Only favouring His wife C25

 Only favouring His wife Chapter 25

Liu Mingxi was eager to call Lin Yang to share the news with Lin Yang after he left Qin Mucheng's company and went back to his house after obtaining that Thing.

"Wow, Xiao Xi, you are so wonderful. You grasped it so easily. Send it to me right away so I can see it."

Liu Mingxi was yelled at by Lin Yang, who couldn't contain the excitement on his face.

"Okay, but is this actually doable, Brother Lin Yang?" Liu Mingxi questioned awkwardly.

"Don't you  believe me, Xiao Xi? "

"I don't doubt you; it's simply that Qin Mucheng is not like other people. Brother Lin Yang, should be careful "

Liu Mingxi quickly gave an explanation.

"I'm aware, but don't be alarmed; as long as I have this plan, I can maintain my position and challenge Qin Mucheng. You can return to me when the moment is right, Xiao Xi.

"I'll send the documents, Brother Lin Yang." Liu Mingxi felt a little more at ease after hearing him out.

Liu Mingxi believed that despite Qin Mucheng's kindness toward him, the man was not in fact the one he truly loved. He only had one person he truly loved, Lin Yang.

In his most trying and helpless moment, only Lin Yang would be able to console him and assist him. He might have been bullied to the point of having nothing left if Lin Yang hadn't been there.

Even though Liu Mingxi was only a regular college student at the time, he received good admissions scores to one of the top essential colleges in the city!

But shortly after starting his amazing college career, he unexpectedly received a letter that he would be leaving the institution, and the stated cause was preposterous theft!

They claimed that he have stolen a watch from his roommate that was estimated to be worth $100,000.

No matter how he tried to explain it, no one would believe him. He did remember that someone in the dorm owned an expensive watch, but Liu Mingxi had no idea if it had been stolen or not.

Liu Mingxi was baffled as to why someone would hurt him. What went wrong with him?

This incident dealt Liu Mingxi a grave damage to his way of life.

What did he perceive as he searched for a solution and prepared to knock on the door and reason his way into the director's office?

 Before opening the door of the office that the director, who ordinarily appeared fair and stern, genuinely said to the caller with a pleasant expression on his face:

"Master Li, don't be alarmed. Liu Mingxi will unquestionably be dismissed from school. When that time comes, he won't be involved in the competition at all. Yes, you are correct. He simply lacks vision and knowledge. Current events!"

He had no idea that someone would hate him and want him to leave school.

Liu Mingxi could only clench his fists when he realized the true cause. What could he do if he realized he was in this scenario if he could get into it with a casual sentence?

He was helpless to stop it.

He was saved by Lin Yang just as he was about to give up. Along with finding his attackers, he settled his scores.

His heart unexpectedly collapsed on him at the same time.

He therefore took this action just to aid Brother Lin Yang. He could only express regret to Qin Mucheng.

"Qin Mucheng, I will never lose this time!" Lin Yang was thinking to himself as he was almost ecstatically glancing at the project on the computer homepage.


"Xiaojin, are you alright? Why did it take so long? It's almost time!"

Ye Yunjin was yelled at by Chu Yixi from outside the restroom door.

"Hold on a second!"

Even though Ye Yunjin, who was in the restroom, was already feeling better, he had been staring blankly at himself in the mirror.

He still couldn't believe it as he planned to bring Chu Yixi to Qin mucheng house.

Ye Yunjin emerged from the door with a strained look as he realized the time was almost up.

"Why are you moving so slowly , Xiao Jin?  Let's leave. I completed everything. "

Chu Yixi grumbled for a moment as he finally saw Ye Yunjin exit the restroom before dragging his hand to open the door and leave.


The question "What's wrong, Xiaojin?" Chu Yixi whirled around and enquired anxiously.

If not, we'd be better off staying put. Ye Yunjin quietly begged.

"Why? You didn't just sit in there for so long, just contemplating this issue, didn't you?"

Chu Yixi surprisedly inquired.

He stared at Ye Yunjin who made no response.

Chu Yixi blew air out of his mouth to show how stunned he truly was.

"Xiao Jin, there is no way out. I'll absolutely eat this supper tonight, unless you call your 'dear' of your family and let him know that you can't go ."

Chu Yixi triumphantly proclaimed as he crossed her arms in front of his chest and shrugged.

In the end, Ye Yunjin was unable to contact Qin Mucheng for obvious reasons.

"The food will be ready soon, Second Young Master. Are there any other preparations that should be made?"

Qin Mucheng was questioned by Butler Su as he stood in front of the hall.

"No, Uncle Su."

In a quiet voice, Qin Mucheng said.

"That's great, haha. In relation to that, Master Yunjin didn't return yesterday. He claimed to wish to spend a few days with his buddies in his home. Now he is coming back, Won't he accompany his friend? "

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