HNLBAPU By a Little Carpenter Chapter-4 Part One

 His new life began after being picked up and carried home by a little carpenter- Chapter 4 Part One

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When Lin Xing led Gu Qiming to the blacksmith shop, the proprietor was his father's buddy; now his son, Song Cunsong is in charge of the enterprise.

Gu Qiming simply intended to purchase the extremely sharp, ready-made arrowhead that was sold at the store. Song Cunsong decided not to charge Lin Xing any further money after realizing that he had brought a guest. One hundred coins were all that Three Tus demanded.

The remaining arrow shafts and feathers can be made by Lin Xing, who is a skilled carpenter.

Before the two headed back to the hamlet, Song Cunsong took Lin Xing and the two greeted each other for a time. On the way back, Lin Xing stopped to prepare another pot of vinegar.

He prepared cold purslane and steamed taro in the evening. After being blanched in water, Lin Xing prepared the sauce and then poured it over the purslane. It left a scent on the teeth and cheeks and was sour and silky.

Gu Qiming gave Lin Xing the last sixty coins after dinner and instructed him to save them.

It appeared that Lin Xing had been burned, so he hastily waved his hand and said, "This is the money you earned, I can't take it."

Gu Qiming took Lin Xing by the hand and handed him the cash without asking why since he knew he wouldn't accept it:

" I now rely on you for shelter and food . Even though I am older than you, you think more deeply and are more considerate than I am, so I can't just live and eat for free all the time. I'm unable to take care of the food and clothing at home."

His face was practically becoming crimson, but Lin Xing was unable to escape from his grip. Gu Qiming could only be assured that the money would be handled properly; otherwise, he would be at a loss for words.

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Gu Qiming resisted the need to release his hand. When pinched, Lin Xing's hand, which was a full circle smaller than his own, was soft.

- This kid is amazing.

Gu Qiming was unable to stop thinking.——

Returning to the Lin brothers, Lin Hao recently had Gu Qiming severely beat him; his arm is still quite painful today.

The son at home has been requesting meat lately, but since his mother is in charge of the household and it is not yet the busy season, there isn't any extra money to buy meat for him.

When he finally thought of Lin Xing, he and Lin Qingyi decided to steal some cash from Lin Xing and buy some meat for his son in order to light a little stove. Who would have thought that he would eventually stop taking advantage of things and learn a lesson.

He hurt his hand in addition to not receiving the money. His wife hadn't given him a good look in the previous two days, and there was now one fewer person at home to do the work.

He still doesn't understand why Lin Xing had such a capable man standing by him or why the Sangmen star was so well-protected.

Damn, he had to come up with something; I can't simply let this little bitch 



A pheasant was scrounging through the muck for food in the early morning. It was suddenly struck in the stomach by an arrow that appeared out of nowhere. It dropped to the ground and struggled to flap its wings there.

"How about it, my accuracy is pretty good."

Gu Qiming and Lin Xing went hunting in the mountains together this morning after rising early.

The two of them entered the mountains without stopping outside.

more than likely. The skilled hunters in the community, Lin Xing reasoned to himself, were nothing more than this.

"Well, that's awesome!"

Lin Xing removed the arrow that had been lodged in the chicken, then tied a rope around the pheasant's feet and wings. It fluttered before tossing the object into the bamboo basket perched on its back.

"All right, let's head straight toward the creek and have a look. Perhaps we can pursue larger prey."

Gu Qiming removed the basket from Lin Xing's grasp after wiping the arrows with a handkerchief.

He must now swiftly catch prey in order to earn money. The devices he is looking at right now simply aren't enough to look at if he truly wants to live a life without thinking about food.

He needs to start earning money right away.

Understanding, Lin Xing pulled the weeds in the area with a wooden stick. He led Gu Qiming to the brook where he frequently went without uttering a word.

Lin Xing started going to the mountains frequently once he turned fourteen. He foraged for wild fruits and vegetables in the summer, gathered and burnt charcoal in the winter, and occasionally walked up the mountain to create fuel from wood.

He intended to split a cent in two and spend it during the most trying times for the family. He knew every tree and shrub in the highlands like the back of his hand.

"I'll wait for now here. Go ahead and finish your work since there might not be any prey around for a while." Gu Qiming was still able to recall Lin Xing's morning statement that he desired to gather some mugwort leaves for later.

"So I won't travel far. Call me if you need anything, please."

- Brother Gu ventured far into the mountains for the first time.

Lin Xing dared not let his guard down. He understood he couldn't truly help if he stayed here, despite the fact that he really wanted to watch Gu Qiming hunt. What purpose does being busy serve? Do your own work first if you can.

Gu Qiming noticed that he appeared to be a little dejected and felt compelled to stroke his softly feeling head.

He is incredibly good and sensible, he told himself.

Gu Qiming then noticed that Lin Xing's neck was plainly turning crimson, on par with the red fruits in the mountain.

He reflected once more, "He is really easy to be shy."

Lin Xing hastily grabbed his bamboo basket and proceeded to gather mugwort leaves since he couldn't take being caressed by him in this way.

This time of year, the mountains are abundant with wild vegetables, yet the deep mountain forest where they grow is rarely visited. After some time had passed, the wild green onions and purslane Linxing had amassed half of a box, which was sufficient for a short period of time.

When used in stir-fries or steamed buns, wild scallions have a strong flavor and are more delectable than those cultivated at home.

Mugwort leaves are also widely distributed.

After returning and letting them air dry overnight, you can burn them. You can even use brand-new ones. Although they can be hung inside the home to ward off insects, the results are not great. They are preferable than nothing.

Lin Xing was collecting wild veggies when his mind accidentally wandered. He couldn't help but blush once again because Brother Gu's hands were so large and one knuckle longer than his.

"Alas, should I tell Brother Gu that I am a twin?"

Following Lin Xing's departure, Gu Qiming located a spot to squat in the grass with a better vantage point so that he could keep his archery unaffected while observing the prey.

Gu Qiming wanted to chase a large animal, but when he observed a hare approaching a water source, he was afraid to move lest he disturb the grass and alert the snake.


It's a large sika deer.

Gu Qiming carefully positioned the bow, instinctively slowed his breathing, and fired an arrow at his neck with speed. After being shot in the neck, the sika deer began to tremble from fear. Gu Qiming once more targeted the opening, observed the deer's departure, and then re-released the arrow. He brought out his sashimi knife and slashed towards the deer's neck, taking advantage of the animal's immobility.

The sika deer is extremely resilient, even without the need to fight for its life. Gu Qiming was unable to totally contain it. The wild deer even pushed him back, and he nearly failed to contain it.


Twin: Twins means Ger/Brother.

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