Last Love of the Ghost Lady ( Human-Nonhuman )

 Last Love of the Ghost Lady

Author: Zanku

Alternative Name :幽霊令嬢の最後の恋

Plot : A young woman was hurled down the stairs and died a long time ago. But in the east garden of the royal palace, in a four-room structure known as Akatsuki-tei, her body was hung. When her spirit was unable to leave the house, rumours that the young woman's ghost would haunt the Akatsuki-tei started to circulate. The young woman who turned into a ghost recounts the tale.

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Last Love of the Ghost Lady     


How much time?  

This is something that has been on my mind recently. I kept observing the four seasons as they changed.  

When I was alive, this four-room building in the imperial palace's east garden was known as "Akyotei."  

When seen from above, the white stone pillars are placed in a hexagonal pattern, with an entrance/exit on one side and benches and waist-high walls on the other.  Of course, beams and roofing are also present. 

Regarding the roof's material, I'm unsure. It is possibly metal and green.  White stone is used to construct the benches, walls, and columns.  

I was hung there a very long time ago.  It was simply hanged. My death wasn't here.  I passed away within the royal palace, on the Stairs.  

I had recently become engaged to the prince of this nation at the time. We never fell in love with one another, but sadly we got engaged.  

I believe the prince desired that power as his support since my family, into which I was born, was a strong family. I can't recall the specifics.  

I have forgotten a lot of stuff.  Even the faces of my family members are lost to me, along with my identity and family name.  

I can't remember the prince's name or face who was meant to be my husband. Naturally, I have no memory of his secret lover's name or face.  I should be able to recall her since she was the one who killed me.  

I can still feel her tiny touch on my back when I think about her.  Sadly, I can't recall her words before she shoved me away. Although I believe she said something, the shock that followed seemed to erase my memory of it.  

I'm sure it's nothing compared to what someone said, much less the sound of my own neck being snapped.  In shock, my mind went blank, and then I found myself here.  

I realised I was dead when I noticed my body dangling from a Dawn Pavilion beam. His neck was broken, so there was no purpose in continuing to live.  

About what I did after that, I don't recall much. My body had been cleaned up before I realised it.  And how was it discovered? 

That person had to be shocked. I was sorry for what had happened, but after giving it some thought, I realised that I wasn't to blame, so I made the decision to go on.  

I was more worried by the fact that I was unable to leave the vicinity of Akatsuki-tei for some reason. No, at first I worried about it, but now I don't give a damn.  I can only go to Akatsuki-tei by taking around 200 steps.  

Since I can fly now that I'm only a soul, I chose to explore the area while I had some spare time.  

I was dragged back to the Akatsuki-tei when my range of motion was at its maximum. I gave up because I couldn't go any further and essentially remained silent in Akatsuki-tei.  

The one saving grace was that a forest of trees was only 200 yards away.  As a result of fewer visitors than the central garden, the eastern garden at the periphery of the palace contains less flowers but more bushes and trees.  

Akatsuki-tei is tiring, so I drift off among the trees.  Look for lovely fallen leaves at a tree's base for a change of pace, or imagine yourself on a high treetop.  

When I was alive, I was unable to accomplish this. Of course, I also stood on Akatsuki-tei's roof.  No, I pretended to be standing, to be more specific. I pretend to be standing, sitting, and walking since I lack the common sense to really touch objects.  

When you're not aware of it, it's fluffy. Most folks are experiencing that.  I stayed here after that with nothing in particular to do, and one day I all of a sudden realised that I had possibly seen a priest. to Akatsuki-tei arrived.  

The priest's long white robe complemented the white and green Akatsukutei nicely.  

Along with the priest, there was an elderly man wearing expensive-looking clothing, as well as a man who appeared to be the older man's attendant. 

They walked cautiously towards the Dawn Pavilion while fearfully scanning the area.  I looked at them from behind a grove of trees, where I was at the time.  Given the close proximity, you may hear their voices.  Undoubtedly, a young woman with light brown hair and green eyes is present. Isn't she attractive?  

She was still in such a lonely spot after all! "Yes, that's right! Those traits match those of the deceased lady!"  Don't give up; I will send your sad young lady to the gods and save her soul.   

Thank you very much, priest.  

I hadn't heard anyone's voice in a while, yet I was a little irritated by what they said.  It seemed like superfluous care to me.  

I didn't feel particularly alone there, and I had no desire to go.  The priest then continued to pray at Akatsuki-tei. 

He was accompanied by two other males who had closed eyes and had a weird expression.  

I hid in a grove of trees since I didn't want to unintentionally travel to a location known as "the gods."  It is peaceful here and neither hot nor chilly. 

It's hardly a lonely location because mice and squirrels occasionally visit. I didn't want to leave the house.  They eventually vanished, so I went back to the Akatsuki Pavilion. 

But a dreadful thing was going on.  I was denied access to Akatsuki-tei.  I was in awe. Does this mean that the priest prayed? I am unable to access the entrance from anywhere else. 

Akatsuki-tei is surrounded by a translucent wall, and I will be turned off by it.  I was forced to stand on the roof because I couldn't seat on my preferred bench. But even that didn't succeed. It was no longer possible to reach the Akatsuki Pavilion from above.  

If such were the case, I ought to have convinced the priest to pause his prayer. Though I later regretted it, I will still do it. Already past midnight.  I spent some time hiding in the bushes and trees, devastated.  

Well, the environment wasn't too horrible. I enjoyed observing how the sunlight filtered through the trees, how the nuts changed colour and grew larger, as well as counting the snowflakes that were falling.  Around this time, I was starting to get used to living in a grove.  

I saw two people walking towards the Akatsuki Pavilion.  If they had come during the day, I would have assumed they were housekeepers and not paid them any mind, but because it was late at night and the moon was high in the sky, I started to take an interest in them.  

There were two figures: a man and a lady. Are they a couple?  I should have walked away, but instead I got as close to the Akatsuki-tei as I could and looked inside. They were on the bench with their faces down for whatever reason.  It's not, for some reason.  

Shia culture forbids men and women from approaching others after midnight. After some consideration, I can see their motivation.  

But at the time, I was unable to comprehend it.  I was astounded when I saw what they were doing. I had some knowledge, but seeing and hearing are very different.  

They finished everything before I could react because I froze in shock.  As they walked away, their footsteps eerily echoing as they had come, all I could do was pray.  

Please refrain from visiting once more. I don't mind going if you truly want to, but... Please don't do it.  My pleas were not heard by them, though.  They began returning frequently. 

It is nighttime. That's all there is to the goal.  I felt defiled after I was forced to leave my home.  

These men and women soon became not the only ones visiting Akatsuki-tei. I'm enraged just thinking about it right now.   I put up with their behaviour for a long time, until one night I finally lost it.  

I made a strong effort to burst through the impenetrable wall that surrounded Akatsuki-tei in my rage. Sometimes, anger can be a really effective motivator. After I passed away, I discovered this for the first time.  When the transparent barriers broke, there was a really loud noise.  Paaan! 

There are a tonne of tree ghosts in the area. The man and the woman naturally noticed and stopped.  For the first time in a while, I entered Akatsuki-tei.  

I often thought in the forest that returning would make me happy, but I was mistaken.  Anger was all I could feel in my heart.  As soon as I arrived, I gave the woman on the bench who was resting on her back a stare.  "H-hi!!!"  

She rolled her eyes and yelled between her teeth. I arrived late, and a man saw me and fled screaming.  Yeah. 

I was in awe. He abandoned her and she fled on her own.  Men should defend women when they are under danger. A woman will take one or two steps to defend a man because she needs him to stand up for her. 

There are aspects like that, I suppose. You cannot simply flee Stacola without taking those steps. It's pitiful.  I yelled out to her, forgetting that I was upset because I felt bad for her.  "Hey you,"  "Hiiii!!!"  She screamed, hopped over the wall, and rushed away from her. 

I ignored the fact that a lot of items were dropping off my waist and chest and coming loose instead of focusing on how my back was shrinking and moaned.  I merely wanted to check on your wellbeing.  

Upon reflection, I realise that I once experienced a fear of ghosts and similar things. I'm merely a friendly ghost.   Despite my hesitation, these conditions allowed me to re-enter Akatsuki-tei.  Although a forest is lovely, man-made objects are soothing. 

You may spend an eternity daydreaming while sitting on the bench.  At the tree's base, this is not true. I'm not at ease since leaves and tiny insects are moving through my body.  

The aforementioned guy and woman may have offered some counsel, but men and women no longer come here at night to take action.  People did, however, start visiting for other reasons.  It is a test of bravery and bravery.  

They arrive in the dead of night at Akatsuki-tei, where a ghost resides, and leave behind evidence of their presence.  They arrive after sunrise to check it out with their buddies, chat merrily and depart laughing.  

On the other side, there was also a trend of leaving things overnight and picking them up the next day.  I didn't meddle too much because I enjoyed watching them play.  When they spotted me, some people would scream, while others would remain silent.  

It was also amusing to continually cross in front of individuals who made no attempt to avoid me in order to determine whether they were indeed blind. The best part was passing folks who feigned not to be able to see.  

I gained the ability to express myself to people while playing in that manner.  The spectrum of play has increased because you have some freedom to reveal or conceal yourself. Fun was had.  

An odd customer visited Akatsuki-tei just as I was getting used to playing with opponents who challenged my confidence.  

In the Akatsuki-tei, two young youngsters with blonde hair who reminded me of someone I'd seen elsewhere were directing what appeared to be their servants to conceal something under a bench.  

The kids had remarkably similar characteristics and resembled one another like siblings. They shared a same nasty smirk.  They didn't approach the Dawn Pavilion and merely yelled commands to their supporters. 

I was a bit annoyed.  You probably intend to have someone come and pick up anything you leave here.  I believe it is unjust to make someone else feel afraid if you don't act courageously yourself. 

 I assumed they were in a safe area, so I floated over the skies and landed directly in front of them. Fortunately, I was only 200 yards away.  They sat down when they saw me arrive out of nowhere.  

"You said she won't emerge during the day, right?"  She may have been sobbing a little and dripping a little, but she was still a child. No manner is possible.  I attempted to instruct them, but the servant interrupted me just as I started. 

He raced off while carrying them under his arms with the quickness of a servant.  I was astounded and ignored it.  The sun was sinking as I stood there for a long, so I went back to the Akatsuki-tei.  

Whatever the servant hid—I don't know—I wanted to put it where it would be simpler to find.  I noticed a pendant as I peered behind the bench. Is the proprietor a woman?  

I felt bad for the owner because it was definitely an expensive jewellery pendant, so I did my best to move it.  I made an effort to at least remove it from underneath the bench, but I was unable to touch it. 

It was nighttime as I was completing this.  I vanished while watching for the girl who was the owner to show up at any moment.  

If I showed there and scared them, it would be funny. I had intended to instruct just through voice, but that must be terrifying. However, I wanted to let you know exactly where I concealed it.  

Already late in the evening. The Akatsuki-tei was approached by a tiny light and several footsteps.  Only one person's footsteps could be heard. I was delighted to see that the girl had made such an effort to travel alone.  

At night, this place is really unsettling. especially considering my neighbourhood is Akatsuki-tei. Most likely, you don't want me to pass by.  Are those two actually a threat or is this pendant truly significant? I don't know why, but their courage moved me.  

But when I saw the guests, I was shocked.  A little older than the two was the boy who suddenly materialised holding a tiny lamp.  

I'm not suggesting that's awful, though. Going to Akatsuki-tei at night, when even the toughest young man would quake, must have required a lot of bravery, whether you were a guy or a girl.  When I first saw the pendant, I thought it belonged to a woman. 

There is no justification for disappointment.  He appeared terrified as he entered the Dawn Pavilion before turning to gaze at me.  

He looks to be the kind of guy who can see me, which is terrible because there are occasionally individuals who can see me even when I try not to see them.  

I may have looked someone in the eye for the first time since turning into a ghost, but now was not the time to be impressed.  I wasn't planning to surprise the pendant's owner.  

I made the decision to breach the wall and skulk among the trees as a result.  Just before I go  "I mean no harm The pendant is under the bench."  I stayed in the trees that night. I didn't check on him since I didn't want to scare him.  

When I left the grove the following morning, the first thing I did was look below the bench.  I was glad he had found it because there was no pendant.  I had a good day that entire day. 

I was merely humming along because I couldn't remember the song's lyrics and had only vague recollections of the melody.  I was pleased that I could still be of assistance to others.  

Even though I generally pass the time by frightening people, this is strange. In any case, I was content.  Was it just about to get dark? 

I believed I heard a voice as I was playing in a grove of trees and seeing how quickly I could fly through the trees.  

The boy from last night was standing there when I turned to gaze at the Akatsuki-tei. He has dishevelled dark blue hair and appears to be looking for someone.  In no manner, but... No way, I thought as I peered through the bushes and noticed his blue eyes.  

He smiled a little strainedly as he called out to me.   "Thank you so much for your help last night, ghost lady ghost. 

I came to express my gratitude."  I walked out in front of him after he called me by a lovely name.  "Please don't worry about it," I said, beaming.  He gave me a bench at the Dawn Pavilion and sat down himself when I got there.  

He then presented me the bouquet he had and said that he was the first prince of this nation and that his name was Darren.  

He placed the bouquet next to me as I sat down since I was unable to receive it.   "I'm sorry it's so small, but it's my way of saying thank you to my benefactor. I received it from the gardener.  

He shouted something inappropriate, but he appeared sincere in his relief, so I laughed and told him it was okay.  Despite being the first prince, he was reportedly treated poorly because he was a concubine's child and his mother had already passed away.  

The younger brothers, the second and third princes, who frequently bothered him because they were the queen's kids, are yesterday's two blondes.   "My mother loved that pendant, and I did too. Knowing where it was hidden helped me a lot. I'm grateful."  

When Darren asked me my name, I truthfully said that I had forgotten.  I had never given my name to anyone before, so this was the first moment I realised how lonely it is to not have a name to give; all I wanted to remember was my own name.  I was feeling a little down.  

I came up with a catchy moniker for myself as I observed his hair moving in the breeze.    "The Navy is good. You can call me Navy."  He appeared to understand why his hair was navy right away, perhaps because I was staring at it.   "Navy?"   

"It's a good name and easy to remember," and Darren grinned shyly when I replied in the affirmative.  I laughed as well, and I was relieved to have a name.  Darren made time out of his hectic schedule to come see me in the days that followed, and they felt like a dream.  

Even though he would never succeed in becoming crown prince, he appeared to be a highly talented individual, and even though he was only 15 years old, he was given official responsibilities. He was also learning a lot in order to prepare for his future because someday he would have a territory.  

When I reassured him that he didn't need to exert himself and that I wasn't upset that Darren wasn't here because I had been alone for so long, he appeared to be on the verge of crying.  

Thus, I am unable to continue to insist that you not come.  However, I was concerned for him.  He was so busy that I was concerned for his health.  Darren usually chuckled and stated not to worry when I inquired about his well-being.  

"Let's see Navy, please. It's alright. I'm convincing everyone well, so nobody will suspect I'm here.  It was okay for two years after he stated that while beaming with confidence, and I thought to myself, "Smart people are amazing."  

We haven't seen each other in three years.   A golden shimmer caught my attention as I was speaking to Darren, who had arrived shortly before sunset.  Ghosts don't have blood, so why were I so astonished and scared, right? It's a funny look, though. 

I believed it was a colour I had seen somewhere before, and as I tried to identify the colour, I felt my blood drain instantly.  Returning to the subject, I noticed a reflection of a golden hue that reminded me of Darren's brother's hair colour.  

Darren simply chuckled and remarked, "He says he knows," after I swiftly informed him.   "He has recently been following me. I left him alone since it was a fantastic opportunity."  I wanted to punch Darren as he grinned, but I know it would slip through.  

Even if you are a member of the royal family, if it is discovered that you are covertly meeting with a ghost, you will be held accountable by the Inquisition if you do something improper. After all, what is a good opportunity?  

He vehemently opposed my request to immediately flee; if he does, he won't be able to come see me.   "You won't be able to come if you're sent to the Inquisition, anyway! Please don't mislead me by saying foolish things!"   "Believe me, I'll visit Navy without a doubt. 

Please be patient; it might not be possible for a time. I'll still arrive, though."  That being said, he walked away.  I'm unable to leave this place, therefore I have no way of knowing what happened after that.  

Every time the sun rose and the night set, I prayed for his safety since I was only anxious.  

I prayed every time the wind blew, it rained, a flower bloomed, and the trees shook, even if God may not hear the petitions of a powerless person.  

As long as you're secure, I don't need to see you again.  My request was not granted.  I don't know how you got here, but I warned you not to strain yourself.  Why did it become so painful that he couldn't even utter a sound?  

Before my eyes, his life's flame died.  Had he been tortured?  I missed Darren's long fingers, blue eyes, ears, nose, and a lot of other wonderful features.  -I'm sorry; you met someone like me me.  

Darren's body began to shine in front of my eyes as I bowed my head and sobbed more.  As the light gradually rose, he became deformed.  the soul of Darren.  He took my hand when I extended my hand to him.   "Navy, at last we could touch each other."  

I sobbed out loud because my feelings were so conflicted—I was pleased, heartbroken, and surprised—and Darren said that while grinning broadly.  Then, when Darren invited me to see the gods with him, I declined.  

"I once turned down the opportunity to visit the gods, so I can't go."  In addition, I enjoyed making fun of those who were trying their limits, and... peeping? In any case, I did something wrong since I am an impure soul.  

I explained to Darren why I couldn't accompany him after a lengthy talk, and he immediately started laughing.  Darren giggled while holding his stomach, and I squeezed his cheeks.   "What's with your excessive laughter?"   Why? "Because it's such a cute sin. 

Navy, so cute."  "Please stop making fun of me, no more!"  

Darren apologises and pokes me in the cheek when I puff out my cheeks. The air abruptly stopped. already.   

"Seriously, Navy, your misdeeds aren't sins. Even those who are more sinful than I am have funerals officiated by priests. 

I've done far more sinful things than you."   "But...I'm unable to leave, thus I'm unable to accompany you."   "It's ok; I'll take you; I know the way."   Darren works really hard to persuade me. 

I too gradually started to consider whether or not that was a good idea.   "Additionally, don't worry; if Navy is unable to leave, I will stay here as well. I won't abandon you once more."  

One word changed everything for me.  Darren smiled broadly and extended his hand to me as I nodded. My hand was on his. I am touchable. Even that brings me such joy.   

"I checked you out and found that you've been here Akatsuki-tei for 150 years, Navy."   It has been so long since my passing.  I had a heartfelt look as I observed Akatsuki-tei. 

The Shia's old stone construction had undoubtedly lost some of its aesthetic appeal due to weather exposure.   "It's a bad place, so I'm sure this place will be destroyed as well."  

He laughed when I stated that.   "The seeds have been sown, and I'm sure it will happen soon. Not only will the Akatsuki-tei disappear, but the entire castle will probably vanish as well. 

The royal family was too haughty. They will definitely be punished."  He is laughing, but it's a laugh that makes me tremble in some unfathomable way.  

Darren stared at me surprised as I tightened my hold on his hand.   "Navy, I love you. Let's meet again and live at the same time when we are reborn in a new nation."  "Me too, Darren. My whole soul trembles when I think of you, even though I have no heart because I'm a ghost."  Darren grinned and gave me a hug.  Warm light emanates.  We lightly touched lips before we could see each other in the light.     



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