Only Favoring His Wife c18

 Only Favoring His Wife Chapter 18

By staring at Qin Mucheng's face so directly, he was astounded.

He reddened and promptly apologized.

He quickly went to an adjacent seat and sat down.

The dinnerware didn't appear to have been touched, though, when he sat down and turned to look at the breakfast that was on it.

He rotated his head to check at Qin Mucheng's position and noticed that the chopsticks and bowls were both properly positioned.

However, it didn't appear as though Qin Mucheng had just come from the way he was dressed just now.

In addition, following the earlier tinkering, it was now almost eight in the evening. If he was right in his memory, Qin Mucheng had left by this time in the past.


Nothing was moved from the table's dishes or chopsticks! Not yet available!

It is......

Qin Mucheng gave him the answe before he had a chance to ask it!

"I wanted to wait for you to eat together because I thought you were about to wake up,"

It goes without saying that Qin Mucheng, who had been observing Ye Yunjin's moves, immediately guess his thoughts.

He also saw how far apart their seats were from one another. Qin Mucheng's face still showed displeasure, and he also experienced an unexpected surge of sadness within him!

But Ye Yunjin was overcome with happiness by the lightness of his voice.

So, it wasn't just a guess; he was actually waiting for him.

However, as Ye Yunjin was enjoying his wonderful surprise, he had an idea. He spoke as he observed Qin Mucheng's expression:

"Aren't you late for work? Will it effect your work?"

Qin Mucheng didn't notice as he heard the person in front of him ask this inquiry with a frightened expression on his face.

He had gradually and unintentionally let go of the coldness on his body as he confronted Ye Yunjin.

"I am the boss."


Ye Yunjin was aware that he was the company's boss, but he wasn't sure what Qin Mucheng was getting at with these remarks.

Qin Mucheng felt helpless as he observed the person who had not yet reacted.


"Therefore, if I'm late, nobody will deduct my salary." Qin Mucheng explained to Ye Yunjin that it was a final resort.

Just state the sentence's underlying meaning.

He hasn't yet declared, though, that no one can dunk, or more precisely, no one dares to dunk.

He never anticipated that the other party would convey this meaning in such a plain way. Ye Yunjin was suddenly at a loss for words and couldn't help but be shocked.

He silently pursed his lips, bowed his head, and made a valiant effort to suppress the impulse to smile.

He secretly turned the boiling porridge in front of him with a spoon in his hand.

However, Qin Mucheng continued to display a neutral expression as he watched Ye Yunjin's performance.

In fact, Qin Mucheng was aware of how out of character what he had just stated was with his typical demeanor and personality after expressing it.

However, Qin Mucheng's eyes gradually began to convey a hint of affection as he observed the man who was bending his head and having a good time.

This was advantageous because no one else saw it in the first place.

That is correct!

Ye Yunjin had no idea that Qin Mucheng, who had always been stern and unfriendly, would one day speak in such a careless and grave manner. He genuinely wanted to joke about it.

Qin Mucheng put down his chopsticks, glanced at those who weren't yet seated, rose up, and said, "I'm going to the company."

"Okay, fine, drive carefully!" Ye Yunjin stated as he got up from the chair and swallowed the meal in his mouth.

The two's dialogue is akin to a scenario in which the husband leaves for work and the wife stands by his side issuing orders.

As he observed the other party's lips, which appeared slightly pink from drinking porridge, Qin Mucheng's eyes blazed.

Qin Mucheng circled and headed in his direction while Ye Yunjin watched helplessly.

Ye Yunjin was confused as he stared at the man who would soon be in front of him.


His chin was softly raised without any prior notice by a hand.

Ye Yunjin gaped in disbelief as the extraordinarily attractive face became larger in front of him. A pair of almond-shaped eyes were wide open beneath the tidy eyelashes that looked like little brushes. He appeared to be in a state of panic and disorientation.

"He's kissing me!" 

Time seemed to pause as soon as their lips came into contact.

Before their lips drifted apart, it seemed like a long time had gone.

The man who moved away first desired a passionate French kiss, but Qin Mucheng opted against frightening the rabbit in front of him any further.

He must approach the rabbit creature in front of him very slowly.

Even though it was only a brief kiss, Qin Mucheng was happy with the outcome.

He stroked Ye Yunjin's silken hair, and in his voice, there was an unmistakable smile:

"I'm going now. Call me if you need anything.

He then left Ye Yunjin, who was still unconscious, and exited the room by himself.

As a "couple" rather than as a couple!

Left behind, Ye Yunjin was still standing in the same spot.

He lacks comprehension!

Why was he doing good just now? Simply grinning in the shadows at what Qin Mucheng said. Why did he unexpectedly... unexpectedly kiss him?

But before he had time to consider this matter further, another wave of feeling struck!

He was acutely aware of his own heartbeat as a result of this emotion.

In a stupor, he raised his hand, extended his long, white fingers, and softly kissed his warm lips.

Ye Yunjin had the impression that his face must be hot and red at this very time even without touching it.

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