Sibling of the petite mermaid

 Sibling of the petite mermaid

Author: Sen Hara

人魚の姫 その1

A narrative centered on the vendetta of the little mermaid's sibling against the prince.


 Sibling of the petite mermaid

"Now, with this dagger, you must pierce your beloved prince's chest! Then you'll transform back into a mermaid and join us!"

We relinquish our precious locks and extend the dagger, a gift from the sea witch, to our younger sister. It had been a while since we'd last seen her, and she appeared unwell, devoid of any aspirations. It seemed she had reconciled herself to her impending demise.

My sister, who couldn't utter a word, struggled desperately to convey something.

(You'll be rescued, don't worry.)

I stretched my body to the very edge of the sea, presenting the dagger to my sister once more. With a trembling hand, she accepted it while floating in the sea, paused for a moment, then made her way back to the chamber. I was certain that after this, she would make her way to the room where the prince slumbered.

"Now that child is safe from harm."

Our hearts filled with joy as we leaped together, envisioning a future of tranquility alongside her sister.


Yet, as the days turned into weeks, my sister remained absent.

"It's strange. The sun is already high in the sky."

"Something might have befallen that child."

We shared our concerns, anxiously discussing my sister's well-being.

"Perhaps she didn't employ the dagger."

Someone's words caught us off guard, prompting us to hastily swim beneath the Sea Witch, who held unparalleled knowledge of the sea.

"What happened to my sister?"

We fearlessly ventured into the eerie and foreboding cave, the abode of the sea witch.

"Ah, lovely girls. Back again, I see. Your little sister has transformed into sea foam and vanished. Such a foolish girl, to squander her life for a prince," the witch chortled, shocking us. We had never imagined that our sister would sacrifice herself for the prince.

"Um, Sea Witch, is there any way to bring my sister back to life?" one of us implored, raising our voice in desperation.

The witch responded with a wicked laugh. "How can one restore what has become sea foam? Even I cannot reverse such a transformation."

"No way..." We stood in stunned silence, surrounded by the cackling witches.


Alone, I made my way back to the submerged castle. Sequestered in my chamber, I wept silently, concealing my tears beneath the depths of the sea, reminiscing solely about the cherished moments shared with my dear sister. Despite my profound grief, a lively voice from the surface reached even the depths of the sea.

(My sister is gone, what's all this noise? It's a disrespect to the departed.)

Outraged, I propelled my fins toward the ocean's surface, determined to discover the source of the commotion. Upon breaching the surface, I beheld people merrily dancing and laughing aboard a boat.

(What could possibly warrant such celebration?)

Intrigued, I drew nearer to the vessel and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Oh, this is incredible! Who would have thought that the one who saved the prince's life is a princess from a neighboring kingdom? It seems destiny has ordained their union."

(She saved his life...the prince...married...wasn't he the one my sister adored?)

I cautiously peeked out from beneath the ship until I was hidden from view, studying the expressions on people's faces. Among them, I noticed a man with peculiarly striking features, standing beside a woman in a white gown, both beaming at the crowd.

(How can he smile when my sister is gone...)

Fury welled up within me, and I struck the sea's surface in frustration before plunging back into its depths. It was the only way to prevent my body from withering away from anger.

(I can't forgive him! He doesn't even know my sister saved his life and seems so content without comprehending her feelings!)

I swam unrestrained through the cerulean sea, my crimson form ablaze with rage.

(I won't forgive you! Never!)


Subsequently, the sea in the realm where the prince resided grew tempestuous, causing navigation to become increasingly treacherous. Strangely, only vessels hailing from the prince's homeland and the neighboring kingdom of his wife seemed to be affected by the turbulent sea barriers.

This sparked conversations among sailors.

"What's happening? The sea's been unruly since their wedding day."

"Yeah, and they say only our prince and princess's ships suffer... huh?"

In hushed tones, people began to speculate that the marriage between the prince and the neighboring kingdom's princess was ill-fated. As is often the case, rumors flourish when they're unfavorable. The tale spread among sailors through word of mouth, eventually reaching the royal palace.

"This is preposterous, utterly ridiculous," the prince scoffed upon hearing it. However, the king didn't share his sentiment.

"It's undeniably peculiar that the sea has been tumultuous in the days following the wedding. The sea is our life's essence. We cannot dismiss these speculations," the king remarks, leading him to decide on a ritual.

"Father, are you truly considering this?" inquires the prince.

"As a prince, you should grasp the importance of alleviating the people's concerns as much as possible."


The prince remains unable to come to terms with it. He despised the notion that his marriage was seen as unfortunate.

"This is the choice we must make."

Reluctantly, the king imparts this to his resistant son.


As the day of the ritual arrives, the sea continues to rage relentlessly, showing no signs of relenting. Meanwhile, the priest offers prayers and sacrifices to the tempestuous sea, and we all join in, hoping for the turbulent waters to calm.

Thirty minutes pass after the sea offering, and at that point, most believed the ritual had failed, for there was no apparent change in the sea. Then, unexpectedly, thunder resounds, and a brilliant beam of light forms in a straight line across the sea. Soon after, waves emerge, not even large enough for twenty people, and something gradually ascends. The sea churns and swirls, water splashing with a resounding crash.


The abrupt transformation of the sea terrifies the onlookers.

Subsequently, the mermaid's father, the King of the Sea, emerged. Upon learning the truth from his daughter, he became just as incensed as she was towards the prince, who had disregarded the life of the Little Mermaid. Without hesitation, he volunteered for the task. The king fixed his gaze towards the people and remained steadfast.

The humans were petrified by the sea king's wrathful countenance, rendering them speechless.

"I am the ruler of the sea, and we are indignant. Therefore, the sea shall remain turbulent," he declared.

"In that case, what must we do..." the priest inquired, his voice trembling.

"Send the prince of this kingdom out to sea. Only then will the sea's anger be appeased," the sea king proclaimed before unleashing another mighty roar and returning to the depths of the ocean.


This tale swiftly circulated, causing the marriage between the prince and the neighboring kingdom's princess to be regarded as an ill omen.

"Damn it."

(What's going on? Weren't it Umi and Hime who saved my life!)

The prince's affectionate memories of his wife faded, replaced by resentment towards the sea.

"Prince, the prophecy is irrefutable."

The king consoled the enraged prince and encouraged him to venture out to sea.

"I understand. I'm confident we can resolve this. Then, our union won't be labeled as unlucky."

Frustrated, the prince nodded in agreement with the king's words and began preparing for the sea voyage.


"Set sail, everyone...!"

The seasoned sailors who had manned the prince's vessel for countless years were filled with trepidation as they reluctantly boarded. Despite the recent tumultuous waters, the sea had miraculously calmed to an extent that made it an ideal day for sailing. Yet, everyone couldn't help but feel it was the calm before an impending storm.


As the ship ventured on, smoothly gliding away from the shore, it covered approximately 40 miles without incident. As time passed uneventfully, the prince's irritation grew.

"Is this merely a voyage? What kind of prophecy is this? It's absurd."

"But... This is the oracle of the Sea King. It would be unwise to disregard it," a timid sailor responded to the prince's comments.

"Haha. I've returned from the sea once before. There's nothing to fear about the ocean."

It was at this moment that the prince's disdain for the sea began to take root.

Suddenly, massive bubbles began surging up from the ocean depths, engulfing the ship. The froth emitted a resounding pop, creating a substantial wave that instilled a fresh wave of dread among the sailors.

"Hey, what's happening?"

The prince inquired, clutching onto the swaying vessel as it rocked heavily.

"I-I have no idea!"

Desperation etched across their faces, the sailors clung tenaciously to the ship. Meanwhile, the waves encircling the vessel grew increasingly forceful, causing the ship to lurch in all directions.

"Do something about it!"

The prince bellowed at the sailors, but they were preoccupied with their own efforts.

"If it gets out of hand, I'll handle it myself!"

The prince recklessly attempted to seize control of the helm, shifting his footing from the side of the boat where he had been ensnared. What ensued next?

The moment the prince made a move, waves surged onto the ship's deck, causing it to capsize.


A brief cry escaped the prince's lips as his body was hurled into the sea.


In the sailor's desperate cry, the prince vanished beneath the depths of the dark, soundless ocean, beyond anyone's reach.



When the prince regained consciousness, he found himself in the midst of a vibrant, emerald-green landscape.

"Where am I...?"

The prince surveyed his surroundings, trying to grasp his current predicament.

It appeared to be an isolated island amid the vast sea. The island itself was abundant with lush vegetation, suggesting the presence of water sources and edible fruits. There were also animals that could potentially be used for sustenance.

"What happened to the ship?"

The prince pondered his route back home. However, as he gazed out at the sea, a sinking feeling overcame him. The situation was dire. A colossal whirlpool, evidently tied to ocean currents, churned menacingly, resembling a graveyard of shipwrecks.

"Is this a ship graveyard?"

The prince's handsome countenance fell as he muttered to himself.


Startled by the sudden singing voice, the prince lifted his head from his thoughts.

"In a place like this... but what a captivating voice..."

Though the prince found it peculiar, he couldn't resist being drawn to the enchanting melody.


"Who's there? Is someone here?"

Frantically, the prince sprinted toward the direction of the voice.

(Come quickly. Your revenge begins here.)


That's how the prince discovered me atop the rock, where the wreckage of ships lay. The prince gazed somewhat impolitely at my form and admired my appearance.

"A beautiful mermaid."

The prince uttered, then knelt before me.

"Oh, Prince. It seems you've found yourself in a predicament."

I fluttered my fins and let the sunlight play upon my scales.

"Yes, it appears I was thrown off the ship and ended up here alone. But this seems to be a ship graveyard. Finding a way back seems impossible."

(I suppose so. We brought him here intentionally.)

"That would indeed be challenging."

"Do you grasp the situation, Mermaid Princess?"

The prince appeared to open up to me almost instantly, possibly due to his sense of melancholy.

"Mermaid Princess, I must return to my homeland."

"Hmm, why is that?"

I intentionally draw out the question from him.

"Because, as the prince of my nation, it's my duty to rectify this situation."

The prince spoke at length, but deep down, he yearned for a return to his carefree existence.

"I see."

I responded while idly toying with my hair, which the witch had shortened, leaving it yet to regain its former length.

"Mermaid princess, please, allow me to return to my homeland," the prince implored anxiously, growing impatient with my less-than-enthusiastic response.

"Well... If you can provide an answer to my query, I might consider it," I told the prince with a wide smile.

"Oh, truly!"

The prince's face suddenly brightened, and he let out an ecstatic, almost foolish, exclamation.

"Yes, absolutely."

"Then, I'll inquire right away. I'll accept any question with an answer."

"Hehe. First question, Prince, what happened to the mute child you used to spend time with before your marriage?"


The prince involuntarily blurted out an unexpected question.

"It's quite a straightforward question for a prince. My apologies," I said, smiling at the prince's reaction.

(Why inquire about that girl? Now that I think of it, I was fond of her initially, but after meeting my wife, who provided me assistance, I haven't seen her at all.)

The prince replied, pondering such thoughts in his mind.

"She must still be somewhere in the royal palace."

I assumed a deeply sorrowful expression and conveyed to the prince, "I'm sorry. That's incorrect."

"That's right. So, does that mean I can't return home?"

The prince appeared to be more concerned about his own predicament than providing answers.

"...Aren't you curious to hear the response to your question?"

I struggled to suppress my faint emotions and inquired.


"The answer no longer exists anywhere in the world!"

The prince was left speechless by this reply.

"Haha. Why are you so astonished, Prince? Are you suggesting that since your wedding day, you've never once wondered why you haven't seen her anywhere?"

"Oh, well..."

The prince couldn't precisely admit to it.

"But don't fret; we're still on the first question. We just need to successfully answer the rest."

I offered the prince an exuberant smile.

"Ah, uh..."

Nonetheless, the prince remained startled, and his response was feeble.

I proceeded cheerfully to the next query, undeterred by the prince's reaction.

"Then, for question two: Who was the real individual who rescued you on that stormy night?"

"Isn't it my wife!?"

"On the contrary, why did you assume it was your wife?"

"Because when I woke up, my wife was tending to me with great care..."

The prince blurted out his response.

"So, are you suggesting your wife came to your rescue in the sea?"

I provided the prince with a hint. Guided by this hint, the prince pondered intensely before addressing me with an inspired expression.

"Oh, I see. I get it now. The answer is the sea. It was the sea's currents that brought me to shore! Is that what you're getting at?"

The prince regarded me with eager eyes, convinced he had the right answer this time.

I nodded once in response to the prince's hypothesis, then dashed his hopes.

"Apologies, but that's incorrect."

"No way..."

The prince nodded in defeat.

"Unfortunately, the sea didn't come to your aid."

"Then who did save me?"

The prince proclaimed there was no answer to this question and shifted the blame onto me.

"I have an answer."


The prince appears skeptical.

"Ah, Prince, I'm being considerate, giving you an opportunity. If you harbor doubts, why not rely on me?"

I spring off the rock, intending to return to the sea.


The prince desperately halts my departure.

"So, do you wish to continue then?"

I pivot at the prince's words and inquire.

"...Ah, let's continue."

The prince reluctantly nods.

I accept this with enthusiasm and return to the rock.

"Then, for question three: Why am I posing these questions and offering answers?"

"Isn't it because you're trying to assist me?"

The prince replied, seemingly half-asleep.

"Hmm, if my intent was to help from the outset, wouldn't I have taken a more straightforward approach?"

I venture back to the sea to quench my thirst before returning to the prince.


"Here's a hint. Why did the mute child become mute?"

"The trauma of being taken by the sea..."


"Here's another hint: Why did the mute child appear to be in pain when she walked?"

"...I don't know."

The prince admitted his lack of comprehension. He was beginning to realize that this question and answer were connected to that child.

"...Could it be... that the mute girl was the one who saved me on that stormy day?"

The prince timidly inquired, almost as if he hoped the answer was different.

"...Haha, congratulations. That's the correct answer!"

I commended the prince with a wry laugh and applause. However, the prince's reaction didn't seem to be one of joy.

"What's wrong?"

I encouraged the prince and applauded him. But he regarded me with a fearful expression and posed a troubling question.

"...You mentioned that the child had passed away... What was the cause of her death?"

"Now you comprehend, don't you?"

"...It's my fault..."

"Wow, wow! That's correct! You've finally come to terms with it. So, use that intellect to contemplate the answer to the third question!"

The prince drops to his knees, his face mirroring despair.

"From the expression on your face, it appears you already grasp the third question, correct?"

"Oh... that you have no intention of helping me..."

Tears welled up in the prince's eyes, and he sobbed with regret.

Observing this, I wiped away my stubborn grin and cast a gaze of disdain upon the prince as I spoke,

"That child saved your life, abandoned us, and only yearned for your love. Yet, you failed to recognize that love and abandoned that child. What a wretched fate for her. To the very end, that child loved you and perished.

Do you comprehend? She was forced to make an agonizing choice between vanishing into a bubble or ending your life to regain her mermaid form, and she willingly sacrificed herself. Do you grasp the anguish? Can you fathom the profound love that led her to choose death over life?"

The prince's countenance grew ashen, h

is feigned tears receded, and he adopted a pleading stance, reaching out toward me.

I had no use for such apologies from the prince.

"Will you ever return to your homeland? You shall live and die alone on this secluded island, unreachable by anyone."

I burst into uproarious laughter.


And I never laid eyes on the prince again, vanishing back to the depths of the sea.


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