She was made a stand-in bride for a margrave who is said to be odd, but she is content because her loving husband cooks warm meals for her.


She was made a stand-in bride for a margrave who is said to be odd, but she is content because her loving husband cooks warm meals for her.

Author: shinobu

Alternative Name :変人と噂される辺境伯の身代わり花嫁となりましたが、実は優しい旦那様のつくるあたたかい食事のおかげで幸せです

Plot: A member of an earl's family, Henrietta has always been the target of bullying from her bright and outgoing younger sister Isabella. The margrave Matthias spots Isabella at a party one day, and he makes a marriage proposal to her. Henrietta ends up getting married in Isabella's place, nevertheless, because Isabella is attempting to get engaged to His Royal Highness, as per the intentions of her parents. It's said that Matthias is a freak. Although Henrietta, his wife, is anxious, Matthias treats her with respect. Why was Matthias seen to be strange? He was referred to as "unlike a nobleman" because he handled everything on 

his own.

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She was made a stand-in bride for a margrave who is said to be odd, but she is content because her loving husband cooks warm meals for her.

At dinnertime, it took place.

"Who would want to propose marriage to you, sister? Why don't you just marry the margrave instead, yes, that's a great idea."

The clarity with which my sister Isabella had expressed it almost made me dizzy.

Isabella, unlike me, is gregarious, intelligent, and perceptive, it's true.

We only resemble each other visually, Isabella and I. She has loose waves in her reddish blonde hair and delicate pink eyes on either side of her face.

Despite the fact that our faces are similar in height and form, I have droopy brows and struggle to smile, unlike Isabella, who constantly exudes confidence.

My younger sister has wanted to marry the crown prince ever since I can remember.

We didn't anticipate the margrave, who had seen Isabella for the first time at a party, to send his marriage proposal to her, though.

The reputedly eccentric Margrave Matthias-sama showed up at the dinner party the other day for the first time in a number of years.

It appears that my sister spoke to Matthias-sama as a social courtesy, but it appears that it touched Matthias-sama.

Just after midday today, my earl's family unexpectedly received a letter of marriage proposal.


"Isabella is fantastic; she's even considering Henrietta's future, so that's nice."

Father stroked his handsome beard and repeatedly nodded.

"Well, won't it upset Matthias-sama if I do anything like that?""

"There won't be any issues. Just say that your sister's secretly chosen fiancé can wed you rather than your sister, and that's it."

"The Lord would be pleased if he married a woman almost ten years younger than him, and our family would be pleased too. A connection has been made, and it's beneficial for both parties. It's a great story. Isn't he 28 this year? To start with, he's a man who's had many engagements fall through the cracks."

Unbelievably, Isabella and Father were being serious.

I suddenly found myself getting married to a margrave.

A mountainous, remote region that is located far to the north of the royal city.

A setting that could genuinely be referred to be a border might be found after going for a few days from the earl's area, which has a mild climate and is pleasant to spend time in.

I started sneezing when I exited the carriage since the air was a little chilly.

Isabella is correct in what she said. No one ever proposed to me for marriage, even after I turned 19.

A fatal weakness in the social realm is a poor ability to communicate with others. Even during nighttime gatherings, I find it difficult to engage people in meaningful conversation, and lately I've even avoided doing so.

I'm worried to death about whether I can marry someone who is said to be odd.

I said hello to the earl's driver and watched the carriage go.

It was expected that no members of the earl's family would follow. Nobody, in my opinion, would travel this far for me.

I made it to the door while toting the sizable bag that had been presented to me as a wedding present in both hands.

I say, "Hello, hello."

There was no answer when I tried to knock on the lion-shaped door knocker.

I want to return home.

My emotions came through in what I said. Even if I returned right away, there wouldn't be a spot for me.

Or, more specifically, what should I do if Matthias-sama wants me to divorce him because he doesn't like me? Should I start researching the monastery right away? I became increasingly anxious as I continued to think about it.


"Traveling all the way takes a lot of work!"


I straightened up when a loud voice cried out to me.

A courageous man dressed in work attire was standing there with a smile on his face when I hesitantly turned around. He appears to be holding a huge agricultural instrument in his hand.

"You can rest until dinnertime."

"Ah, uh…?"

"I'm Margrave Matthias, and you're Lady Henrietta, right? "

I continually nod in agreement.

Nevertheless, he is very different from the picture of a margrave I had in my head.

skin that has sunburns. His cheeks are covered in muck.

Glossy black hair is pulled back into a bun and peeks out from beneath a hat with a large brim.

His eyes are a pale green tint, which is uncommon in the royal city. He shone, and... dazzling. I can't look away from him.


While being away from home could make you feel lonely, know that because you came to live with me, I will take good care of you.

In his approach, Matthias-sama makes broad strides.

He has a powerful build, which can be a little frightening for a woman who isn't used to guys.

Right away, Matthias-sama extended his hand. Evidently, he desires a handshake.

"Thank you very much."

He grinned warmly and flashed his pearly whites as I was able to reach out and shake his hand.

"Let the maid show you around as your room is also prepared."

"My name is Lulu, and I'll be looking after Henrietta-sama going forward. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."

Before I knew what was happening, a chubby woman was in front of me.

Is she near in age to my mother? Matthias-sama's uniform was the same as the woman who was introduced as my maid's.

"Please come inside. I'll take your things."


The mansion's inside was constructed similarly to a count's mansion, however it is one size larger. I felt a little relieved when I could finally see anything resembling what I was used to seeing.

Lulu-san halted as I was making my way down the corridor on the second floor when I arrived.

"Lady Henrietta's room is next door, and this is the Master's room."

When I managed to open the door and entered, I discovered a room with a bed, a table, some chairs, and a chest of drawers that was slightly bigger than my parents' room.


I abruptly lost my voice.

My favorite color is pale white, and they are all that color. 

""Unfortunately, Master has no idea what women want, so I felt it was a little unfortunate, but all the maids arranged for the furniture. I'm honored that you're happy.""

"Thank you; I'm really happy."


"Then, as master has instructed, please get some rest before supper. Master is looking forward to the welcome party for Lady Henrietta."

My head cocked. Lulu-san then exclaimed with joy.

By the way, Master enjoys cooking and is right now gathering vegetables for the meal.

"...The Lord himself?"

"Straight to the Lord. He also works with livestock and fishes. He's skilled at milking as well."

Food is plentiful on the table.

entire chicken roasted. Pies made of meat and herring. like nothing else, steam is rising.

Sandwiched between thin slices of bread are vegetables, and vibrant fruits have decorative toppings.

I could only whisper as I was led to my seat.

Although they clarified that his hobby is cooking, the scenario was more intense than I had anticipated. Even in the earl's home, I've never seen such a dish.

"Really, all this...?"

I usually do everything on my own, however I believe I cut the decorations well considering it was my first time. What do you think?

Matthias-sama appears serene and lovely in his new aristocratic clothes. He has bold eyebrows and a face that exudes confidence.

We communicated in a similar manner, even though he seemed to have changed from when we first met.

Even more astonishing, food was on the table for every single servant.

"We all eat dinner together as a family, regardless of social standing."

People who work with Margrave are assembling one after another just as he said.

When Lulu took a seat next to me, I felt a little relieved.

As soon as everyone was present, Mathias-sama got up. I hurry to stand up as well.

"Let me present you to Henrietta; she will be my wife. Everyone worked hard today."



"How lovely!"

As I hear people shouting out to me one after another, I start to feel a little ashamed.


"I'm grateful,"

"Thank God for his blessings, and now let's eat. Cheers!"

The roasted chicken was chopped into pieces and had a crunchy, flavorful outside and a soft, sweet interior.

The pie has so many components that eating it makes you feel full. Even though it was my first time eating herring pie, it didn't smell fishy, and I quickly became addicted to it. The minced beef in the meat pie was huge and lumpy.

The unexpected texture contrast between the fluffy bread and the crisp leafy vegetables was not a problem for me to eat.

I followed everyone's advice and ate continuously.

Even though I was full, my stomach did not pain.

"I've never eaten this much in my life," the speaker said.

Are you good at getting up early? Let's cook a feast tomorrow morning as well.

In response to Mathias-sama's query, I nodded.

Before the sun even rises in the morning.

The poultry enclosure behind the mansion was where Mathias-sama took me.

I had never seen a chicken coop before. He makes a forceful head movement. It's chaotic and boisterous.

It's also a little spooky.

Mathias-sama beams with laughter.

The newly deposited eggs will be located, and you can pick them up with your other hand. "Don't be afraid. Gently put your hand under the sitting chicken and lift it up."

I try to do it without difficulty, but as the chicken's round eyes fix on me, I find it difficult to move.

I wasn't reprimanded, even though I was helpless.

"Miss Henrietta, extend your hand to me."

Matthias-sama then put an egg on my hand.

... It is warm.


"Get used to it, Let's use these eggs for breakfast now."

Numerous individuals could easily fit in the kitchen due to its size. Large devices that I have never seen before are also present.

Matthias-sama cleans his hands before donning an apron. For me, an apron was also created.

"Heat up a cast-iron skillet, and fry some fried eggs."

Breakfast appears to be something that everyone must prepare and consume on their own, unlike dinner.

All of the margrave's regulations are opaque.

"Let's grill some bacon I just smoked the other day, the flavor of the fat will make the fried eggs even more delicious," the man said.

The large bacon is gleaming.

Mathias-sama sliced the bacon into bite-sized pieces and placed them on the hot frying pan with skilled hands.


Bacon cooking may be heard and smelled rising. With one hand, break the egg, then pour the yolk into the empty space in the frying pan.

"Would you like to give this a try?"


"Since this is your first time, use both hands. To crack the egg, strike it against a flat surface. By forcing the crack open from side to side with your thumb, the contents will suddenly and violently fall out. That is correct! You performed well. Momentum is essential because if you move too slowly, shell fragments will be incorporated."



Egg cracked. For me as well? not believing it.

No matter what I tried to do, I was continuously told that I couldn't do it well.

"Let's toast the bread we had left over from yesterday and spread it with butter."

"Maybe Mattias-sama made the butter too?"

"That's correct, to be precise, everyone."

When Matthias-sama pulled out two seats, I realized why the kitchen was so big.

You can even eat in the kitchen in this building.

I'm grateful for God's grace.

Itadakimasu, thank you.


I began to question whether the bacon and eggs I had been consuming were false.

Bacon tastes pleasant, has no smell, and is not greasy.

You can nearly eat the yolk when it explodes in your mouth because it is so rich.

Matthias-sama grinned at me as I was chewing.

"Do you want to stay here?"

""Yes, but...""

The anxiety I have won't ever go gone.

"I don't have the cheerfulness of my sister Isabella, and Matthias-sama proposed to marry her, right? Should I be the one who is Matthias-sama?"

I can't say that, even though we resemble each other.


"Have your sister ever baked anything?"


The conversation abruptly shifts, and I tilted my head.

"I've never seen Isabella create desserts; she prefer to nteracting with people."

"Oh, I see. There's no issue."

Softly grinning, Matthias-sama.

"Henrietta, will you marry me ?"

Unbecoming for a margrave, the wedding was uncomplicated.

I recently made a church commitment of enduring love to Matthias.

In front of God, there occurred the first kiss.

In any event, it shrinks when it is exposed to too many eyes, therefore it was preferable for me to keep it little.

I didn't feel lonely even though no one from my family was there.

I learned a lot from Mathias-san.

not just how to gather chicken eggs but also how to fish and milk a dairy cow.

How to walk in the mountains and lay traps.

how to manage hives of bees.

We toiled in the fields on bright days, and we covered the fields on stormy days.

When we went on walks, he always held my hand. Even though I was initially terrified by his large palm, I now realize that he takes excellent care of me.

Additionally, we always shared breakfast and dinner.

Matthias-sama is a knowledgeable cook.

White bread that has just been baked hasn't yet absorbed any moisture, therefore it's better to eat it cold as a snack. Thinly sliced and paired with cheese, sour black bread is believed to taste best.

When I was finally able to consume them, I was pleased.

"I'll show you how to make jam when the fruit on the trees ripens."


"Jam! I'm really excited about it."

Despite eating a lot, I didn't gain as much weight as I anticipated because I was active most of the day.

Still, Lulu exclaimed joyfully.

"Your skin is more radiant than when you arrived here!"

I learned a lot from all of the servants as well.

Really, I'm... I'm delighted I traveled to this border region.

In a single day.

Matthias remarked to me while we were strolling along the river:

"Could you please bake me some cookies?"

I've heard that the next time, he'll be subject to a border patrol examination. They want to utilize it as an emergency ration because it will take several days.

If I see the cookies, I'll remember even if I can't meet Henrietta, and if I run out, I'll be more motivated to go home early.

"Oh, I see now."

The chat I had the day after arriving in the frontier region came to mind.

I was told by Matias-sama that doing that in place of Isabella was fine. I don't know he was discussing marriage or baked goods at the time.

Does it signify anything at all?

flour, sugar, butter, and eggs. Ingredients are all sourced from the frontier region.

I've never made something specifically for someone before.

Even if I did make friends, neither Isabella nor my parents were interested in playing with me because I had no pals.

After softening the butter, combine it with sugar.

"Add the eggs a little at a time; if you add them all at once, they will crumble."

Making something for someone else may be enjoyable, something I had never idea.

The kitchen fills with a lovely, delicious scent.

Since it had been a while, I was a little anxious, but I was able to shape the cookie and offer it to Mathias-sama.

In a can of cookies.

I had never seen Matthias-sama before because of how badly his face was damaged.


Then I'll leave and beg you to remain.

"Yes, kindly exit."

Then, Matthias-sama embarked on his expedition with hefty stuff.

I got to spend some time alone for the first time since I arrived in the frontier region.

The dish seemed flavorless for some reason.

I'm no longer terrified of fishing bugs, and I can now pick up chicken eggs.

Despite the fact that every servant was courteous to me.

The absence of Matthias-sama at this time is unsettling.

He brings back memories of how important he was in my heart.


After a couple days.

Afternoon rain soon became a downpour after it had just begun.

In the distance, I can also hear thunder rumbling.

I close my eyes as the sky appears to be split by the light.

"Should we take a break right now?"

Lulu offers an idea.

The window is being battered by the rain. There are no indicators that the thunder will stop.

I get a sense that this has occurred before. At the time, Matthias-sama was present.

That field, indeed, is...

I gathered my business attire and headed outside.

Then Lulu-san rushes over to me.

It's risky to venture outside in this rain, what's wrong?

However, if we don't cover the fields, the crops will perish.

She must stay indoors because Henrietta is more important than the crops.


One of Mattias-sama's favorite things is the field.

I cannot afford to make a mistake.

The things that matter to Matthias-sama are things I wish to treasure.


--I believed that if I accomplished that, I would be able to believe that it would be acceptable for me to be present rather than Isabella.

'"I'm leaving."

"Lady Henrietta, wait just a moment!"

I released Lulu-san's hold on me and leaped outside into the downpour.

Downpour of rain. It completely muffles all other sounds, just like screaming.

My work clothes quickly became wet. Poor visibility and a strong breeze were both present.

The leaves that were sprouting from the ground had been mowed down when I finally made it to the field by kicking the muddy, heavy earth.

Every time I dropped somewhere, my shoulders shook from the wonder of the thunder's light and roar.


I can't be afraid. I clench my teeth and continue. Even though it took some time, I was able to take a waterproof piece of cloth with both hands from a nearby shed and cover the field cover.

"did it……!"

I'm happy to have worked with Matthias-sama in the past.

Even I could be of assistance.

My first time crying happy tears. However, it eventually blended in with the rain.

Nevertheless, the rain has made my entire body feel heavy and damp.

I walked back into the hut and decided to relax until I felt better and then go home.

Matthias-sama is not a weirdo or a bigot. He is a really kind and sincere individual.

It was only a hearsay that he was a freak. Everyone is free to say whatever they want because nobody wants to know about Matthias-sama.

What should I change to become someone deserving of him?


Is it the rain that's causing me to have such dismal thoughts?


Then, probably as a result of my constant thoughts about Matthias-sama, a phantom appeared in the hut.


"How irrational,"

For some reason, Matthias-sama seems to be going to cry. He came up and gave me a tight hug.

I finally understood that it wasn't an illusion since it had just the right amount of power to avoid hurting me.

"Matthias-sama? You've come back?"

"I didn't expect it to be Henrietta when I saw a figure I noticed on the way home walking toward the fields, but..."

"Was I of any help?"

"Ah, that's great, thanks. But, please, don't act too hastily, in case something bad occurs to you."

I'm happy that I was able to assist Matthias-sama.

The instant I considered that, Matthias-sama's voice grew ethereal.


"What should I do as a margrave if I don't find a wife right away?"

I went to the evening celebration reluctanly because I was being pushed harder by my great-uncle, the king, to get married soon.

That's not to say they haven't talked about getting married, but each time they called off the wedding, stating they didn't want to do farming or raising livestock anymore, and I feared I would be alone for the rest of her life.

The young girl who talked to me while I was standing lazily by the wall presented herself as a member of the earl's family.

"My older sister Henrietta is more sombre than quiet, yet she shares my appearance completely."

She kept talking about herself while mentioning her sister.

Why do aristocrats put so much effort towards degrading others in order to elevate themselves?

I don't know what gives some people the confidence to dismiss even their own immediate kin with such calmness.

"She's quiet and doesn't talk much, Sister Henrietta. She dislikes nightclubs and has been missing for a while. She is a simple woman who stays away from the flashy scene."

What had he done wrong in approaching her with a marriage proposal despite the fact that he had been interested in her from the start?



I opened my eyes to find a well-known ceiling.

"Do you feel okay?"

"Matthias-sama. This is what?"

The reason was that I had collapsed inside the hut.

I had a fever when I was transported to the mansion and spent two days in bed.

"It's likely that you're still not feeling well. Sit down and rest.""

Mathias-sama pats my head when I lift my arms.

Milk porridge was prepared. Just eat some of it; you don't have to force yourself to complete everything.

It was a warm bowl of milk porridge.

I used a spoon to scoop it up and put it in my mouth.


It's warm and has a joyful taste, just like Matthias and this mansion.

My cheeks were flushed with tears.

"What happened?"

It's understandable why Matthias-sama feels frightened.

"I frequently receive criticism for failing to grasp a woman's heart. But Henrietta, I want to treasure you for the rest of my life because I love you so much. This is my honest, genuine sentiment, just as I promised God. I have to get better. Please let us know if there is anything that needs to be done."


Mathias-sama's eyes are a bright, clear green when they gaze at me.

Larger tears start to fall and land on the palm of my hand.

"In exchange, let's share and spread the joys and joys; that's how we can live together. I will take on all your suffering and pain."

Matthias smothers my sobs.

"...I want to be here with you too."

I asked, "Did you finally tell me?"

Matthias-sama then grinned with satisfaction and gave me a hug.

"Henrietta, you are my love."

I hesitantly reached out to touch Matthias-sama's back.

In the warmth, something appeared to be gradually melting away.

"I also adore you, Matthias."

And like you, I want to develop into a person who can experience your warmth.

At this location, always.

Yes, I made a heartfelt vow.

The End

Thanks For Reading. 🐿️

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