes; Lin Xing didn't object. He cooked and wouldn't object if Gu Qiming asked to wash the dishes, but he also kept busy by going to get water and washing clothes outside.

"When I'm done with work, I'm going to the city. Would you like to accompany me? At the dock, there is unloading activity. Nearly ten coppers can be made by the porters each day."

Gu Qiming shook his head in response and said, "I won't go today."

In addition to the fact that he couldn't leave the house dressed like this, he felt as though his mind was overburdened today. The officers and troops might detain him and throw him in jail.

"By the way, I observe that your home is full with stacked-up wooden bits. Are you planning to work as an apprentice in a local carpentry shop?"

As soon as he entered, he noticed a collection of broken benches and tables stacked up next to the courtyard wall, along with carpentry equipment like shovels and horse jaws. The majority of individuals wouldn't keep these items in their homes. He was also aware that many master artisans in the past took on apprentices; given Lin Xing's age, it is likely that he is currently working for his master.

"No, I made it myself. My house shop is rented out, Today, I'm going to collect the rent."

The rubbing motions of Lin Xing slowed down. Although selling the shop would be preferable and collecting rent wouldn't bring in much money, he didn't want to give up right away. When his father was still alive, this store was purchased. His father acquired a small, outdated shop because his family was well-off and working long hours to produce furniture for customers. Lin Xing never considered closing the shop, not even during the most trying times.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qiming made someone's sadness known. Despite being young, Lin Xing frequently lived alone because his parents had passed away. It makes sense why his sibling tormented him at home.

The only sound in the garden was Lin Xing washing clothes since there was an unsettling silence. Gu Qiming contemplated his options while standing there with his arms folded.

Two bows and arrows were hanging on the wall when he was just now packing things in the west chamber. Hunting would be a source of income in the mountains to the east because they were steep and populated.

He lacked any further abilities. When he was in the army, he was an excellent archer and had good field training in shooting live targets. He's just never gone hunting before. After all, if he goes hunting in the mountains now, he will be arrested tomorrow in a contemporary legal society.

First to speak, he rubbed his head and said, "I just noticed two bows hanging in the west room. Can I use them?"

"Ah," Lin Xing exclaimed after giving it some thinking. Two empty bows and arrows were really hanging in the west room. "It's fine, but those haven't been used in a while. I'm not sure if they are useable."

"It's alright. I'm good at hunting. so long as it's in working order."

He surprisingly still possesses these abilities. Indeed, hunting is preferable to working as a porter. 

"There are numerous pre-made bows in the storehouse. Later, it will be clear which one can be used. I'm going to use the arrow shaft first. I'll quickly and easily cut a few bamboo poles for you to use; it won't take long at all." 

Continue LinXing.

"All right, I'll climb the mountain and test it today. Perhaps I can hunt something. 

Gu Qiming grinned as he addressed Lin Xing. He may have more food today if he could catch some prey.

It appears that things are not going well at home as of right now. There was only Lin Xing in the family at first, but there is now a second member who can eat better. He worries that it will be more challenging.

With a knowing smile, Lin Xing said, "Then I wish you success and that you can hunt good things the first time you go up the mountain."

He was aware that hunting was not an easy activity and that in past years there had been no hunters in the village. However, in addition to talent, the ability to catch prey also depends on luck. If you're unlucky, you can find yourself without anything after ten and a half days. of.

Lin Xing intended to begin crafting arrow shafts after locating a carving knife and chisel in the ear room. He pulled some clothes out of the room after giving it some thought.

"These are old clothes that belonged to my father. You can get by with them for now even though they might be a little small."

Warmth filled Gu Qiming's heart. He didn't anticipate Lin Xing to give this any thought. In fact, his attire was not very practical. Gu Qiming gave him a cautious glance before saying, 

"Thank you. You have been thoughtful. If you don't mind you can call me brother. Since I'm in my late 20s, I am older than you."

"All right, Gu—Brother Gu."

Lin Xing noticed his face was getting a little warm. He was practically a head shorter than Gu Qiming, who was also incredibly attractive. At least he was the most attractive man Lin Xing had ever seen in the village. Such a handsome man was about to become his brother.

"You should first check to see if these bows can be used." When Lin Xing attempted to extract one on his own, he said, "But I have tried it before and it was not easy to pull."

"The procedure can be incorrect if you are unable to separate it. I can teach you if you want to learn."

All of these bows were finely constructed and weighty, heavier than the bows and arrows he had previously used, but he is a muscular man and could easily pull them open.

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Lin Xing felt excited .He was particularly eager to pick up archery. But soon he fell back into depression. 

"But I might not be talented. "

"If you practise more often, you'll get better at it."

When Gu Qiming noticed the child's unhappy expression, he couldn't help but feel soft. For the first time, he was able to get along with such a big child and in his heart, he truly felt like a parent.

Gu Qiming changed into the plain-styled farmer's clothing without much delay. He just put the phone in its place under the cabinet, which he could no longer unlock when he arrived, and organised the closet in the home.


Gu Qiming felt somewhat powerless. He couldn't use his phone to deceive anyone in this world. He wasn't sure why he was concerned. His phone went entirely black as soon as he realised something was wrong. Gu Qiming tried to push it, but there was no answer.

Shaking his head, he packed his rucksack with his belongings—a water bottle and a bow—and was ready to go. He recently received the rucksack from Lin Xing. After he caught a prey, he claimed he could bring it back. Being able to carry something like this was quite practical.

"Okay, I've whittled five arrows, it should be sufficient."

LinXing was able to see substantial muscles in Gu Qiming's forearms, which appeared to be full of robust and explosive force while he was dressed in Lin's father's coarse clothing. It makes sense why his two weak brothers lacked the power to even resist. This man, in Lin Xing's opinion, looked great no matter what he was wearing. He was strong and had a good figure, as one could assume.

"That's all I need. I can use it if it is sharp enough."

 LinXing handed Gu Qiming the arrow .

Lin Xing made a swift cut. Gu Qiming was almost finished when he packed things and left.

It's becoming late, so let's leave right away.

"I need to get something from the kitchen," Lin Xing prepared the package since he couldn't leave Gu Qiming to hunger in the mountains and assumed they wouldn't return by noon.

Gu Qiming put the wooden arrows away and waited outside for him.

These are the two steamed buns that were left in the morning, said Lin Xing as he emerged from the kitchen carrying them in his hand.

"You can eat them at noon if you're hungry. I can't return before Haishi.""

(Hai Shi is the final hour of a day, which is from 9 to 11 p.m.)

"Just leave if someone in the community asks you a question later. There is no need to explain. We'll travel apart. You can take the road we used to descend the mountain today, and I'll take the south way."

"Why not travel together?"

"No one in the hamlet knows you."

said Lin Xing, shaking his head. 

"If they get a chance , they will inevitably start a rumour. Going alone is better."

"Okay, then be careful on your way."

Lin Xing was stunned . Since his mother and father had died, no one had shown him any concern for a very long time. His heart warmed, perhaps they could actually start a family.

"All right."

Waving his hand, Lin Xing. It was becoming late, and when he got to town, it would be midday. He had to go more quickly.

Gu Qiming moved towards the east mountain after the two parted ways. Many residents of the village were already outside at this point.

Farmers don't want to stay inside all summer because it's too hot. Under the shelter of the village's trees, they are dispersed in groups of two and three. On rare occasions, you'll find individuals stooping over to work in the fields.

Gu Qiming continued to stroll despite the envious glances and remarks of bystanders. Even though it was sweltering outside in June, there would occasionally be a breeze along the rural road that would carry the distinct scent of the fields and unconsciously calm people.

He didn't immediately begin hunting for prey after climbing the mountain. He was aware in his heart that simply having a bow and arrow would not make him a hunter. Before making any more arrangements, he needed to become familiar with the terrain.

He underestimated the size of the peak. He refrained from delving farther. He moved around the perimeter, observing the activity around him, even though the jungle was already quite dense. He simply waited slowly and did not rush. Prey shows up.

Gu Qiming discovered the surroundings at a late hour in the day. He opened the bun Lin Xing had given him and sat down on a rock, chewing it. He was thinking about LinXing. Even though they had only been acquainted for a few hours, He were sincere in their treatment of the untrustworthy stranger. He was unfamiliar with the ancients. Not all are that easy.

Gu Qiming kept searching for prey after he had consumed enough food and liquids.

On the left side, there was a brief sound. Gu Qiming patiently prepared his bow and arrow before waiting in silence for the prey to emerge from the grass. He let go of his arm and hastily fired an arrow. a dotted brown hare. He was wounded in the stomach and then nailed to the ground.

"wonderful man, this mountain's food is really wonderful. The rabbit is really fat."

Gu Qiming took up the hare, which weighed five to six kilogrammes, and held it.

The rabbit was covered in a lot of blood. Before placing the rabbit into the basket, Gu Qiming took some weeds and rubbed it on the fur to prevent bloodstains.

The sunshine shining on the ground makes the weeds and shrubs look so green that they appear to be pouring with water. The sky is high in the forest and the clouds are light.

Gu Qiming took note of his surroundings and moved on. Unfortunately, this location was still undeveloped. Wild creatures stayed away because there were too many signs of human activity. He was hesitant to explore the place deeply. To find out if Lin Xing could take him there, he would wait a few days.

Gu Qiming spent the majority of the day in the highlands and wouldn't leave until the moon was over the willow trees. He only ever shot an almost two-pound chestnut pheasant in the bushes at the border of the forest, aside from rabbits.

It's not easy to be a hunter like Orino.

( Orion= A strong and incredibly gorgeous hunter from Greek mythology. )

Beasts of all sizes are buried quite deeply. You still need to enter the dense woodland if you want to hunt these. Gu Qiming left numerous traces along the path so he could easily follow them the next time he returned.

"Lin Xing, Are you already back?"

When Gu Qiming returned, Lin Xing was in the yard washing taro while the door to the house was open.

"Brother Gu,"

His wide cat eyes lit up when Lin Xing saw him return.

In order to assist Gu Qiming in taking off the basket, he stood up and wiped his hands before saying, "I thought I could pick up some work in the town today, but there were no customers waiting for me, and it just so happened to be time to dig the taro in the field, so I came back early."

"It's okay to return early. Did you dig those taros yourself in the yard?"

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