Only favouring His wife C23

 Only favouring His wife Chapter 23

"Who are you, hello?"

 Chu Yixi politely enquired.

The politeness made Ye Yunjin, who was staring at the phone nervously, turn his eyes to him in surprise, but then stared at the phone again.

Chu Yixi, who had known him for a long time, saw it as equivalent to saying again, "Why are you so polite to him?" despite the fact that it was only for a few seconds.

Chu Yixi, who was still in a good mood, became enraged when he saw his response.

What does this mean? Even though he doesn't like the thief who robbed Xiaojin, Xiaojin likes him, so he still shows him the barest amount of civility. However, Xiaojin because of the stale ice........

(I could only be polite to the ice cube because I couldn't bear to lose my anger with Xiaojin.)

Despite the fact that he wasn't trying to be courteous in the first place.

"Hey, do you still hear me? You are who?" While Ye Yunjin wasn't looking, Chu Yixi secretly grinned at the corner of his mouth.

"..." When Qin Mucheng heard a strange man's voice instead of the one he was hoping to hear, he immediately became silent.

He appeared serious as he pursed his thin lips. He finally uttered: "Who are you?" after hearing the weird man's voice once more.

"I am Chu Yixi, a friend of Xiaojin. Hello, Are you Mr, Qin??"

Chu Yixi replied, purposely underlining the word "Friend".

"Is Yun Jin nearby, right? Why are you holding his phone in your hand?"

Unconsciously, Qin Mucheng's voice grew colder than before.

When Chu Yixi was ready to respond, Ye Yunjin suddenly reached for his sleeves, put out his hands, and waved them to tell him not to say "what he said" because he was scared of being overheard and dared not reply.

Chu Yixi nodded in agreement, showing that he understood what he was saying.

It is up to him to decide how to explain this procedure.

"It's like this, Mr. Qin. He just left the house to make a purchase and left his phone at home. Have you eaten Mr. Qin ?"

At this precise moment, Chu Yixi purposefully asked the following question while squinting his eyes like a fox.

After all, he is acting in Xiao Jin's best interests. Based on their recent talk, Chu Yixi can say with confidence that Qin Mucheng is concerned about Xiaojin.

"Not yet." Qin Mucheng merely gave a two-word response out of lack of desire to say more.

Chu Yixi was not, nonetheless, enraged at the time. Instead, he smiled and said, seemingly not hearing Qin Mucheng's rejection:

"Oh, Mr. Qin is still hungry. Unfortunately, Xiaojin and I had already eaten. If not, we could have invite Mr. Qin to join us for dinner."

"It's not Necessary."

"I'm sad to announce that all of the meals we consumed at night were prepared by Xiaojin. It's just a lovely home-cooked side dish, not as good as those formal Western meals, but it tasted great to me. I assume Mr. Qin has also tried it. 

Hey, look at the inquiries I made. For some time now, Xiaojin has resided in Mr. Qin's home. You must have tried Xiaojin's artistry, of course."

Chu Yixi stated it was a joke, but his voice was brimming with pride.

Knowing that Qin Mucheng had never dined on food prepared by Ye Yunjin, he posed this query.

When Ye Yunjin had just finished cooking he was talking to himself, "It's been a long time since he cooked some things."

He happened to hear this phrase at the time.

Chu Yixi had no idea how long this long time had been, but as Ye Yunjin had just been a member of the Qin family for over a month, he assumed that it should also have included his time there.

Yes, as Chu Yixi had surmised, Qin Mucheng did not consume the food that Ye Yunjin prepared while he was a member of the Qin household.

He hadn't eaten a thing, not even during his little time spent with the Qin family in his previous life. In reality, he had only learned today that Ye Yunjin could cook for the first time.

"Mr. Qin, Xiaojin still hasn't returned. Do you need me to tell him something in particular?

Chu Yixi spoke tentatively since he hadn't heard Qin Mucheng's voice in a while.

"No, how about asking Yun Jin to bring you back to have dinner with me tomorrow night since Mr. Chu just said he wanted to invite me to dinner?" In a quiet voice, Qin Mucheng enquired.

Even though it was a question, the tone made it impossible for anyone to say no.

"Of course there is no issue. Later, I'll inform Xiaojin. "

As long as he responded, Chu Yixi at last gave a confident response.

Ye Yunjin nervously questioned Chu Yixi after they had hung up the phone, "What did he tell you?" before Chu Yixi could respond.

"He, he he said," Chu Yixi remarked in a drawn-out voice, as if he didn't notice his concern. He spoke slowly and deliberately.

"Stop causing a fuss and speak up now!" When Ye Yunjin noticed Chu Yixi's plan, he scowled and begged.

"Really, why are you worrying so much about him?"

Chu Yixi twisted his lips and uttered the following after observing Ye Yunjin's mounting rage:

"That ice cube promised to treat me to dinner tomorrow night."

After pausing to consider Ye Yunjin's perplexed expression, he said, "And he asked you to take me to his house for dinner!"

After saying so, Chu Yixi looked closely at Ye Yunjin's face, and it was not unexpected to see that it was just as he had imagined.

Ye Yunjin was initially unable to accept what he was hearing when he heard this sentence.

"How did he say that? You can come with me to Qin mucheng House? Have you misheard?"

In a row, three questions!

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