They'll have a happy ending, I have no doubt.

They'll have a happy ending, I have no doubt.

Author: Ao Nekomiya

Japanese Name: きっと幸せに暮らしてますわ

Synopsis: A story about a young lady whose engagement is broken because she hid her face  with a veil.



They'll have a happy ending, I have no doubt.

By- Ao Nekomia

The daughter of Count Eileen Robenston, Irene was engaged To Robert Grandseine, a marquis's son who is one year older than her, is a student at a three-year boarding school for aristocrats from the ages of 15 to 18.

They formerly resided in their own territory and had little opportunity to interact, but now that they attend the same school,

Irene thought, "I want to get even a little closer to Roberto."

Roberto, though, didn't appear to agree.

It goes without saying that males and girls are essentially kept apart in the dormitories at boarding schools. Because of this, if you do decide to meet, it will usually be during a short time after school or during a lunch break.

Irene tried to stay in touch with Roberto by writing him letters even though she didn't have time to visit him because she had just begun school and wasn't accustomed to her new life.

It would have been preferable if Roberto had responded to one of every five of her letters. The letter that was returned to her also had highly ambiguous substance.

With a self-deprecating smile, she wondered if Robert-sama liked her.

Since the girls and sons of aristocracy attend schools that require uniforms, it is impossible to tell if they are from a baron or a marquis simply by looking at what they are wearing. That being said, based on their sophisticated mannerisms, I suppose you can infer something about their socioeconomic status.

Irene was one of them who stood out a lot in the school.

It has nothing to do with attractiveness or such things.

She conceals her face by donning a veil.

According to school policy, students are required to wear uniforms to class, so as long as they comply, it is irrelevant whether they use the pricey hair accessories their fiance gave them or a ribbon to tie their hair back.

The upper half of Irene's face is totally hidden by a veil, although this is also not particularly against school policy. Only a faint outline of her mouth is visible. Irene stood out, though, because no other young lady could have managed to entirely conceal her own face in that way.

Irene hid her face all times.

It appears that some people considered lowering the veil for amusement, but a woman of higher social standing would never play such a practical joke, and if a girl of lower social standing did so and caused a stir, she would be reprimanded at school. What happens after graduation is terrifying.

If a guy were to carelessly touch the girl, he might be held responsible for the attacking the girl.

If you're an escort, there's no issue, but if you forcibly remove the veil from a young lady who isn't cooperating, you can't really call it an escort, so in that situation, you can't really complain even though it's perceived as a terrible creature abusing a helpless woman.

It might not be a major deal if you're a student. However, this does not imply that once they are no longer students, controversies involving students would end.

Because of this, despite the veil having a weird aura about it, the students never touched it.

By the way, a few of the professors were aware that Irene was covering her face with a veil but chose to remain silent. In fact, Irene's family was known for this tradition to not only her professors but also other nobles of a certain age, who gently informed their own daughters and boys that they were not permitted to touch her veil.

That is what their parents taught them, even though they are unaware of the specifics. These are Count's ancestors' customs. They didn't delve too further into it . It turns out that this was a wise choice.

Roberto, her fiance, was not persuaded, though.

After all, he has only just to glimpse of his fiance's true face.

It's stated that when they will kiss after taking their vows during a wedding, that's when he can only see her true faces.

He could not possibly concur with that.

However, even if the person they are marrying is close to them, she won't reveal her actual self to her future husband, and Roberto doesn't believe this to be the case. As for the relationships between the families, it can't be helped that they can't be as selective since it is a political marriage. He was unable to accept it.

There were moments when Roberto attempted to glimpse the true face behind the veil when the engagement was first decided, but Irene just avoided him and there was no formal communication. Roberto was also unsatisfied with that.

But what is her genuine face that she covers so much of? I'm not expecting you to be a timeless beauty.

Even if she was attempting to hide it, if she were a very unattractive woman, I wouldn't have the courage to love her. If her face is quite normal, therefore I think it's acceptable.

What if, on the other hand, she was sufficiently hideous to compete with the world's elite class?

He doesn't feel like he can kiss her if she's ugly, therefore let it be exposed when you kiss your vows.

Roberto thinks to himself, "I wish I had at least prepared myself in advance."

Roberto complained to his parents, but they weren't interested. He was told that if he got married, he would be able to see her face every day, even if he didn't want to. It would be impolite to call her ugly, but Roberto still couldn't accept the idea of not being able to see the face of the person he was marrying until the wedding.

That's not it, no. I need to see it right away!That cry was quickly disregarded.

That was obviously not enjoyable for Roberto.

His fiancee is obstinately refusing to reveal her face, no matter what he says.

parents who refuse to intervene on their son's behalf.

Roberto started to strengthen his friendships with other ladies as though to rebel against them.

Irene, however, never once presented Roberto with her real face.

This infuriated Roberto even more, and he began spending time with other women as if to distance himself from Irene.

 He had asked them to help so he might get her a little envious.

Irene was given a glimpse of the baron's daughter and the viscount's daughter interacting with Roberto before they were presented with a small gift and some side income.

But as Irene's disposition remained unchanged, Roberto's actions worsened.

Even the young women who had only been employed part-time were reluctant to go that far. However, before they knew it, there were young women by his side who were sincerely pursuing Roberto.

Count Clore's daughter Ramy,

She never had the opportunity to meet Roberto in a social setting because she was from a location distant from Roberto's territory and only learned about him after starting school.

They essentially exclusively interacted with their own tight factions prior to that.

Some families choose a fiancé from the beginning, but that wasn't the case with Lamy's family.

In addition to being a site for romantic encounters, school is also a great place to meet new people and build relationships.

Lamy therefore hoped that she could meet a nice man and marry him.

She initially gave up on Roberto because he had a fiancé. Then she find out,

Irene and Roberto were engaged because of family ties, but Roberto doesn't seem to like her, and even if they broke up, there didn't seem to be any issues.

She even considered that if she looked into Robert's home, wouldn't it be better for her future if she married him.

Lamy agreed, saying, "I think it would be better for the future to form a relationship with my family than to be close to Irene's family, even though the territory is a little far away." Roberto's territory produced things like thread and cloth, and Lamy's territory had a thriving textile industry.

When that happened, she initially pretended to be Roberto's collaborator and walked up to him, gradually narrowing the gap.

Instead of a lady who had no intention of having an intimate relationship with him, Roberto's heart started to gravitate toward a woman who was close to him and liked him.

From the perspective of their families, Roberto began to believe that it would be preferable for him to wed Ramy rather than Irene in the future. He also began to believe that if it were for the benefit of the family, he should wed Ramy.

Ramy was the daughter of an earl like Irene, so there shouldn't be much of a problem with her changing fiancé, Robert reasoned. If her family had been a viscount or baron ial instead of an earl, he might have been frowned upon owing to her family standing, but she is the daughter of an earl like Irene.

It was a particularly stunning day for a sunset.

Irene had been invited by Roberto to one of the salons, where Lamy is also present.

Roberto didn't particularly want to criticize Irene, but there seemed to be stories in the romance novels on the market of individuals declaring to have found true love before breaking up their engagement in front of many people.

He simply wanted to have a civil conversation and terminate this interaction.

Lamy was there to brag a little, but neither he nor the other was trying to make fun of Irene.

Irene was facing Roberto and Lamy, who were both reclining against one another.

"What's the matter?"

Irene started by making it seem like a basic point.

"I wish to break off the engagement, I'm sorry."

"...Both families have agreed that the engagement will take place. I cannot choose on my own, not even if asked. I'll write my parents a letter, but I can't determined yet whether or not the engagement can be called off.

Though she may have thought about approaching him, Roberto had never thought that something like letters could be called an approach. Even if we try to continue exchanging letters, it's not very interesting. She's a woman who won't even touch someone properly even if they meet in person.

As an aristocrat, I can comprehend this area. There was, but... she always kept a certain distance, as if she imagined that if he went close enough, she would just lift her veil. I'm not suggesting that I want to have sex before marriage.

She didn't seem disturbed at all when they finally discussed calling off the engagement.

Because it seemed to indicate that she didn't care about him, he became enraged.

"I suppose we may end our engagement now. Our house can undoubtedly prosper if we link with Lamy's house, at least if our house and his house are connected.

Even if my parents changed their minds, there is no question that this engagement never took place."

Roberto firmly proclaimed that as a result even before a decision had been made.

"You should find a fiance too. Your future fiancé might be a man who is much older than you, given that face."

"Well, Robert, you're saying too much."

 Lamy, also talked in a way that seemed to criticize Roberto, but there was a trace of sarcasm in her voice, and Roberto determined that if she couldn't reveal her face nevertheless, she must be an ugly woman.

Lamy turned to face Irene and wore a visibly triumphant expression.

a woman with a heavy veil covering her face.

It stands out, but only the negative can see how it stands out.

There are rumours that she is too ugly to even show her face, even though no one has told her to her face, even though no one has ever seen her genuine face.

"If you're going to insist so much, let me show you."



The room erupted in mocking laughter from two persons, but Irene's remarks cut it short.

The woman, who until now has obstinately refused to remove her covering, declares that she will expose her face.

why at this time?

Do you mean to indicate that you now regret calling off the engagement?

Roberto believed it to be true, but he also saw it as a good chance.

"Well, in any case, I doubt your beauty will compare to Lamy's."

"Oh Roberto "

She rotated her head to look at Roberto and Lamy, allowing Lamy to see the side of her face that she had been unwilling to reveal up until this point. Lamy likewise twisted her body in a timid gesture that Irene was going to display her face.

Lamy thought, "Look at it, and if it's not a big deal, let's talk about it and make fun of it at the next tea party."

Irene put her hand on the veil and slid it upwards without seeming to stop, the part of her face they could only see around her mouth gradually extending over her nose.



They both clearly see Irene's real face.

-------A few days later.

The school was abuzz with talk about an alleged elopement involving a particular man and woman.

Ramy and Roberto allegedly eloped.

The final person they encountered, Irene, testified that she had been requested to call off the engagement, but she also stated that she was unaware of their subsequent whereabouts.

The people around her stared at her with pity, but they didn't listen any more when Irene said that she had been requested to break off the engagement and departed after hearing harsh words from the two of them.

There are no witnesses who saw it, but Lamy and Roberto did not appear to have returned to the dormitory, and although their possessions were still there, no one could find them no matter how hard they searched inside the school grounds, and even when they searched outside the school, they were nowhere to be found.

Since no one could see them, they must have made some preparations in advance, but they are left wondering where on earth they went without any luggage.

Dissolution of engagement, but the word that Roberto had eloped with Lamy, thinking that their family might not be able to accept his new relationship with Lamy, circulated around the school.

They haven't seen them in last few days, but no information has surfaced; therefore, they must have taken great care in their preparation.

Even though Ramy's family sent out messengers to extensively gather information and Robert's family searched for them, neither family ever learned that they had seen the two.

Naturally, some people believed they had been harmed by Irene because they were nowhere to be found.

Roberto wrote a letter stating he will elope with lamy, asking to send it home. However, Irene left the salon before the two of them, and on her way back, she discovered two animal that had wandered into the school, reported it to the teacher, and returned to the dormitory after the engagement was broken off.

Let's say Irene hurts them out of rage.

They don't see the point in doing that, even if Irene was the one who let the animal into the school in advance. If animals are trained well, it's rare for them to move as you want them to. In that case, the corpse would have to be disposed of, but it would be a bad idea to bring a stray animal to see the teacher.

Then, after leaving the pet with the teacher, she returned to the dorm room and wrote a letter. Even if she had already written the letter, she would mail it right away after receiving it from the dorm mother.

Irene didn't have enough time to dispose of the corpses even if they were to be slain.

Perhaps magic might have been used to accomplish the task; but, despite the fact that Irene possesses magical abilities, the church has determined that she is not skilled enough to use magic, and her parents have also testified that their daughter cannot use magic.

Even for a minute, suspicion was raised, but after further examination, they only came to the conclusion that Irene would find it challenging to murder them.

When Roberto's parents learned of his situation, they were concerned for their dim-witted son.

They wondered why he had believed that, when they heard the report that they had planned to elope because they were worried that people would protest to his breaking off the engagement.

Roberto's parents also believed that if I was thinking about my family, it would be better for him to be with Lamy. Lamy's house is definitely divided in terms of area, but it's not that difficult to form a commercial partnership.

He would have most certainly been engaged to her if they had met Lamy earlier, before Irene.

So when Roberto vanished without saying anything, his parents bemoaned the stupidity of their actions.

However, the two's locations remained a mystery; if they could, they would tell them to return and to let those searching for them know if they found them.

Well, Irene finished her education in the meanwhile.

Irene's family was seeking for a son-in-law to inherit the family anyhow, so when the engagement was called off, Irene had to find a new marriage partner. Fortunately, Irene chose the son of a baron who was sympathetic to Irene as her future spouse.

The younger son of the baron, who had to leave home and somehow earn a living in the future, had a good impression of Irene because he had helped her several times when he was at her school even though he couldn't see her face. However, the relationship between the two was better than they had anticipated.

The year they graduated from high school and turned 18 was when the two were hitched.

The Baron family was a little concerned about the wedding without seeing Irene's face, but when the moment came for the pair to kiss their vows, he lifted his pure white veil and kissed the bride with her eyes closed.

She wasn't the unattractive woman about whom he had heard rumors at school.

It may be argued that this woman is more lovely than Lamy, the candidate Roberto is reported to have chosen.

The groom was first drawn to Irene's personality and had no interest in her appearance; nevertheless, he has since fallen in love with her once more.


Strange customs have been practiced by the Robenston family for many years.

According to the Tradition, girls born into the family were not permitted to reveal their faces until they were adults and married.

They were never informed of the rationale behind this, yet the Robenston family steadfastly upheld this doctrine for decades.

Some families made fun of them, but they don't disclose their faces until they get married, and when they were married they could, so aren't you just implementing the teachings without understanding why this is the case?

Other families wouldn't talk much about it, so They think it was some bizarre coming-of-age ritual or something, but that's simply how it was at that house... Everyone is completely aware of it.

∆∆∆∆Let's now speak the truth.

Irene lied during her testimony that day.

It's accurate to say that she was requested to reschedule the date.

The stray animal wasn't there when she left the salon after giving it to the teacher, despite the fact that she pretended nothing had happened.

Irene decided that it didn't matter and gave it to the teacher even though there were two goats sobbing.

The teacher was shocked since she had never expected two goats to come into the school. However, she decided to get in touch with a farm that was close by and discovered that the goats had not escaped.

Even if goats are permitted to run wild in schools, this is not an environment in which goats can be raised. As a result, the goat was not from that farm, but even if it had come from somewhere else, where on earth did it come from? The goat was eventually adopted by that farm. Of course, there are some who have raised them in their territory, but that doesn't mean that everyone has.

Consequently, the goat was taken in at a farm, and the teachers assisted in locating the goat's owner for a while. However, in the end, no one was able to determine the goat's origin, and the goat was ultimately grown at the farm.

Lamy and Roberto are these goats.

She not only ran into the two after leaving the salon, but the goat she gave the teacher was also the one that was rumored to have run off.

Irene was obviously covering her face for a reason.

The curse, which exclusively affects women, was visible in her eyes and had been cast upon the Robenston family for generations.

The family referred to it as the Devil's Eye since it causes a curse when you make eye contact with someone.

Curses do not, however, always look the same.

Although the people they made eye contact with suffered terrible consequences, they never lost their lives, so it was never made public. It is said that in one generation, women could charm someone by making eye contact with them, and in another generation, it was said that if they made eye contact, they were cursed with having their pinky hit against the leg of a desk for a while.

But the family has been told from generation to generation that They are under a witch's curse.

There are, of course, circumstances in which the curse can be broken.

the time when you become an adult, get married, and exchange vows.

The curse is lifted at that same instant.

When you open your eyes after being kissed, the curse will be lifted; there is no longer a need to wear a veil to avoid making eye contact with anyone, and even if you wind up divorcing your spouse, the curse will not be activated again. The bride should close her eyes during the vow kiss.

Right now, as long as we get married and kiss our vows, everything is okay.

It appears that several women throughout history tried to exploit this curse in order to stay single.

Anyone who looked into Irene's eyes would change into a goat due to the curse placed on her eyes.

Since the adult age is 18 years old, it will take 13 years from the time the curse first appears until it is lifted at the earliest; nevertheless, the curse does not begin appearing immediately after birth, but around the age of five.

We cannot unintentionally increase the number of goats in the meantime.

It was a scenario where it could be argued that she was fortunate that none of her servants became a victim. Irene occurred to discover what kind of curse she was under when a burglar was ready to break into her house. As soon as the robber's eyes met, the intruder transformed into a goat.

Irene was fully aware of her fear of her curse, and that is why she wore a thick veil to avoid making eye contact with anyone, but even if you change your concentration, it doesn't necessarily mean that someone won't make eye contact with you.

There are so many things in this world that you're happier if you're unaware of, so she feels a little horrible for Roberto's parents and Lamy's family who are unaware of it, but she wants them to see the lack of news as a sign that they are healthy.

This is because, even if the curse were to become known, Irene's eyes no longer possess the curse's power, making it impossible to prove, and even if there were someone with eyes endowed with a saint's power.

The two goats sent to the farm have already been transported as products for sale.

If everyone is in the dark, everyone is happier.

The End

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