Not a prince on a white horse, but a prince on a black horse was the one who saved me


Not a prince on a white horse, but a prince on a black horse was the one who saved me.



Author: Bifun

Alternative Name : 私を救ってくれたのは白馬に乗った王子様ではなく、ちょっと黒い馬に乗った王子様でした

Plot : The terrible existence of Angelica, a baron's daughter, includes comparisons to her artistic sister and parental abuse. When she was eight years old, she met a handsome lad named Gilbert at a social gathering.

 "Don't. I'll help you! Thus, kindly wait. When Gilbert learned about Angelica's predicament, he spoke these stirring words to her. Angelica put her faith in Gilbert's words and waited and waited for the prince riding a white horse. A prince riding a white horse was standing next to her sister at her sister's engagement celebration ten years later. Angelica was on the verge of losing it due to her disappointment when Gilbert spoke some unexpected words.


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Not a prince on a white horse, but a prince on a black horse was the one who saved me.     


At the engagement ceremony of Gilbert, the son of the Count, and Fermitia, the daughter of the Baron.  

There were numerous attendees, including friends and family from both sides who sent their blessings, but just one woman was overcome by extreme sadness.  She is Angelica, Fermitia's older sister. 

When she was younger, she was promised by Gilbert something.     


Ten years prior, Angelica was solitary and sobbing in a party setting that her parents had made her attend.  She had never been to a party before, so she wasn't sure what to do when her father grabbed her arm.  She was led to an area of the party location where there was no room, and she endured a series of slaps.   

"You really can't do anything; enough already. Avoid getting in the way. Stay here until the party is ended."  

After saying that, her father left her without turning around.  Disciplining an eight-year-old girl was inappropriate, but this was normal life for Angelica.

Fermitia enjoys watching while her parents pick on her sister whenever possible.  Angelica sobbed daily, wondering why she had to take criticism for simply being.   "Why are you crying? 

Are you injured?"  

Suddenly, a boy who she didn't recognise called out to Angelica.  He has lovely facial features and large red eyes. This youngster must also be a nobleman brought in by his parents because he is dressed in expensive-looking attire.  

"I'm sorry, it's nothing."  Angelica spoke haltingly, bowed, and then made an attempt to flee in front of the frightened youngster.  

She thought he was probably just amused and calling out to her.  

"Hey, hold on."   "!?"  

Angelica attempted to flee, but the boy grabbed her arm tightly.  

-"Strangely, despite the fact that he is gripping my arm in the same manner that my father did previously, I don't feel any pain." Angelica thought Herself.   

"You cannot go. I can't believe a girl would spend the night alone in such situation."   "but--"   

"Just explain what happened to you."  The boy's eyes were filled with genuine worry.  For the first time in her life, Angelica experienced emotion being exhibited to her, and she immediately started crying.  She then revealed all of herself to the boy.  -Although I found it unusual, I believed I could trust this boy.   

"Avoid worrying. I'll help you out! Can you kindly wait?"   

The child stated so after everything was said, his expression serious.  

Ten years ago this happened.  Hope has risen in Angelica despite the fact that her family's treatment of her hasn't changed from ten years ago.  

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One day, a prince, a young kid on a white horse, will come for her. She was able to endure her family's bullying because of this.  

Nevertheless, isn't this punishment excessive no matter how severe it is?  After all, for her to pose as the fiancée of the sister she detested so bitterly was a terrible betrayal.  

I didn't want to see them again if something like this happened.  While she may believe this, she is also aware that there are some situations that are out of her control.  

Ten years ago, lt was just a verbal agreement between two children . There was no contract and no witnesses were present.  

Gilbert might not even be aware that Angelica is who he had made a promise.  The two made a vow ten years ago, but they quickly broke it. 

That was prior to them even exchanging names.  Angelica recognised Gilbert the moment she saw his fiery eyes, but he probably didn't recognize her.  

As evidence of this, despite her continued attention on Gilbert, he pays her no attention.  (This is unavoidable!)  She made an effort to speak it to him, but her heart was still too slow.  

Despite Angelica's soft heart, everything goes smoothly at the celebration.   "Mr. Gilbert would like to say a few words now, then."  After hearing the party organizer's remarks, Gilbert got up from his chair, and the crowd applauded wildly.   

"I want to start by apologising for any disrespect that will be shown."  Gilbert nevertheless begins to utter something unsettling. The audience's response was understandable.  

Gilbert inhaled deeply, as if to drown it out, and then opened his mouth gradually.   "I want to break off my engagement to Lady Fermitia right away."  

After a little pause, the crowd starts to roar loudly.  Gilbert was standing next to Fermitia, who had her mouth agape and was in a stupor.  "Don't be stupid!" said Angelica's parents.  

The party's tranquil vibe from a minute ago has vanished.  Gilbert and his parents were the only people who were not disturbed at all, despite everything that had happened.  Did Gilbert's parents anticipate this would occur?  (No, that's what's more important right now.)  

Gilbert ended the engagement for what reason?  Angelica didn't notice because she was intently contemplating it. Gilbert makes his way towards Angelica amidst the swarm of attendees at the location.   "Angelica"   "…………Why"   Gilbert appears in front of Angelica out of nowhere, leaving her speechless.  

Those were the words that readily slipped out of my mouth as she stood there, speechless.  What did you get engaged to my sister?Why did you end the relationship?   

She accidentally used the word "why," which had two connotations.   "I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long."   Gilbert bit his lip and sent a regretful glance in his direction.   "In actuality, I wanted to go and help you immediately , but I was still a powerless child at the moment.My thoughts weren't valued by my parents...But things have changed lately."   

Gilbert firmly grasps Angelica's shoulders and turns to face her.  His large, fiery-red eyes exude an intense will.  "I am finally prepared to keep my promise to you now that I have gain power."   

"...Is it alright? 

I'm not smart or talented."   

"Ah. Because it's you, everything is OK. If it's not you, everything is wrong. 

Since the day I first met you ten years ago, I have been in love with you."   


Angelica's cheeks are covered in large tears.  He came to me without hesitation despite the fact that we hadn't seen each other in ten years.  The verbal vows that the kids made to one another were always recalled.  

She swas so overjoyed by everything that she started crying nonstop.   "Angelica, will you come with me?"   "yes!"  Ten years earlier, Angelica had chosen her response.  The prince riding a white horse came for her.     


Gilbert and Angelica were wed shortly after that.  Before they got married, there were a lot of difficult problems because of his connection with Fermitia, who abruptly called off their engagement. 

However, Gilbert managed them all brilliantly. He is a really gentle and strong individual.  

Despite this, Angelica was not quite comfortable with her ideal husband.  In other words, why did he propose to Fermitia?  

She believes that it would have been preferable if he had simply arrived to pick me up instead of going through the hassle of calling off the engagement.  She once enquired about it with Gilbert.   

"It's so she should be pay for the way she treated Angelica. If the engagement was broken off in front of so many people, I believed it would harm her pride."   

Gilbert said that, but for some reason he seemed embarrassed and lowered his head.   

"I just wanted to be satisfied, so I did everything."  Gilbert, who sounded like he could start crying, was given a firm hug by Angelica.   

"I now even more admire Gilbert!"   Gilbert acts in a way that is motivated by his affections for Angelica.  It's possible that Gilbert wasn't just a good and innocent prince riding a white horse. 

If I were to make a comparison, I suppose he would resemble a black horse somewhat.  

He is a tiny prince riding a black horse, but he cannot resist Angelica.     

The End      


Translator's Note : When I read The name I thought it will be interesting. I usually read stories When I am editing It.  I thought it will be like, Gilbert Wanted to engaged with Angelica But because of some misunderstanding he got engaged To fermitia. 😆😆 

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