Only Favouring His Wife Chapter 29

 Only Favouring His Wife Chapter 29

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"Okay, Sister-in-law Yun Jin!" Yan Qiu nodded in agreement.

Ye Yunjin was truly powerless, saying, "..."

Something appeared to pop into my head all of a sudden.

He turned to face Qin Mucheng, pursed his lips, and gazed at her. His lovely pupils highlighted the gorgeous features of Qin Mucheng's round, almond-shaped eyes.

"Well, thank you for giving me the opportunity to work at Qin's."

Ye Yunjin eventually choked on this sentence and ceased speaking.

However, even this caused Qin Mucheng's lips to quiver uncontrollably.

"You don't need to thank me."

Suddenly, after a brief pause, the thin lips released a magnetic bass, which caused Ye Yunjin's ears to instantaneously blush a pale pink.

As soon as possible, he dipped his head low and resumed using chopsticks to eat.

Chu Yixi and Yan Qiu were transfixed by this scene, and they couldn't help but feel happiness blazing in their eyes.

Chu Yixi felt that Ye Yunjin's feelings may have finally paid off, which made him glad. Yan Qiu was pleased with the transformation in his friend.

Chu Yixi was aware that Ye Yunjin had been in love with Qin Mucheng for a long time. Additionally, he is the only one who is aware of and comprehends Ye Yunjin's tenacity in dealing with Qin Mucheng.

There was no more conversation, and the mealtime was calm and welcoming.

A freshly cut fruit dish was on the table as the four of them sat together on the sofa in the hallway following dinner.

Chu Yixi took a quick look at Ye Yunjin and noticed that he didn't know what he was thinking and that his eyes were just focused forward.

He turned to look at Qin Mucheng once more and noticed him observing his young Jin.

As soon as he appeared to catch his sight, Qin Mucheng's eyes flickered to him briefly before quickly turning away and losing the gentle look they had just given Ye Yunjin.

There was only apathy, which appeared to have no ripples.

However, Chu Yixi was able to detect a subtle warning in Qin Mucheng's gaze.

He was unable to complete it because of his rage.

Indeed, I simply cannot stand this offensive ice cube.

Chu Yixi stretched out and smashed an apple piece that was fastened with a bamboo stick in his mouth when an idea suddenly entered his head.

"Xiaojin, what are you thinking about? " he asked with a smile. Come have some fruit.

Chu Yixi jabbed another piece of apple swiftly before Ye Yunjin had time to recover.

Ye Yunjin's mouth was beckoned upon, "Ah, open your mouth."

In desperation, Ye Yunjin opened his lips, gripped the crescent-shaped apple that had been chopped into little pieces, and chewed it many times. As a result, his delicate throat slid, making his pink lips appear even more moist.

The other three persons in the room felt a little out of place all of a sudden.

Yan Qiu wanted to depart since he found this circumstance to be a little humiliating.

Qin Mucheng was startled, and as soon as he was angry, he narrowed his eyes slightly and swept a chilly glow in the direction of Chu Yixi.

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Chu Yixi was so terrified that he swiftly put down the bamboo stick she was holding and pretended that the person who had been feeding earlier was not him.

He bowed his head, apologetically stroked his nose, and kept wondering why he had thought of such a clever method to annoy the ice cube vinegar jar.

Ye Yunjin, the party in question, however, paid no attention. He had no idea how appetizing the meal he had just eaten was!

He also had an odd expression when he asked Chu Yixi, "What's wrong? Why are you suddenly lowering your head?"

"No, it's fine I feel itchy on my nose."

"What were you thinking about right now, by the way? Why are you so confused?"

Chu Yixi launched an offensive before asking for an explanation and nonchalantly providing one.

"I just...just want to clear my head."

Ye Yunjin explained when his eyes briefly drifted.

"Oh, it's a bit boring, Xiaojin, let's play games, let's play on phone, let's go."

He was the one who just now lied, after all. Why was Chu Yixi unaware that Yunjin was fabricating events?

But he decided not to ask Qin Mucheng and Yan Qiu in front of them due to the unique circumstances of today, instead choosing to do so later on when he and Xiaojin were alone.

Ye Yunjin looked at Qin Mucheng when he first heard Chu Yixi's plea.

"Why are you doing? 

Chu Yixi scowled and scolded Ye Yunjin in a low voice.

As for Qin Mucheng, he softened a little when he noticed the question on his face and said, "This is your home too, so you don't need to ask me."

Ye Yunjin was astounded when he heard this because he had not anticipated his response.

"Then let's go to your room, Xiaojin, hurry up!"

Chu Yixi hauled Ye Yunjin up the stairs without ceremony after obtaining permission.

Ye Yunjin obediently followed Chu Yixi upstairs, but as he was about to descend the stairs, he turned around and cast a sidelong glance at Qin Mucheng.

Unexpectedly, the man turned to face him as well.

Yunjin was so terrified that he turned around and dared not look again.

"Master Qin, have you had enough already?" "My sister-in-law already left."

Qin Mucheng wasn't upset after hearing this either.

He "laughed" instead. He truly chuckled this time.

Yan Qiu experienced shivers all over his body.

"I enquired if there was any truth to the report that the Qin Group president, who hasn't smiled in ten thousand years, was replaced today. Your smile gives me the willies."

Even though Yan Qiu made fun of him on the outside after seeing how moved his friend was by Ye Yunjin, he was genuinely glad for him in his heart.

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