My Husband Said, I Have No Love For You.

My Husband Said, I Have No Love For You.

Author: Daytime Bear

Japanese Name:

Synopsis:On the first night after marriage, the husband  tells the wife  that he will never love her.

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My Husband Said, I Have No Love For You.

The phrase "I'll never love you"

My husband made that statement today, the day we were wed and became husband and wife.

Do as you wish, then.

The man she eventually married told her that.
The future wife of this man grinned at what he said.

Curtis Tram, the upcoming Earl, has a secret lover. She was his childhood buddy and a maid who worked at the home.
A female who has been by his side since birth and is fully supportive of him.
Fiona is her name.

She was the offspring of his nanny.
When he was born, his father employed a young mother who was nursing a child to be his nanny.

The mother of Fiona had just lost her spouse in an accident and was distraught at the moment.


The Earl Tram family was a typical marriage of convenience family, and Curtis' mother retired elsewhere for health reasons after giving birth to the family's heir.

Also remaining silent to Curtis' mother was his father. He has a lover, his job is his job, and he doesn't spend much time with Curtis, who is his son.

Fiona and his nanny were like family to him.

Yes, they did still consider themselves to be brothers and sisters when they were young and part of a family.
Curtis becomes aware of his maturation as time goes on.

Compared to his family, Fiona is unique.
She is attractive and makes Curtis want to protect her, therefore he falls in love with her.

But there was too much of a social divide between him, the eldest son of an earl, and his dear friend Fiona.

The familial status of Fiona and her mother is inconsistent because they are both merely two maids.

If she been at least the daughter of a baron, things could still have worked out.
Curtis kept Fiona at his side and loved her despite his inability to give up on her.


If you are not yet a debutante, you will be forced to locate a fiancée in order to fulfill your destiny of becoming a full-fledged aristocrat.

He had previously declined for a number of reasons, but as the eldest son of an earl, it is imperative that he find a fiancée who corresponds to his family standing.

Curtis was looking for a woman who was handy for him because of this.
Finally, He located it.

She is the Count Meltina's daughter.
They were the ideal couple for a marriage of convenience because their family situation was well-balanced and they benefited from being a nobleman.
Curtis eventually located.

"The most practical partner for us both"

Countess Meltina Clase, the next countess, has a hidden lover.

She met him for the first time when I was a child.

Meltina became separated from the escort when she and her father, the Count, went on an inspection tour of the town that was her realm at the time. 


Meltina was still a tomboyish young girl at the time.

You may probably imagine what will happen when an attractive girl travels the city by herself.

A hood tried to take her away.
They treated the lord's daughter with a great deal of disrespect, but they weren't the kind of people who could comprehend that.

In the hubbub, a boy emerged and tried to lead the girl away by taking her hand.
The kid's legs ultimately failed to free him, and the thugs battered him to death.
The boy was being thrashed by the thugs to defend Meltina, and Meltina was pained by it.


But that moment rescued them.
When they heard the commotion, the guards and bodyguards hurried over.
The goons were then apprehended, and Meltina and the boy were saved.

The kid who risked his life to defend Meltina was liked by the earl, and at Meltina's request, he was made her servant.

They stayed together constantly after that.
The young man put forth a lot of effort to earn Meltina's favor as a servant.

This wasn't for Meltina; it was for the pay he received for working for the aristocrats.
He just shielded Meltina in the city because he wanted a reward.

He sacrificed his life for his struggling family, and that is all.
Meltina first fell in love with the lad even though she was unaware of his true emotions.

Every time she had the opportunity, T. Meltina got in touch with the boy, Mick.
Mick is wary of her and is sick of seeing her, but he starts to like her.

You're sure to lose it if a stunning aristocratic daughter constantly entices you with a smile.

People will become drawn to another individual if they show that person favor.
For some reason, Mick had the courage and tenacity to risk his life for the girl's family and defend her from the bullies.
Mick is not the type of person to disregard others' wishes.

The two, who have been living together as master and servant for many years, start talking to one another in this way.
It is not, however, a relationship that will endure a lifetime.

Even though their hearts are almost in love with one another, they are still in a master-slave relationship, and eventually they must part ways.

That day will eventually arrive.
In some social circles, people knew Curtis.
Find a fiance who can accommodate him.
He was cautious, studying fishing manuals, and participating in social occasions.

They came into contact with the daughter of Count Meltina while doing so.
"I could smell a scent that was similar to mine coming from her."


From that point on, everything moved quickly.

They complemented one other well in every way, including their shared professional interests, lack of romantic relationships, and family status.

Her parents supported them, not opposed them, and the engagement went off without a hitch.

Curtis approached Meltina at the gathering that followed the engagement.
Meltina provided two responses.
Then they begin getting ready for the nuptials.

I made a number of arrangements, including welcoming Mick into the Tram family as Meltina's servant, among the many other things that occurred.
They got married when all the arrangements were finished.

They make a promise in their hearts to the person they truly love.

Now that the first night has arrived, it goes without saying that they won't be sharing a room.

Meltina sneaks out of the bedroom through a hidden tunnel.
Fiona then entered Curtis' bedroom.
Meltina, meanwhile, uses a secret passage to get back to her bedroom.

Mick, the man she loved most, was there.
People that love one another were truly united on this day.
Shortly after, Mick and Fiona were wed.
Of course, our marriage is a farce much like theirs.

The four are conspirators.
The easiest way to do the task was in this manner.


Despite the fact that they knew it was a lie, there must have been something endearing about seeing them promise God their undying devotion.

It appears that night's fire was exceptionally powerful.

The pregnancy of Meltina and Fiona is then revealed.

It happens to be the day of Mick and Fiona's fictitious wedding.

I found it humorous, but they both laugh angrily about how they both became pregnant at the same time.

Meltina and Fiona then had labor.
Meltina currently holds the title of countess.
At the birth, a renowned local doctor was there.
During the birth of Fiona, Fiona's mother is present as a midwife.

The mother of Fiona was a wet nurse for the count's family before becoming a nurse for the physician who attended Meltina's delivery. She had also unexpectedly become the doctor's wife and helper.

The two babies arrived without incident.
Fiona gave birth to a male, while Meltina gave birth to a daughter.
The four of them here execute their pre-determined strategy.
The children of Meltina and Fiona are switched.

The legal heir to the Tramm family is Fiona's child.
In addition, he is a boy.


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Rewriting the medical record was simple because the doctor who attended the birth was a relative, which would have been incredibly impossible under normal circumstances.

The fact that they were born on the same day is also significant.

As time passed, everyone involved was keeping a secret they would all carry to their graves.

After a while, Kelwin, Curtis' son, grew quickly.
He is the offspring of Curtis and Meltina on the outside.
Medina, Meltina's child, is developing normally as well.

She has Mick and Fiona as parents.
Since their birth and shared upbringing, the two have enjoyed a strong friendship.
His heir son was personally educated by Curtis.

Fiona was by his side at all times.
He is with Meltina while they are out in public, but they were frequently all three present in the earl's home.
Medina became Meltina's personal housekeeper.

Once more, she spent a lot of time alone at home with her longtime employee Mick.
From the side, it appeared as though they were a true family because of how cozy the environment was.

They are a true family after all.
As the new household head, Curtis provided Kelwin a strict schooling.
He did behave like a nice father, though, except from that period of teaching.
Raising his child was simple since, although though he was never really loved by his original parents as a child, he received love from his nannies and Fiona as a child.

While Fiona is the person Kelwin admires the most, he still respects Meltina, whom he views as his mother.
They always stand with me and show him affection, which is why.
Teaching her own daughter how to be a lady, Meltina.


It's essentially just education for women, even if they claim it's to develop the manners and culture necessary to serve high-ranking nobles.

The valet, Mick, was in charge of manners.
If she keeps going in this direction, she will eventually have the education necessary to work as a senior maid in the royal palace.

All of the servants at the royal palace are the daughters of aristocratic families.
Medina is instructed directly by her master Meltina.
The treatment is quite decent despite the exclusivity of the position.

They have been together longer than Fiona, who is meant to be her biological mother, because they are usually together.
She occasionally believes that she is my mother.

Medina valued his time with Meltina and his father Mick more than their arduous everyday studies.
The age of Kelwin and Medina, who had been living their days in that manner, is now approaching.

Both of them finally realized that the other was a guy and a woman after growing up together as a family.
They were oblivious to the four shadows' grins as they observed the two's bittersweet romance.
"Father, mother, I want to talk to you today. Please come in."


Curtis and Meltina hear Kelwin's frantic call as he appears determined.
The waiting earl and his wife, along with the servant and his wife, turned to Kelwin, wondering what was going on.

"Father, mother, I, Kelwin, am the heir apparent to the earl's family, but Medina has captured my heart! Please give me permission to wed her.

Next to Kelwin, Medina was tucked away.
When they watched this sight, the four of them started giggling.

It wasn't meant as a parody, but rather as deep enjoyment and satisfaction.


This appearance is perplexing to Kelwin and the others because it is unfathomable to normal parents.
"Oh, I suddenly couldn't help it. There was simply too much pleasure.
Curtis responded after a little period of laughter.

"Wow, time sure flies.I assume you guys have reached that age already.
With much emotion, Curtis murmurs.
The other three people all nodded as well.
The kids are still perplexed and don't know what's going on.

Yes, this is a terrific opportunity, you're right. I'll tell you everything, please.
Then Curtis began to tell tales of his own childhood and their youth.

"Tsu... Or, in other words, father... My real mother is..."

My mother, please," "Fiona-san!"

This startling fact surprises the two of them.

"Hehe... You are our child, as we would expect. Blood won't let us fight.
"No, no, hold on. Why was it never replaced? It cannot be that simple.

I was aware that he was about to say it.
Did you notice it, huh? That's accurate. Your grandma and Fiona's mother assisted in the delivery of you.

Medina, too. You were treated by a renowned physician in my region. The step-father of Fiona will be that person.

"I-I mean, everybody who was there for the birth,"
Is related to.


They both struggled to shut their jaws.
Come on, I'll be busy from now on, hehe. I must first inform everyone that you two have gotten engaged.
As he says it, Curtis becomes animated.
"For the two of you, the engagement process is almost finished. The parties still need to sign, though.


Mick has already finished the paperwork and is speculating as to whether this is possible.
"As anticipated!"
Mick's work has pleased Curtis as well.
The events that followed were so rapid that the two's engagement was successfully over because the reality was even more impactful than Kelwin's proclamation, which he had made with great tenacity.

Currently, Curtis is spending some quality time with his wife Fiona, whom he loves dearly.
The Meltina couple is in the same boat.
Kelwin and Medina enrolled in the academy after becoming engaged.
Even commoners like Medina, who is a commoner, can enroll in the academy if they receive outstanding grades.
Aristocratically speaking, the Tram family benefited from Curtis' efforts in addition to their business partnership with the Clase family.


As a result, Kelwin was continually contacted about getting married.
Everyone aspires to be an earl with a respectable position and plenty of wealth.
Yes, it is solely political in nature.
Although Curtis and his companions acknowledge that they are nobility, they are reluctant to mingle with such powerful and high-ranking nobles.

When you have power, you also have a responsibility that goes along with it, and you wind up carrying the burden of problems.
It's approximately now.

Additionally, they have a parental desire to support my children in experiencing the love that I have seen in them since they were small.

They are, after all, the kids who lied to their parents and are now in a committed relationship.

It encourages them to support kids.
Additionally, the Tram family and the Clase family will be truly connected as a result of the union of these two.
There is nothing to object to.

"Now that our kids are in school, I feel a little lonely, but at least I can be by myself with my loved ones," the speaker said.

Meltina and Mick, Curtis and Fiona, and each of them spent a long night in love with one another.
What will happen to a young couple later when they learn they have a younger sibling?

The End

Translator's Note: I Dont know Why the author name this Story "I have no love for you" But the story is Far different from That.

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