Only Favoring His Wife C20

 Only Favoring His Wife Chapter 20

"Do you still want to take the taxi, gentlemen?"

Looking at the two persons who had been conversing for some time next to his car, the taxi driver kindly inquired.

"I'm sorry, sir, immediately." Ye Yunjin apologized to the driver before swiftly turning around.

Turning back around, he sighed before grinning broadly and saying, "Let's go!"

He repeated, "Don't worry, I'll live with you for the next few days, okay?" as he turned to face the individual who was still present.

"Really, let's get moving now!" Chen Yixi had already opened the door and entered the vehicle prior to him mentioning anything.

Ye Yunjin once again moaned pathetically in his heart as he climbed into the taxi after seeing him moving as quickly as a blast of wind.

"Don't go to the hotel, Mr. Instead, please go to Hangyu Community."

The driver turned on the engine as the vehicle accelerated slowly and steadily in the direction of the intended destination.

Ye Yunjin cast a vacant gaze out the car window.



He believed that it was improper for him to reject Chu Yixi in that way, which is why he compromised so readily.

Friends don't frequently visit . So he should go with them, right?

In addition, he was only staying for a little while, and Chu Yixi wasn't just any friend to him. He still refrained from bringing Chu Yixi to Qin Mucheng's villa, though.

Aside from his relation with Qin Mucheng, he had never even entertained the idea of inviting someone to stay in a villa for a few days!

Even though the two seemed to have a somewhat different connection now, he couldn't merely take Chu Yixi to Qin Mucheng's house for this reason.

Furthermore, Chu Yixi didn't appear to have a single kind word for Qin Mucheng. He doesn't know why.

He would be quite concerned about the situation if he saw this.

"Where are we heading, Xiaojin? Where is the district of Hangyu?"

Ye Yunjin was immediately distracted from his thoughts by Chu Yixi's inquisitive voice.

Suddenly he realized what was going on and remembered to say, "My home from before."

Ye Yunjin originally purchased a well decorated single apartment in a high-end neighborhood called Hangyu Community.

The neighborhood has a tiny supermarket that is quite handy for grocery shopping. Additionally, the neighboring transit is quite practical.

Ye Yunjin gave it some thinking and realized that, not even a year after purchasing this flat, he appeared to have relocated to the villa in Qin mucheng.

"Xiaojin, why are thinking ?" The vehicle stopped .

"Are we here?"

Chu Yixi initially scowled in irritation at Ye Yunjin's diversion before settling down and asking him eagerly.


"Yes, this is where it is, let's get off!"…

Ye Yunjin did not carry the key because it was a temporary decision. Fortunately, he was able to present his ID card to the property management organization to obtain a replacement key.

The door finally opened with a faint "click" after a few twists.

Upon entering, a quick inspection revealed that the living room's furniture and accessories remained the same as before they were moved out.

Simply put, there were numerous tables and chairs, and as they departed, they were all covered in dust-proof nets.

Ye Yunjin walked over to the off-white sofa and gazed at the floor before turning to Chu Yixi and saying:

"I haven't visited this place recently. Some stuffs are getting stale. Anyway, let's start with cleaning. What do you say?

"No worries. In addition, Xiaojin, your home is lovely and the area is sizable. Which room should I stay, by the way?"

Chu Yixi blinked and gave Ye Yunjin an eager gaze.

"There is a room right next to the master bedroom, where I formerly resided. You can stay in this room till it is cleaned up later, okay?"

said Ye Yunjim.


"All right, thank you Xiaojin, let's hurry up and pack it up!"

Chu Yixi greeted Ye Yunjin with a smile.

A rush was present.

It had been an hour by the time the two of them had resolved everything.

"Ha! It's finished!" Chu Yixi smiled and murmured, placing his hands just above her hips.

"Then put your luggage away after checking your room."

Ye Yunjin also chimed in while grinning.

"Wow! I've finally touched the bed, and it's really cozy.

Chu Yixi collapsed onto the plush mattress, sighing heartbrokenly as he rubbed his face against the pillow.

"All right, all right, you take a break and get some rest. When it's time to eat, I'll wake you up."

Ye Yunjin then grabbed the doorknob and left the room after finishing his sentence.

Chu Yixi turned over and laid on his back on the bed as soon as the door shut.

He immediately smiled as he turned to face the ceiling above him and spoke something with his lovely lips:


"If Xiaojin is taken away, I want to see what that obnoxious ice cube does. I simply want to watch it. If nothing is done, I'll convince Xiaojin to leave him for good."

Chu Yixi whispered, closing his eyes as his breathing gradually grew more relaxed.

After falling asleep, the tiny face appeared incredibly well-behaved and serene.

On the other side, Ye Yunjin was seated  on the sofa with his hands clasped slightly in front of his knees, but his eyes were glued to the phone resting on the table.

Should he call Qin Mucheng and let him know why he hasn't been home lately, he wondered.

Nevertheless, he was also unable to speak.

What if he called and found him to be busy and agitated?

What if Qin Mucheng isn't at all concerned about this "little thing" of him?

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