Only favouring His wife C24

 Only favouring His wife Chapter 24

Chu Yixi remarked this in a forceful tone to demonstrate that he heard accurately after observing the shock on his face. And until he was certain that he was correct, Ye Yunjin didn't completely embrace this fact.

Yunjin is genuinely startled that Qin Mucheng would say such things.

Qin Mucheng, who had just made him feel fantastic, was now gazing at the man lounging there with a chilly eyebrow.

"Second Young Master Qin , Why do you always have a cold expression whenever I visit you? This is not how visitors should be treated."

Yan Qiu remarked while smiling politely.

"What brings you here?" he asked with another severe frown.

Because of what had just occurred, Qin Mucheng was not in a good mood, so he inquired quickly.

"Who exactly offend you? You sound so rude, why?"

When he said, Yan Qiu, who was unafraid of Qin Mucheng's fall, was also unafraid of dying.

Although Qin Mucheng always had a chilly face, making it difficult to determine whether he was in a good or bad mood, Yan Qiu couldn't help but notice that he was in a terrible mood because of something going on after knowing him for many years.

"You have nothing to do with it. If you have no work then You should go."

"I must get going, but before I go, let me just talk to you about the recent "Qingli" project that your company is working on. My grandfather has just asked me to find out what you have to say since he wants to work with you.

Does Second Young Master Qin have any thoughts after hearing what I said? "

Yan Qiu questioned as he sat on the couch.

"No." Qin Mucheng merely uttered two words carelessly.

"No, I'm not kidding. When I come home, the old guy would question me nonstop if you don't give me a clear message. Yan Qiu hurriedly rose from the couch and made a point of howling.

Qin Mucheng couldn't help but feel the need to expel him, just like that guy, when he observed the third son of the Yan family, who was reputed to be a gentleman and a fun-loving person in public.

"It's not impossible if you want me to help you,"

his seductive thin lips parted as his eyes blazed.

"What conditions would you like to share with me?"

Yan Qiu easily complied with these instructions and enquired as to the terms, knowing that Qin Mucheng was not a person who would incur losses.

"I'll tell you what to do if you come over for supper tomorrow at my house."

The sadness in Qin Mucheng's brows vanished as he slightly raised his mouth's corners.

"Eat? What are you going to do in the world?

Qin Mucheng's altered mood was evident to Yan Qiu, who couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

He was certain that Qin Mucheng had plans to harm him.

Since they were little, he has always been the one who has suffered when something similar occurs.

Two people would argue, just like when they were kids, and both parents would be aware of the outcome.

The elderly man was going to beat him with a stick and chase him around the yard as his punishment.

When The elderly man asked him why he was fighting which is why He asked Qin Mucheng, who was regarded as a fine lad and a good student in the eyes of adults, to explain since he was worried the old man wouldn't believe him if he presented the reasons.

But who would have imagined that colleague Qin Mucheng would truly admit to the elderly guy that he was engaged in a fight for his girlfriend?

Just saying this line was enough to get everyone's attention.

Additionally, it was successful in getting everyone to forget the motive behind Qin Mucheng's conflict.

Later, the grownups believed there was no need to ask since they had forgotten to do so, or even if they had remembered.

The reason being that while his old man was pursuing him, he exclaimed: "We can tell at a glance that you must have dragged this good boy Mucheng into a fight!"

Nothing occurred to Qin Mucheng as Yan Qiu was being pursued while in a daze.

Yan Qiu would have stood up and yelled out for unfairness if it weren't for him asking Qin Mucheng to explain the entire situation!

In addition, Qin Mucheng's parents believed that guys frequently engage in physical altercations and that they should simply exercise caution. It was just a coincidence. The participants in the altercation suffered only minor injuries and nothing catastrophic.

Father and Mother Qin didn't blame him, but they did tell him to watch out for potential injuries in future battles.

Even more outrageously, his grandfather drew Qin Mucheng and said:

"I asked my brat to assist you with cleaning up at school for a month because he got you into trouble. Let's see if I don't shatter his legs if he don't dare do it. What is his age? He actually dares to fight over a woman!"

For a month, Yan Qiu was forced by his elderly father to take care of Qin Mucheng's medical needs.

He is the one who is accused, as God knows.

In addition, those individuals didn't appear to have suffered any major injuries. All of this was caused by Qin Mucheng.

I actually read a book on the design of human organs since I was idle and bored.

It was also at that time that Qin Mucheng learned where to strike a target in order to leave no visible marks but still cause pain.

After that, Yan Qiu was able to see right through how opaque the black water in Qin Mucheng's stomach was!

"You want to brag to Uncle Yan, but it's up to you whether you do it or not; I won't compel you."

Intentionally or not, Qin Mucheng interrupted Yan Qiu's memories.

Bring him back to reality.

He had already seen through it at the time, but just because someone can see through something doesn't necessarily mean that they can avoid it.

If you do it, you will undoubtedly be taken advantage of, but if you don't, you will still have a terrible time when you return!

Discreetly gritting his teeth, Yan Qiu raised his head, curved his mouth's corners, and said matter-of-factly: "Of course, I will come!"

Qin Mucheng was happy to see the fish take the bait as he had anticipated!


On the opposing side.

"Brother Lin Yang, I just received the materials. Later, I'll send it to you."

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