After I pass away, I return to the day of my death just For one Day

After I pass away, I return to the day of my death just For one Day

Read Fantasy Oneshot Stories On T-novelodyssey.

The alarm rang repeatedly. 

"Hmm" I opened my eyes to find myself in my room. 

"why am I here?" 

I was compelled to scream. I ought to be dead. On October 16, 2023, around midnight, I passed away abruptly. I didn't realise I had passed away until after I entered the other world. 

I had a subarachnoid haemorrhage when I was just 40 years old, but no one noticed my dramatic change and called an ambulance because I lived alone, thus I passed away in my bed at home. 

I'm currently lying on that bed. I turned to look at the annoying beeping digital clock. 

It was Wednesday, October 16, 2023. 

What does it signify? 

A dream, perhaps? 

I prepared for my commute to work halfheartedly and left the house. 

I got to the closest station. (Wait, that day there was a motorcycle-car collision at this crossing.) 

The sound of abrupt braking then pierced the air. noise of collision. At the junction in front of me, a motorbike and a vehicle collided. 

The same as it had been that morning. I called my workplace and requested a day off since I had a fever before continuing to explore Shibuya. (Have I actually resurrected?) I pinch my cheek . 

It aches. Alive. It's not a nightmare. I also remember things from my time in the other world, though. The wealth and status you have collected over your lifetime have no value in this world, and neither can you carry them with you to the next. 

My accomplishments are seldom acknowledged to go back home with a lovely soul. 

I understood that this was the reason I was born and the evidence that I was still alive. But it was too late by the time I learned about it. (Can I repeat it?) I gave a headshake. (I'm mentally sick, so I'm sure this is some sort of fantasy or illusion.) 

"Don't be alarmed; you are not ill." The voice of a young woman jumped out at me. 

I circled back. 

No one is present. There wasn't someone like it anywhere I looked. I don't have a physical body, so even if you can hear my voice, you can't see me right now. 

Once more, I heard that voice. 

"Who?" "Angel." 

"Angel? How do I communicate with an angel?" Because you are already deceased, that is. 

After hearing her tale, I began to believe that she was my guardian angel and had been by my side ever since I was born. 

Moreover, it appears that my resurrection will only continue for one day, which is alarming. 

When the date changes, I will have to go from my body and ascend to heaven, just like I did when I first passed away. 


How did I resurrect myself?" "I'm not sure," "Why just one day?" 

I wouldn't tell you if I knew, even if I don't know. "Oh, Oh, Oh" I kept my head up. I'm not good at organising data. 

Passersby appear untrustworthy. They were quickly leaving when I raised my head to look at them. 

On the side of the road, a middle-aged man in a suit is humming to himself while sitting. 

He seems untrustworthy and is likely someone you don't want to get close to. "While you're wondering like that, your life will end." The angel spoke in a kind manner. "noisy" But she is correct. Today at 9:30 am. 

I'm just going to be here for another 14 hours and 30 minutes or so. Hey, when the date changes, am I really going to pass away?" 

"Yeah" "Are we really down to just 14 hours and 30 minutes?" "Yeah." I stood up. 

Where are you going, by the way? I left without responding to that query and went to the neighbourhood bank. 

This is not feasible, customer. After waiting for almost an hour, nothing else happened. I quickly made the decision to give away all of my assets to charity in order to purify my soul because I was aware that I could not carry any money with me into the hereafter when I died. 

They rejected, claiming that it would be difficult for him to terminate the contract on the same day and convert it into cash even though I claimed it personally and did not have my passbook or seal and had time deposits and investment trusts in addition to my standard savings account. 

I was forced to use an ATM to withdraw all of my funds, but because I had been using the same ATM card since I was a student, the daily withdrawal limit was 500,000 yen. 

Anyhow, I took out 500,000 yen in cash and left. After 11 a.m., it was already. What will you buy with that money?" "to give" Angel chuckled. 

Why are you laughing? 

They don't, in my opinion, believe that giving it will make their souls better. I didn't know what to say. It's hilarious, so I guess so. 

Angel erupted in laughter. 

Why are you laughing? 

Do you believe that money can wash your soul clean or that it can buy you a ticket to heaven? "..." Hey, do you want to die once, you moron? 

The angel continued to laugh high-pitched after saying that. Oh, you are already deceased, and today is the last day. 

"Are you laughing at me?" 

That's correct. 

"What did you learn from dying? 

You're an idiot. "Is giving money a waste?" "Sure," you say. 

"I remember in the afterlife that those who gave much in their lifetime went to heaven," 

You're true. 

Instead of giving to the poor out of genuine love, individuals who are in positions of power bribe them in exchange for favours because they simply want to be saved. 

Do you genuinely believe that the money you provide will help you?" "no" "Right?" I lowered my head in dismay. 

You squandered your valuable time, I see. Please give me a moment. A nice-looking young man in a navy blue suit cried out to me at that same moment. 

"What the heck is it?" Despite the fact that I am studying fortune telling, may I tell you what the future holds for you? "No, fortune telling doesn't interest me." "Because it is for educational reasons, it is free. Please. If 

I don't read your fortune, I'm in danger. "Why" The young man came over to me, softened his voice a bit, and spoke to me in a whisper. 

You're actually in a dreadful situation. I want to assist you because if I ignore people like you, my level will be diminished. "Do you comprehend?" I was unable to even say the next phrase: "I'm already dead." "Yes, would you want to speak in a quiet place?" 

Since it is said that a drowning person will clutch for a straw, I followed the man inside a nearby multi-tenant building after being reprimanded by an angel. was directed to a private space that resembled an interview space. "You're anxious." "Yeah" "Whatever you try, it doesn't work. Ylu are unsure of what to do. You must feel trapped. "Unquestionably true. 

Where did you learn that?" I recognise it. "What?" "You are under the influence of an evil spirit." When I heard that, I refrained from laughing. 

Well, like a pro, after all, I just came back from the spirit world this morning, there is a difference between spirits and humans living in this world, about the same as an adult and a toddler. 

"How does the spirit appear?" The teenager scowled. "Don't you feel afraid?" "Well, yeah. In addition, how does it appear? I assume you can see it. 

Please let me know. It has an aged, unattractive woman's appearance. That mental illness will prevent your life from going in the direction you want it to. 

"Hey. Do you have old age?" To an angel, I spoke. "Pardon me. That is untrue. But you know he's referring to you, right?" He is blind to everything. 

Simply stating what is in the instructions, he says. He works as a cult's recruiter. By claiming he will exorcise you, he will attempt to extract money from you. 

You are merely their close pal. hey" That's what I envisioned. "To whom are you speaking?" 

The young man asked, looking perplexed. It's the devil you claimed to be able to see. "Stupid." "Are you stupid? It is visible. I'm under its sway. 

I'm just conversing with it. You're in jeopardy. You'll get into a lot of problems if you don't exorcise yourself right away. 

So I take it you're urging me to give away everything? "I'm sorry, I can't say everything." Laughed. He is a sincere person. 

A group of black-clad men emerged from the back. It's starting to become a little problematic. But I'm unable to pardon those who steal from people's assets like they were consuming their life force while claiming to be from the Holy Spirit or other deities. 

The angel said. "What're you gonna do?" Say what I said, exactly. Do you understand? The leader is that chubby, glasses-wearing man in the middle. He is drawn in by the cult because his daughter is ill, and in order to rescue his daughter, he has evolved into the group's cash-cow. 

But the girl cannot be redeemed under such a false faith. Actually. The guru is lying about being able to bring his daughter back to life even though she is dead. "-_-" Then reiterate what I said to the chubby man. To "roger that" "Mr. Your daughter is sobbing in the hereafter, Koichiro Tanaka. 

Your daughter is sending you the message that follows. Please halt, Dad. The creator is not a real-life deity. He's merely a con artist. No longer trick others into paying you money. 

Don't participate in the evil that is occurring. Even if you manage it, I won't survive. Deb became bluish. "End it. I'm not sure where you found your research, but don't pull any odd pranks. 

What group do you participate in?" "Dad, this is me. If you have any doubts, I'll tell you a secret that only my father and I know. Do you recall what I just said, Daddy?" "Of course," I repeat myself: "No one knows about it. Okay, I'll say it again.

 I'm an only child, and my mom went back to heaven first, so it was only me and my dad in the hospital room at that time. "Remain committed to this bad play!" Deb drew nearer while tightening his hands. 

"I was glad to be my father's child by birth. I'm grateful. Deb's body trembled and his face twisted. "You're such a fool," I said. When I was playing with fire and nearly started a fire, Dad tried to save me and got burned on the back of his right hand, which made Mom very unhappy. 

Deb sobbed and knelt down. Dad, get out of that cult. I passed away by accident. Dad tried his best, but it wasn't his fault. I'm content to be with my mother in paradise. I'm mainly concerned about my father, though. If things go on like this, he can't come to where mom and I are. So, will you kindly stop? 

The young men who were surrounding him froze in shock. Deb's face was smeared with snot and tears. Saying "Let's go." My angel informed me. I was not stopped from leaving by the men in the room. "Huh. That shocked me. "Well." "Was this a righteous deed? I silenced the heretic and converted the evil. 

I would say that my soul has been greatly cleaned. "Bad news. It has no points. "W-why?" After all, I'm entirely to blame. I only spoke what I had to say. It resembles a smartphone exactly. Just a speaking tube, really. 

Therefore, a score of 0. "What is that?" you ask. First of all, simply because you came back to life for one day, it is difficult to settle your former life and purify your soul; instead, wouldn't it be more significant to do the things you regret before you die because you've come back to life? "Okay." Once I had decided, I boarded the train. 

What's your plan of action?" questioned the angel. "I'll carry out my plan" "Hmm." I arrived in front of the business at exactly 12 o'clock. I waited outside the structure for her to exit. 

After some time, she emerged. "Ms. Wakasugi" She was astonished when I called to her. "Mr. Kosaka. Didn't your cold keep you home today?" Truth be told, I'm taking a break. "Oh, dear" "Would you like to join me for lunch? Of course I'll make a purchase for you. 

I made Ms. Wakasugi drive me to a restaurant on the top floor of a nearby city hotel despite her apparent confusion. "For something like this to happen to me all of a sudden, I'm in trouble." Ms. Wakasugi's face was showing confusion. 

If I had one more chance, I would have admitted to her that I liked her and held her. I ignored it. I made a proposal to her and told her I wanted to keep making out with her in this hotel room as we ate a French lunch course. 

"You're such a fool," I said. I was leisurely strolling through Shinbashi an hour later. Is there a method to seduce you in that way? But I'm pressed for time. That doesn't exist, by the way. "I genuinely wanted to spend my final moments with her. 

That will always be the thing I regret. Ah, so many unsalvageable worldly demands. Old man with erotic tendencies. The phrase "that's enough" Naturally, the answer to my proposition was "no" because Ms.

 Wakasugi stood up and left the restaurant before the main course was served, claiming that his lunch break was gone. Oh, it's painful. I want to go away. It's alright. You've passed away already. 

"That's accurate." I randomly travelled on the Yamanote Line. How are we going to proceed? Already past 2:00 p.m. There are only 10 hours remaining. 

"That's accurate." I hazarded a guess as to what was left for me; the soul cannot be purged easy, and Mr. Wakasugi had rejected me. I was a father. Originally I've never wanted to have children. 

I like women, but I'm the kind of person who says no thanks to the children that are born as a result. Divorce is also caused by cheating. At the time of the divorce, I had an only daughter who was 10 years old, but my ex-wife took custody of her. 

After the divorce, he continued to pay child support, but he never met his daughter. I pulled out my phone, and the address for my ex-wife was there. Will you please meet my daughter? 

I could have just proceeded north on the Yamanote Line and changed trains along the way; my estranged wife and daughter reside in Saitama City. I made the decision to go home nevertheless and launched my smartphone's navigation when I came out of the ticket gate. 

I arrived in front of the outdated two-story apartment complex after 3:30 pm. A girl walked up from the other side while I stood in front of the flat, unsure of what to do. My daughter is here. They were our own offspring, like a combination of his wife when I was young and me when I was a student and divided by two, and even though I hadn't seen them in five years, I could tell at a look that she is linked by blood. "Dad?" Hualien, my daughter, seemed startled when she saw me. "ah" "You've matured." "Yeah" I had no idea what to say after that. 

How is your mum doing? "work" When will she be arriving home?" "I'm not sure. most likely between 10 and 11 o'clock." Is it actually so late?" "Yeah" Is this the case every time?" "Yes. She works both daytime and nighttime jobs. 

I had no idea she worked so hard. "What is Hualien doing up until then?" "I study at home while using my smartphone to play games." The question "Are you alone?" "Yeah" The question "What are you doing for dinner?" I eat whatever is available to me at home. 

Will you prepare food?" 

Hualien gave a head shake. frozen goods and cup noodles. I also take bread slices in my mouth. Do you have any cram sessions for classes or school? "Yeah" I was unaware that my daughter was living in such a manner. 

"What brought you here?" 

"No, I was merely nearby for work. I dropped by after work today because I had to get home immediately. "What? I assume you stopped by to see me. 

"That's not the case, though," "That's accurate. I can't expect something like that since I haven't heard from you in five years and you haven't visited me. "sorry" I quickly found myself seated on the ground. "what?" "I misled you. In reality, I didn't go to work today. 

Then, I had a sudden desire to see you, so I boarded the train and arrived here. Hualien erupted in laughter. "Did you take the day off? Seriously. I'm in disbelief. "I'm sorry about everything, Hualien. I apologise for being a bad father. "It doesn't matter right now." "That's accurate. Why don't we find a place and have tea? Let's indulge in some cake. "It's fine, but" I brought Hualien to a family-run eatery right outside the train station. 

I gave Hualien free reign to place her orders. I was initially perplexed before ordering some limited-edition Halloween candies. 

Hualien stumbled into a conversation about education and daily life. I constantly listened to it. "Let's eat right now." "Yeah" What would you want to eat? After pausing for a second, Hualien responded, "Sushi." 

Someone tugged on the sleeve of my suit as I was ready to enter a sushi bar in front of the station. "I'd rather go to a sushi restaurant with a conveyor belt than that kind of place." I took a taxi to a sushi restaurant with a conveyor belt nearby. I placed many orders and consumed many meals in Hualien. 

Don't you ever bring your mother to a location like this?" "She rarely brings me here." "Why? You should go to the conveyor-belt sushi restaurant since I send money home and your mother works a lot. She put down her chopsticks, Hualien. "Can we carry this out covertly?" "What?" "The subject I'll be talking about" "ah" 

"Absolutely" Do you understand? "Mommy's got a guy" "eh!?" "And a man of no use." What does it signify? The key aspect is that she is supporting a man who is unemployed. "Why?" 

That person doesn't have a keen sense of male beauty. Only unsuitable males attract her attention. Hualien spoke in a cautious manner. I suddenly came to the realisation that I was one of those bad men. 


Never mention what I told you to that person. It seemed like she had built a parent-child relationship with such a sense of remoteness, and before I knew it, her mother had become "that person." 

We had finished eating by the time it was eight o'clock. "I can't. It's been this long already. There will be problems if she returns home early and I'm not home because I have homework due tomorrow. Hualien's arms had burns and bruises, which worried me. 

So let's head home, I said. "Yeah" We remained silent the entire cab trip home. I also got out of the vehicle when we got in front of the flat. 

Hualien raised an eye to the window of the second-floor room. The windows had no light. "Good. There are no lights on. 

They still aren't at home. "Hualien" "I appreciate today. Fun was had. "Wait" This was the last goodbye. "what?" I'm sorry for being a bad father up until now, Hualien. But Hualien, I want to thank you for being my father's child. 

You might find it hard to believe, but Hualien is Daddy's first priority. Hualien suddenly gave me an embrace. "Daddy..." Hualien broke down in tears. I gave Hualien a hug. "That's accurate. 

Bring this along. I gave Hualien the entire amount of money in my wallet, which was still more than 400,000 yen. Such a large sum of money. "Don't mention this money to Mom. Keep it a secret. and spend it on whatever you want. "okay?" "Sure, " "It's past due. 

Before mum gets here, let's leave the area. "Wait! When can I next see you, Dad?" When I first heard those words, "Tonight I die, and I will never live to see my daughter again," I was speechless. 

Hualien appeared to have erred after observing my facial expression. "I apologise. It's annoying. 

You are unable to see me at this moment. "That isn't the case. Even if you leave me, I won't leave you. I still adore you more than anyone, even though you don't love me. "Really? Is it alright if I believe it?" "Sure, that. We'll talk again. I'm certain. "Yeah" 

However, I might not be able to see you right away. But your father will always be looking out for you. Do you understand? "Let's go, come on." After many glances back, Hualien entered her room on the second level of the apartment. 

I hailed a taxi and departed after making sure the lights were on in the flat. Just how far? Driver enquired. It's a sea. The ocean? But that's all so far. "I know. Do you accept credit cards?" "Yeah" "Therefore, there is no issue. I desire to view the ocean. What sea?" "Ah. Please locate a location where I can reach in about an hour because I don't have much time. 

"Then, what about Makuhari?" "That's okay," I arrived at Seaside Park in Makuhari's sandy beach one hour later. I was completely surrounded by the ocean's smell and sound. "What brought you here?" questioned the angel. 

I merely desired to see the ocean. That's it. There wasn't any response. "You remained silent while I met my daughter. Why remained silent?" The angel also remained silent. Well, that's all right. But ultimately, I'll come back to the hereafter as a sinful creature. Once more, I became conscious of my sinfulness. "Why" "because I am erotic," The angel held his laughter. "I guess sin in Christianity is having a sexual urge. 

According to Jesus, simply considering it in your heart will damn you to damnation. "So?" "I didn't take advantage of this chance at rebirth. Instead, I not only attempt to attract Ms. Wakasugi but also subject my daughter to such suffering. I couldn't help but start crying. "It's unavoidable. I'm here to tell you that simply being erotic is not illegal. "eh?" Sexuality is not wrong. 

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It makes sense. You've already lost your life, so take care. Did you go to hell because you committed erotic suicide before?" "no" "Right? If practising eroticism is a major crime, you would already be in hell and unable to escape in this condition. 

But a sexual inclination... "To start with. Life is the soul, and what we refer to as God is only pure life. Therefore, sexual activity that fosters life cannot be considered sin. 

So why do you consider anything so sexual to be sinful? "It's illegal to hurt someone through sex. More hurtful than having a knife stabbed into your arm is sexual assault. 

Because sex has a significant impact on both life and the soul. A physical crime is rape. It is an assault on the soul rather than someone else. It is a major offence because of this. But Christ would be damned if he looked into a woman's seductive eyes. 

That's it, I see. Jesus discussed how people can become completely divine while still existing in their bodily bodies. When you consider doing anything impure, it becomes noise and links you to the core of pure life. Because I won’t be able to do it.”

"I don't really understand what you're saying. What will happen if you synchronize with pure life?" "I can move mountains, calm storms, and cure diseases." "can't believe it" "Well, it's rare to be able to synchronize with God to that degree while living in a human body. Jesus' ideals are just too high." “Then what about me?" “If you go to hell just for being lewd, hell will already be over capacity and there will be no one in heaven.” 

"I see. But it was a waste of time to revive him." "Not really." "Is it so" "I can appreciate what you did to for your daughter daughter." "That's right. It was the right thing to give her the money because she was in such a pitiful state." “Yes, minus points.” "Eh" "Did you forget? You will be dead tomorrow. Your daughter is the only legal heir, so in a few hours all your assets will be hers." "Really" "In fact, if your ex-wife finds out about that cash, she'll get into trouble." 

I was disappointed. "But I'm glad you said those last words to her, and that you showed your love beyond just words. Knowing that you're loved is the strength to live. You gave her the strength to live. That's... It was very good for your soul." "thank you" "Also, it's good that we finally came to the sea. 

The sea is the source of life on this planet. We made the right decision to come here." I have felt the light of life disappearing from each of my cells. "It's about time." "Yeah" I felt my body floating into the sky like a balloon. 

When I looked down, I saw my corpse, wearing a suit, lying on the sand. "Time to go home." When I turned towards the voice, I saw a beautiful woman. “Was it you?” “I guess you can see because you separated from your body.” "Beautiful" she laughed. 

"I don't feel bad hearing you say that. I'm an angel and have never had a physical body, so I've never experienced love or sexual love in my own body, but I've always protected and watched over people. Do you know?” "I think I'm going to fall in love with you this time." "Since you've just left your body, it seems like your sexual desire remains as a remnant of your body." 

"That's a boring way to say it." "OK" "eh?" "Let's become one. And let's go home together." I intersected with her, who could be called a body of light, and became one with her. Then, like a meteor, it became a light flowing across the night sky.

You're saying something that I don't fully grasp. If you synchronise with pure life, what will happen? "I can stop storms, move mountains, and heal illnesses." 

"It's unbelievable," It's unusual to be able to synchronise with God to that extent while inhabiting a human body, I suppose. Jesus' standards are simply too high. "What about me, then?" Hell will be full and there won't be anyone in heaven if you go there merely for being obscene. 

"I see. But trying to revive him was a waste of time. "Not at all." Is it true? "I am grateful for what you did for your daughter," "That's accurate. She was in such a sad condition that giving her the money was the correct thing to do. 

The answer is "Yes, minus points." "Eh" Did you overlook? You'll pass away tomorrow. Since your daughter is the only legitimate successor, all of your possessions will pass to her in a short while. "Really" In fact, if your ex-wife learns about the money, she'll have problems. I felt let down. 


I'm delighted you said her those final words and that you showed her more than just words of affection. The power to live comes from understanding that you are loved. She had the will to live because to you. That's... It was incredibly beneficial to your soul. 

Saying "thank you" It's also fantastic that we've finally reached the ocean. Life on this planet originates from the oceans. Coming here was the correct choice for us. 

I can feel my cells' ability to sustain life fading away. "It's past due." I uttered "Yeah" as I felt my body soar upward like a balloon. I noticed my corpse, which was dressed in a suit, lying on the sand when I looked down. 

"Let's head home," I glanced in the direction of the voice and noticed a stunning woman. The question "Was it you?" 

"I suppose you can see now that you're no longer attached to your body." She chuckled, "Beautiful. "I don't find it offensive to hear you say that. 

I've never had a physical body because I'm an angel, so I've never experienced romantic or sexual love, but I've always looked out for and protected others. 

Are you aware? 

This time, I believe I will fall in love with you. Since you have just left your body, it appears like your sexual urge is still a part of it. That is a dull way to put it. "OK" "eh?" 

"Let's merge into one. then let's all head home together. She, who could be described as a body of light, intersected with me, and we merged into one. Then it changed into a light that moved through the night sky like a meteor.

The End

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