HNLBAPU by Little Carpenter Chapter- 3

His new life began after being picked up and carried home by a little carpenter- 

Chapter 3

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When Gu Qiming noticed how much taro was in the pot, he remarked, "Don't do it by yourself next time, call me and I'll come with you."

"No," Lin Xing answered, waving his hand, "Aunt Zhang's family also raises early-maturing taro. Yesterday, I overheard her mention it. Aunt Zhang and his son helped today.

"That's good." Gu Qiming said, touching Lin Xing on the head. 

"I went out hunting today so I could have meat for evening."

Lin Xing felt a warm sensation in his ears from the touch on his head. 

"That's perfect, "he said as he clumsily tilted his head. 

"The taro will be cleaned and cooked with meat tonight."

"I didn't anticipate Brother Gu to be this strong. On his first day climbing the mountain, he grabbed two prey and a large, fat bunny."

Gu Qiming helped wash the taro by sitting beside the basin while rolling up his sleeves and moving a piece of wood. Lin Xing put the rabbit in the vent under the eaves because he was concerned that it would be easily destroyed in the hot weather. After the hot water has boiled, the pheasant might be handled right away.

Gu Qiming believed that going hunting would help. He was a good worker, but he lacked any other useful abilities, making business impossible. He disliked interacting with people and did not practise corporate manipulation. Even this time, he genuinely has no one left and simply goes out to see clients.

He has no idea how worried his brothers will be if they learn he has gone away.

He put his thoughts aside and focused solely on scrubbing the taro in his palms. He continued, "Go to town tomorrow and sell the rabbit," turning to Lin Xing. To produce some excellent arrows, I need to go to the mountains.

Why wouldn't Lin Xing be aware of this? 

 "Well, it turns out the mountains are not safe after all. Use of a stronger arrow is preferable."

He was debating whether he had enough money at home to buy two iron arrows for Gu Qiming.

Gu Qiming is so skilled that he can use wooden arrows to hunt fat bunnies and pheasants. Lin Xing has witnessed hunters taking down deer in the village before. The family's expenses can be covered for a year or two by just selling one of them. More money may be made by hunters than by these mud-legged individuals.

"The following day, let's climb the mountain together. The mountain is still new to me. I'll be in trouble if I become trapped inside and am unable to escape."

It was absolutely dark and the heat was still present when the two of them finished washing the last of the taro. Along with the dazzling moon, there were a few stray stars in the sky.

Gu Qiming noticed the moon when he raised his head. How long had it been since he last saw a moon like this? Or, when was the last time he felt so at ease.-------------------

The cleaned taro was placed in a dustpan and spread out by Lin Xing. In two days, he intended to cut it and let the sun dry it. For cooking and creating soup, it works well. He can sell it for a decent price if he brings some of it into the town.

He chose two of the bigger ones and got them ready to cook. When he noticed Gu Qiming's unattractive visage, he remarked to him, "I'm going to cook. You should be worn out from labouring all day in the mountains. Go take a nap for a while."

Today was not Gu Qiming's easiest day. He was parkouring with others in the mountains before he crossed over. He headed up to the mountains immediately after crossing across to spend the afternoon hunting. He had been working hard in the army as well, but since he had just arrived, he had been under a lot of mental strain. Even though it was now too much to bear, he had never considered giving Lin Xing the task to do on his own.

Let me help you, he thought as he unconsciously licked the corners of his parched lips. Working in tandem as two of us is more efficient.

Lin Xing refrained from saying more after observing his perseverance.

Gu Qiming started after him in the kitchen. He could just cut veggies and start the fire because he couldn't cook.

We'll take care of the chicken later; let's first boil the water.

Gu Qiming had the impression that hearing Lin Xing speak was enjoyable from the moment he first met him. The young man's voice was clear and crisp, like the mountain spring water, but with warmth; otherwise, he would say this. He never spoke hastily or slowly. Mountains provide for people.

The bulky taro was cut up into casual, manageable pieces. Waiting for the fire to start would take a lot of time. The hot water from the pot was then added to the pot after the peppers, green onions, and garlic had been precisely sliced and arranged on the dish. After that, Lin Xing went outside with the basin and the pheasant.

Gu Qiming took use of this free time to water the vegetable field with the water used to wash taro in the yard, keeping Lin Xing occupied till later.

When everything was prepared, Lin Xing heated up a pot's oil, adding chopped green onions, ginger, and peppers, and cooked them until fragrant. He then added his own pickled bean paste and the chicken after stirring everything together. The meat smelled good and there was a sizzling sound. Aniseed smell causes people to wiggle their index fingers.

There is no need to light the candles because the moonlight illuminates the space. Lin Xing can be seen gently stir-frying the chicken in the saucepan in the little kitchen.

It smells so wonderful, Gu Qiming sighed and remarked to Lin Xing on purpose. "Before, I didn't feel hungry, but right now, I can hardly wait since I feel like I don't even have the energy to make a fire."

Just add the taro and let it simmer for a while, Lin Xing's palm shaking and his eyes bulging with laughter.  

"I will add two extra pancakes.They will smell better than they steam."

Gu Qiming was momentarily astonished as he watched Lin Xing delicately place the cake.

The 19-year-old boy is no longer youthful. Years of toil have prevented him from having white skin; instead, he has a healthy wheat-colored tan. He has lengthy legs, a narrow waist, and is tall. Although his sharp face ought to have been exceedingly attractive, it was unattractive. A little charm is added by the round cat eyes. It's definitely still a look that a lot of girls like to wear nowadays.

"Ah-oh, good."

How could he stare at someone like that, Gu Qiming thought as he guiltily touched his nose and swore in his head. What he was doing at this moment would be seen as sexual harassment if the other person were a girl.

When Lin Xing removed the pot's lid, a fragrant, new scent was released. He could tell it was made with top-notch craftsmanship just by smelling it.

Lin Xing brought out the rice as Gu Qiming set up the table in the yard. A sizable basin was present.

"Hiss... yummy!"

The taro, which had a distinct aroma, was the first thing Gu Qiming tasted. It tasted more salty, mushy, and sticky because it was full of soup and the sweetness was not immediately apparent.

Additionally, meat is stewed until it is juicy and tender. The more you consume of the meat, the more tasty it gets. Compared to those sold in restaurants, it tastes better.

As soon as Lin Xing noticed that he was eating too quickly, he hurriedly poured him a cup of herbal tea and admonished him, "Be careful of choking."

Gu Qiming eating contentedly made Lin Xing extremely happy as well. He hadn't shared such a fulfilling lunch with anyone in a very long time.

He has been living here alone for all of these years, and since he is still in debt, he only has the audacity to add some meat on special occasions. Even the wealthier households in this village are afraid to eat such a large mouthful of meat on weekdays.

Gu Qiming picked up a piece of pastry and ate it after eating the beef and taro. The charred layer on the bottom was tasty when dipped in the soup, and the crust was clung firmly to the side of the pot.

Gu Qiming eats a lot and typically needs three bowls of rice to feel satisfied, not to mention how excellent Lin Xing's cooking is. All that was left of the pot of taro-roasted pork after they had both had enough to eat and drink was the soup foundation.

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Lin Xing chose two cucumbers from the garden after dinner, washed them in the well and then ate them. Cucumbers are refreshing, crisp, and soft, making them the ideal post-meal snack.

Gu Qiming cleared the table and got up, saying, "I'm going to wash the dishes first, and then I'll boil some water for a bath later."

"Not needed. Simply combine some hot water with the cold water you just emptied out, and rub it with it," Lin Xing advised.

Farmers are not picky people. They gather water in a basin throughout the summer and dry it in the garden so they can bathe at night. "Okay, let's just wash in the garden, or get water," she said, "there's no need to waste firewood and boil water." Gu Qiming wasn't picky, so he now naturally paid attention to him.

Lin Xing's face became crimson. "I'm going to the next toroom to wash up and hurry up." He quickly ran to the kitchen to add water after saying that.

Gu Qiming didn't push it because he knew he was ashamed and reasoned that since it was summer and hot, he could just take a cold shower. He simply went to get a pail of water and poured it over his body because he was in good health and used cold water at home throughout the summer.

"Why is it so chilly, damn it?"

Gu Qiming was covered with goosebumps all over. Even though he couldn't feel the well water deeply with his hands because it was no better than tap water, he was unable to stand the sensation after he poured it straight on his body. Gu Qiming packed up his clothing and headed back to the house as he swiftly finished washing.

Gu Qiming was reflecting on his day as he lay in bed at night when he realised he had no longing for the modern world and wasn't eager to figure out a method to return.

He seemed to have been this way since he was a youngster. Everyone in the orphanage was anxious to adopt him when he was a child, but he decided it would be best to remain there. Later, he enlisted in the military and excelled there. Following his discharge, he adhered to a number of He and a friend co-founded a business, and he also had the most free time.

Simply take each day as it comes and get by.

He has always been this way.

The following morning, Gu Qiming rose early. He was required to perform set training routines each day in order to keep in condition.

He didn't anticipate, however, that Lin Xing would rise before him and begin cleaning the kitchen.

Lin Xing had the steamed buns ready as Gu Qiming returned from his morning run. Lin Xing only used a small amount of the white flour she had on hand to make four buns and a few vegetable nests. The buns lacked fat. Like the ones baked in restaurants, the white dough is incredibly plump.


Gu Qiming consumed. The bun was vegetarian, but he was unable to identify the dish. After just one mouthful, he only noticed that it was delicious and tender, and that his mouth was watering.

With a smile and an outstretched palm, Lin Xing pushed the other two buns towards him while holding one in his hand.

Following the dinner, the two left for the town while toting taro and bunnies on their backs.

Even though they set off early, they didn't get to the town until after Chen hour. They had been gone for more than an hour in total. Compared to what Gu Qiming had seen on TV, the street was busy with people coming and leaving.

All of the shops and vendors are located in the area to the south, which is known as Shiqiao Town's vegetable market. The booths are open and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Lin Xing located a vacant area and scattered taro and bunnies there. An egg vendor was standing close by. She likely had insufficient eggs to sell, so she made them available for purchase.

Lin Xing was next to Gu Qiming. Gu Qiming was so tall that he appeared to be a wall, despite the fact that their positions were undetectable. In addition, he was quite attractive, which attracted plenty of people at once. gaze.

"Young dude, you're really gorgeous! You are physically fit. Are you married?" Gu Qiming caught the eldest sister's attention as she was purchasing veggies. She had never before seen a man with such good looks.

Gu Qiming felt a bit humiliated. He had never received such a straightforward compliment. Unconsciously, he moved backward: "Mam, you are quite astute. Come check out our taros, why don't you? They had just come out of the fields. They are inexpensive and excellent."

"Yes, sister, come and have a look; fresh taro only costs fifteen cents per pound." hastened Lin Xing.

That woman's interest was captured right away. "Hey! Quintuple that! The time to catch up with the pork is almost here.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, while you can purchase pork every day, taro is not often grown. It won't be easy to locate after this crop. I don't have many folks here, as you can see.

Farmers dislike making the effort necessary to grow taro since it is difficult to do so. Purchasing is really challenging." The price of fifteen set by Lin Xing is not excessive.

"All right, then hand me a pound." After being washed, Lin Xing's taro is still clean and free of muck. It is obvious at first glance that it is solid.

"One pound, fifteen cents ; take it!" Taro was weighed by Lin Xing and then placed into the basket. He didn't need to wrap his taro because it was clean and the skin had been scraped off in bits when he cleaned it. take out.

The woman cheerfully left after paying the money without inquiring Gu Qiming about it.

In the morning market, there were lots of people selling veggies, but Lin Xing was the only taro stall there. He only made a few taros, and they were all gone quickly.

On the way, a person inquired about selling the rabbit. The price was obviously not cheap, but this rabbit was large. The woman who came to inquire ultimately had to give up since she was unable to decide.

The purchaser of the bunny was an elderly man. For a few days, he had been desiring this, but he had never seen it for sale. He promptly took the large rabbit after asking how much it cost.

Just let the family prepare it when he gets home so that everyone can enjoy it together that evening, perhaps with a glass of wine.

The two quickly entered the iron store after closing the stand. A worker must first sharpen his tools in order to perform his job well. He must acquire a few iron arrowheads.

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