Living in the Darkness

Living in the Darkness

Author: Anonymous Amateur Writer

Japanese Name: 闇に生きる

Genre: High Fantasy

A boy imprisoned in darkness meets the goddess of darkness. How will
the boy respond to the question of the dark goddess...?


Living in the Darkness

Dark World. In other words, it's completely dark.
What comes to mind when individuals hear the word "darkness"?
Darkness... emptiness... There may be a ton more stuff.
It could represent hopelessness to certain people.
Some people could keep looking for the light in order to push past their sorrow.
We must keep in mind, though, that "light and darkness are always opposite each other."
In the shadows was a boy, perhaps ten years old. Hewas confined to a room that was almost completely dark.
It happened because He disobeyed what his parents had instructed him.
The boy's parents tried to introduce him to his prospective spouse, but he turned them down.
Would you take such action for that reason alone? The youngster was aware of his parents' strategy, though. This is why he declined.
The fact that their strategy had failed infuriated the parents more than the youngster rebelling.
The youngster was later imprisoned in a dimly lit cellar, yet he shown no remorse.
The boy entered the room and sat down on a rickety bed in the corner.

"..." Even when he is the sole one in an almost pitch-black room, he don't exhibit any dread.
Instead, he appears to believe that it is fine the way it is.

The child felt a presence in front of him even though no one was present and looked up.
He noticed a woman with long, jet-black hair and a jet-black outfit when I looked up.

"Will you accompany me This concubine?

The child declined the woman's request.
"I'm good as I am."
"Are you planning to stay in this completely dark room the entire time?"
"That's fine, too," He said.
What a peculiar boy.
She addressed the youngster while standing in front of him.

"This concubine is Jera who represents the goddess of night.
Normally, hearing this would make people cringe. Because Jera is a goddess of sadness and fear who rules evil.
The youngster was aware of this, but he wasn't especially moved.
"Now, decide whether to go with This concubine or perish in this place."
As she said this, she pointed the enormous scythe in the boy's direction, but the boy's expression was unaffected by what he witnessed.
"I told you before, correct? I am capable of continuing.

"You have no right to make a decision. I'll ask you once more. Choose between staying here and dying or leaving with this concubine."
After saying that, Jera pulled the scythe so close to the youngster that if he moved even slightly, it would slice him in half.
The boy didn't exhibit any fear, though.

"Why everyone doing that and is taking away my life easy?"
Jera approached the youngster without showing her annoyance when he inquired.

"Be quiet. "Reply to the concubine's question!"
After saying that, she utilized magic to elevate the youngster, immobilizing him.

"Big Sister, is that all you have to say?"

The youngster was completely immobile, but he didn't appear to mind.


"Onee-chan, you are free to do as you choose. It wouldn't be enjoyable to murder me because I don't think it would be humorous if something like this were done to me. You..."

The youngster got up and sat on the bed without thinking about it as Jera grew angrier and released the power and dropped the boy.
"I made the decision to live in the dark before I was placed here.'"

What do you mean, "living in the dark"?
"Aren't you frightened of the dark? "when Jera asked him this.
The youngster responded, "I feel comfortable in the dark because it's quiet," when Jera asked him this.

"Try to live if you can in this lifeless darkness."

Jera said that, then vanished from the boy's view.

"That's what I want to do. And nobody will stand in my way."
The child who said that was immersed in what appeared to be a pitch-black cloud.
The youngster stayed motionless despite the fog, as though he were unperturbed.
The boy's mother brought him food three times a day, but other than eating it, he did not move. When she spoke to him, he did nothing except reply.

"It appears that you are in no way sorry for what you did?"


"If you don't turn to God, I won't allow you leave this place."


The youngster made no comment in response to whatever his mother stated.
The mother left without saying anything further because she believed there was no use in addressing the boy's actions.
Something like black mist burst from the child's body and covered his entire body, as if they were aiming for him when he was alone, but the youngster didn't appear to notice.

"Huh... You won't even move if a dense fog is surrounding you.
Jera was observing the youngster via the crystal ball, but it appeared that she was struggling with him because the boy had not altered in any way.
Now, I'm curious how long he'll be in that room.
The discussion between the boy's parents was taking place in the living room.
However one day.
As usual, the boy's mother brought him supper.
Don't you think it's time to return now that it has been two months?
She yelled at him and made an effort to figure out what was happening. Though "Huh? Where?"
There was no sign of the youngster in the bed or anywhere else in the room.
So, how did he leave this place?

His mother quickly informed his father while returning to the living room.
"What!? He's not to be found, where is he?
"That's unbelievable! How did he accomplish it? There doesn't even seem to be a hole in the wall.
They search for him

"I am present."

The voice of a young boy could be heard outside the window.
How'd you manage that?
A completely black cloak covered the boy's head. And yeah, "Why are you floating!?" The boy was floating, not standing on the earth.

"I turned into a demon lord. utilizing the evil goddess' strength.

"I then entered the house through the window and came to rest in the living room."

When his parents saw it, they were appalled.

"I won't do anything, so don't worry. I declined that marriage proposal because I was aware of your two plans.
They want the boy to marry into a rich family so they can inherit their wealth.
By coincidence, the lad learned about this and decided not to marry her since he didn't want to see it happen.
You are...
"There's no use trying to put everything back together. As soon as I said I wouldn't marry her I told them about your plans.

"What!? What did you do this?"
"That's all I've got to tell. I'm leaving this place and I'll never return."
The youngster then appeared to fly out the living room window as he floated away from the house.

Oh, that's all, then.
His parents were upset and stayed put for a long.
The family went bankrupt with significant debts less than six months after this tragedy.

Several years later, one night.

"W-what's that? ?"

A woman in her late teens was being pursued by various men.

"Wait! I'll take you to a wonderful place.

"You claimed you wouldn't be going! Ah!"

The woman attempted to flee for her life, but one of her pals stood in her way.

Now, you are unable to flee, are you?
Oh, that's all, then.
The woman believed she was finished. But...
The question "What are you doing?"
With those words, a man in a black robe descended to defend the woman.

"Oh, not at all!"

The have been hearing about the 'Demon King of the Night' for a while now, and this is him! If you run across this guy, the next morning you'll be worshiping him in hell!"

"We are completely aware. We won't do anything . .."

As they spoke, his right hand held a sizable sickle with a razor-sharp blade.
This Grim Reaper's scythe will definitely damn everyone to hell.
Those man fled after trembling hysterically and becoming pale for the first time ever.
The women are also being reserved.
The sickle vanished as the Demon King turned around and unlocked his right hand.

"Going outside alone at this time is risky. Go home immediately."
After saying this, he moved away from the woman and leaped to his feet.
After being shocked by the Demon King's acts, the woman went back home.

Upon further reflection, "somehow, somewhere...?"

Damn, that person is acting Al mighty, like he always does.
Jera had a bitter look on her face as she observed the Demon King's acts through the crystal ball.
Jera tried to make the youngster one of her friends a few years ago, but the boy rejected and was unmoved even when he was engulfed in a thick mist.
The boy was still Jera's property, so she gave him evil abilities and turned him into a demon lord.
The boy's heart did not belong to Jera, therefore she was forced to take the ground since he was not in the least bit intimidated by the terror of total darkness or by the misery of being alone herself.

On the contrary, the youngster who would grow up to be the Demon King stripped of her abilities and imprisoned him in the demon realm, making it difficult for her to interact with people.
She is therefore limited to viewing the Demon Lord's activities through the crystal ball that has been set in front of her.
The Demon lord landed on top of the highest steel tower in the community and peered up into the sky.
I'm still grateful to you, Jera, for bestowing upon me the authority of a demon lord, I can 'live in the darkness' like this because of you.
After a couple days.

In the city at night, three men captured a woman.

W-what is that?

"Be my woman, please!"

" I don't like you. I don't even want to see your face ." Despite being grabbed, she said as she desperately fought.

"Don't go off the rails! If I get extremely upset, I'll show you what will happen!!""

He pointed a knife at the woman as he said this and took it out of his pocket.

"Are you implying that you intend to murder me here? I know you won't be able to completely own me if you do that, but is that okay?"

When she noticed the knife, the woman didn't appear to be afraid.


He attempted to stab the woman since he was so furious, but he was unsuccessful.

A hand stopped him just then, reaching out from the side.

"W-what!? Ah!!"

The men were taken aback when they followed the extended hand and noticed his face.

"Are you repeating this? It appears that you won't learn until after you actually enter hell.

"Oh, you..."

What is Demon King of the Night?

Because they were terrified, the men let go of the woman and fled the area like a swarm of spiderlings.

That's, "Ah, that..."

"That's the same you from yesterday. I previously warned you against going for a nighttime stroll alone."

"I reasoned that since it was only for a short while, it would be fine."

"They probably simply needed that few minutes, I suppose.But now, head inside."

As he attempt to go back,

"Perhaps Are youRoman?"

He was forced to stop in his tracks by the woman's question.

"Why that name, exactly?"

"Veira here. Does this name ring a bell?"

The woman approached him while listening.

The Demon King thought the name of the woman seemed familiar.

"The woman you were suppose to marry ."

The Demon Lord was taken aback.

"I see, then, but now it's finished. As you can see, I am the Demon lord.

"I've been interested in it for a while. Since we called off the engagement, I haven't heard anything."

The Demon Lord said that he had been imprisoned ever since and that the dark goddess who had arrived at that time had given him the ability to become the Demon Lord.

Veira was shocked to learn this,

"Typically, a demon lord is someone who rules the world by engulfing it in darkness,"

The Demon Lord Right here , didn't do that; instead, it appeared as though he dominated this metropolis at night.

Typically, it would also regulate the lighting.

"Normally, you'd act in that way. But after being locked up, I made the decision to live in the shadows. You should therefore move on from me and live in the light.

After saying that, the Demon King took to the skies.

"Thank you, Roma. Goodbye."
Veira moaned and left for home.
"Be joyful"

Without letting anyone hear, the Demon Lord said "Be joyful"

Veira married a few years later, and she had a son.
In the hopes of living in a world of light, She gave the infant the name "Light."
She seemed to believe that Roman is the reason she can live in the light.
Roman continued to behave strangely despite the fact th
at he was now regarded by the populace as a demon lord and was a monster of the night.

What does it mean to "live in the darkness" exactly? Although it appears that the solution has not yet been discovered, it appears that he will eventually rule the demon realm.

The End

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