Only Favoring His Wife C19

 Only Favoring His Wife Chapter 19

"Xiaojin, I've arrived. Where are you?

In the clamor of the crowd, a cheery but slightly skeptical voice could be heard.

Chu Yixi was lifting up the silver-white suitcase with one hand while holding his phone near to his ear with the other in an effort to avoid being struck by any passing objects.

"There are too many people here; Stand still! I've already seen you."

At the other end, Ye Yunjin hurriedly remarked that he had not anticipated a traffic jam when he arrived by taxi. Fortunately, he had already left the house.

Chu Yixi just so happened to call when he got there.

At the airport, people were arriving and departing, and Ye Yunjin talked on the phone with him while navigating the crowd.

Fortunately, Chu Yixi was instantly recognizable when he hurried to the pickup location.


It's not only that Chu Yixi stands out from the crowd; it's not even that his eyesight is so good.



He has fair, moist skin, somewhat broken hair, and a lovely face.

Under his unzipped green coat, he wore a white wool sweater and a pair of tattered, tight jeans on his long, well-liked legs.

People walking by were forced to turn aside due to his great stature.

which is.

"Xiaojin, Xiaojin, I see you, right here, right here!"

Chu Yixi ignored the people around him and joyfully waved his arms towards Ye Yunjin while wearing a huge smile on his face. His hand was still clutching the phone.

Simply put, everyone is too animated!

Ye Yunjin let out a helpless sigh.

His enthusiasm can sometimes overwhelm him.

"I'm here, Xiaojin. Did you miss me?"

Chu Yixi tightly embraced Ye Yunjin as his hairy head sat on his neck.

One who is only two centimeters shorter than Ye Yunjin stated coquettishly in a waxy voice, like a toddler.

The females exclaimed in shock as they passed by them, their eyes streaming.

But neither of these two people gave a damn.



Chu Yixi was so delighted to see his friend and was so taken with his charisma that he completely missed this issue.

Ye Yunjin, on the other hand, dislikes being in such close proximity to other people.

whatever, Chu Yixi insisted on doing things his own way and hugged him whatever he pleased no matter what he said to him each time.

Ye Yunjin eventually allowed him to do it as if he were a large, hefty human doll hanging from him.

"I said, 'All right, stop it immediately. He was simply accustomed to this.

"You must have missed me, I knew. Hehe, let's go on. "

Chu Yixi grinned as he said this and moved away from Ye Yunjin.

Ye Yunjin escorted Chu Yixi to a taxi as they left the airport lobby.

"Please proceed to the Yuxin Hotel, Mister."

"Are you really going to ask me to stay in the hotel by myself, Xiaojin?"

Before entering the vehicle, Chu Yixi quickly grabbed Ye Yunjin's hand, raised an eyebrow, and questioned.

"Where else might you stay besides a hotel? Do you have any other lodging options in City B?"

Ye Yunjin inquired, completely perplexed by Chu Yixi's remarks and their intended meaning.


"I'd like to stay with you. In a strange hotel, by myself, I would get bored."

Chu Yixi simply express everything in detail before meeting his friend who didn't comprehend what he meant to say.

After saying that, he purposefully pursed his lips to smile endearingly at Ye Yunjin.

"No!" Ye Yunjin was shocked into reality when he heard this. He declined without flinching despite the attractiveness of the plan.

 "Why not?"

"Because you can't live here with me."

You forgot, I'm now living in Qin Mucheng's home. How can I bring you along?"

Ye Yunjin hastily completed the remainder of the sentence in one breath as soon as he saw Chu Yixi was about to inquire why once more.

Chu Yixi was indignant because he had no idea why Xiaojin had declined.

"Why is it him once more? That offensive ice cube!"

"I could care less. I'll live with you if I visit occasionally. I won't leave if you don't let me stay with you."

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