HNLBAPU by Little Carpenter Chapter- 1


His new life began after being picked up and carried home by a little carpenter

Chapter 1

"Bull_shit! I can't get rid of Them."

Someone's breathing and frantic footfalls could be heard echoing across the deep mountains. The flashlight's light continued to shine over his body. Gu Qiming swore and sprinted ahead without turning around.

He recently travelled to Jiangning for work, and during this trip, he dealt with a particularly challenging client.

He insisted on showing up for a night crawl after supper. The group of them had to agree to win the project, so they had no option but to swallow their pride. When they got to the mountain, they ran into a number of people they had previously upset.

Because Gu Qiming had greater physical strength than his coworkers, who mostly worked in the office, he believed he could take care of everyone by following a group of individuals. Who would have guessed that, in the end, he had someone tie him up covertly.

"You're fucking wonderful, you brat, aren't you?"

 Gu Qiming's chest was stepped on by the man with the ominous face. He gasped about seven or eight times in a row, which suggested that he was really exhausted.


"Li Biao, I wouldn't let you go if you couldn't kill me here today!" Stepping on him caused Gu Qiming to glare at him angrily. Despite the fact that he was the one who was plainly restrained, Li Biao I couldn't help but quake a bit.

"Fuck, you dare look at me like that!" Gu Qiming was struck by Li Biao once more, who then yelled,

 "Kill you? You have such a freaking good idea!"

"Gu Qiming, I am going to use your eyes to make up for hurting my arm."

He then grinned, pulled out the sashimi knife, and prepared to begin. Gu Qiming was presently waiting. He just scratched the rope with gravel and hung it in his palm, waiting for Li Biao to draw close while taking advantage of the darkness to do so.

Before anyone could react, he broke free from the rope and shattered Li Biao's wrist. He then took the knife and stabbed it right into the eyes. Four hands are stronger than two fists. There are numerous adversaries, and he is hurt. In an actual combat, he might not be able to prevail.

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"Ah, ah, ah! "Fuck him, run after him now!" Li Biao was in excruciating pain, his eyes were scratched, and he was perspiring heavily. He continued to curse out loud while also asking his people to go after Gu Qiming.

It was dark, making it challenging to see the path in the woods, and few people behind him were running after him. His lungs were getting increasingly worse as the wind whistled in his ears. He thought he could actually be stranded here this time as his feet were no longer under him.

"Hey! Brother, get up!"

Lin Xing arrived to get firewood in the mountains east of Linjia Village's village. There was nearly no more wood available for cooking at home. He arrived early to cut some wood, then left early to go to town throughout the day.

Unexpectedly, He noticed a person laying beneath the tree. He thought someone had thrown the body into the mountain. He discovered that the person was still alive after checking my respiration. Nothing distinguished this place from the village. In the mountains, there was little chance of coming across a wild animal, yet he couldn't pass up such a large live thing.

Gu Qiming opened his eyes to see the young man slapping his face frantically in front of him. The young man unwind as he noticed that he had finally awakened.

"Why are you by yourself in the mountains," Lin Xing asked as he picked up the firewood. 

"You've been lying here for a while. Are you alright?"

Gu Qiming had only ever seen linen clothing on television, but the person in front of him was wearing it. He appeared to be in his late teens or early twenties. It was simple people to relax their guard around him because of his little size and anxious expression.

After giving it some thought, he muttered, " name is Gu Qiming. Something happen at home. I travelled from my home to be with my family, but they refused to acknowledge me. I wanted to get a something to eat in the mountains as I was travelling by. I unexpectedly passed out from hunger."

Gu Qiming became aware that he shouldn't still be in the original universe when he opened his eyes. This mountain's trees were enormous and towered into the clouds. The mountain he was in at the beginning was not at all this one.

He broke in here without any prior notice out of concern for his survival.

Lin Xing realised. He couldn't help but feel sympathy for him because it appeared that he was also destitute.

"My name is Lin Xing . I'm from Lin's Village, which is at the base of a mountain. Would you like follow me back to the village? The mountains are not safe. You can have dinner with me ."

The firewood he had just picked up was tied up. Due to unexpected encounter he couldn't pick up a lot , only enough to last a few days.

Taking Gu Qiming out initially is more crucial since being hungry is bad.

Gu Qiming clung to the tree as he got to his feet. Despite wearing rough clothing, the young man in front of him was nonetheless elegant. He was very tall and had slightly arched brows, which made him appear remote to others. He had a pair of round, adorable cat eyes, though, and people couldn't help but approach him.


He was followed by Gu Qiming, who was wearing a jacket. He was nearly a head taller than Lin Xing and extremely tall. People could easily feel repressed.

Gu Qiming was wearing clothing that Lin Xing had never seen before. It didn't resemble the attire that the Qing people frequently wore. He worries that only the caravans of traders have seen these kinds of garments.

"My house is in the extreme west, yet a ways from the mountain's base. Do you have energy to walk ?"

"Fortunately, after taking a nap, I feel considerably better. "

Gu Qiming was truthful. He tumbled from the cliff, yet he sustained no fractures. Except for being a little hungry, he had no issues when he woke up.

"What are your plans after leaving the mountain?"

"First, get a job. I have hands and feet, therefore I won't die of starvation. I really can't go back because my house was destroyed. I have nowhere to go right now."

"You can stay at my house if you really have no other option. Since nobody is home, I'll definitely reduce your rent payment."

Lin Xing felt a twinge of pity for Gu Qiming as he was also alone. He didn't have any elders at home, lived alone, and wasn't concerned about community gossip. After all, those people had already spread enough rumours about him. He couldn't bear to see someone strolling around, despite the fact that it's an strange encounter.

It couldn't be much better, according to Gu Qiming. The young man in front of him was the first person he encountered here because he had arrived. Lin xing was king enough to take him in .

He wasn't trying to use people for his own gain. Since he had grown up in the country, he was aware that farming was the most important occupation. Although he lacked any additional strength, he was still fairly powerful and capable of carrying out heavy duties for others.

They were in constant communication, so it wasn't long before they reached the village.

Gu Qiming look at the lovely rice fields and all-thatched homes with yellow mud walls in front of him. His eyes seemed to suddenly become brighter, and the sensation was somewhat reminiscent of peach blossom spring. Since it was still early, they only encountered a few villagers. Gu Qiming was cautious about how many people saw him since something might happen.

"My home is in the west, and my father planted a loquat tree at the door."

Lin Xing pointing to a small courtyard nearby.

When Lin Xing's father got married, he built a house. Due to his marriage to Lin xing's mother, he had some conflicts with the family and eventually moved away to live by himself. Relationship with the family improved when his father advanced in rank and began working as a carpenter in the community. Just that his father made bed cabinets at the home of a wealthy guy in a different village. On the way, there was an unexpected accident. He was defrauded of his money by the gangsters. In addition, he was also killed by being beaten and thrown down a cliff.

"Lin Xing!"

Gu Qiming and Lin Xing arrived at the door of the house and noticed two men standing there. They addressed Lin Xing without even turning to face him and remarked, "You're back. You wouldn't be able to notice this door of your house if you were a little late."

---Damn it, why the hell they decided to come today.

Lin Xing made some mental expletives as he noticed his two idiot brothers standing in front of his house. His hands were trembling slightly under his sleeves, but he didn't show it on his face.

He attempted to calm himself down while repressing the want to act and calmly asked, "What do you want?" 

"You are a part Of our Lin family. So We came to see you.

 The man spoke while trying to tug Lin Xing's sleeves and had an disgusting grin on his face.


Gu Qiming seized the individual who made the move and violently wrenched it back, snapping as she did so. He most likely broke the person's hand this time.

"Ahhhhhh...! Let go!" With cold perspiration pouring down his cheeks, Lin Hao collapsed to his knees in agony. He had the impression that the person in front of him was about to rip his hand off.

"What the hell are you looking for? "

Gu Qiming grabbed the person's arm and gave it a firm squeeze, showing no mercy at all.

Lin Qing had intended to assist when he saw Lin Hao being detained, but when he saw Gu Qiming's fierce expression, he was so terrified that he still dared to act.

He could only stammer a reply.  

"I'm Lin Xing's brother, you see. Our relatives told us to visit him."

After releasing Lin Hao's hand, Gu Qiming became irritated and kicked him once again while yelling angrily, "Now that you've finished seeing, get out of here."

He turned around to face Lin Xing after observing the two of them being petrified to death.

He didn't anticipate, however, that when he turned around, he would see the child with eyes as red as rabbits and tears still welling up in them. Gu Qiming had a strong tugging at his heart.

"Are you okay?" He swiftly approached him to provide comfort. 

"Did I frighten you?"

Gu Qiming felt bad for hitting too hard just now. When he made movements, he frequently ignored individuals. In the previous two days, he had hit twice in quick succession, but he wasn't sure if that had alarmed Lin Xing.

"No." Lin Xing shook his head and said, "They are relatives' kids, and they frequently cause trouble. I've never been able to stop them, though. I appreciate you today."

"I'm glad I didn't frighten you. They might not let it go that easy, I'm afraid."

Gu Qiming considered the two people's appearance and realised they were undoubtedly difficult to cope with.

Gu Qiming was invited inside the home by Lin Xing after opening the door. His home didn't have many rooms. Two side rooms and three main rooms were present. The house attached to the west was initially built by his parents for his younger siblings because he had always resided in the east residence. Since then, it has been vacant despite being completely equipped. Initially, his father made numerous wooden beds and cabinets for the home. The house is constantly spotless thanks to his years of cleaning.

"You can stay in this room, "

Lin Xing told Gu Qiming as he was being led to an empty room. 

"This room is clean . I'm going to make food. I haven't eaten since I've been too busy all morning."

After finishing his sentence, Lin Xing went to the kitchen while still holding the firewood he had acquired earlier. He often ate breakfast at midday and another supper around sunset. People in the village typically live in this manner.

But he had to make the food fast because Gu Qiming was surely starving after spending so much time in the mountains.

Gu Qiming removed his rucksack and placed it on the table after Lin Xing had left. In the closet was a folded quilt. On such a hot day, you only need to cover it with two quilts, which you can then dry in the sun. In the yard, bamboo poles have been erected. For a little while, you can let it soak in the sun.

"I have to admit that homes back then were much roomier. There were many square metres in just this room. The house had only a few pieces of furniture, but they were all built of solid wood and appeared to be sturdy and long-lasting.

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