Only Favoring His Wife C2

Only Favoring His Wife Chapter 2

Lin Yang aimed his firearm, declaring, "This was a deception from the very start. Mingxi belonged to me before he was with you. I orchestrated his presence by your side to gain your trust. Otherwise, how could today have come to pass? I've waited patiently, and now this day has finally arrived."

With an excited smile, Lin Yang exclaimed, "Rot in hell!"

A gunshot echoed, and blood splattered across Qin Mucheng's face, yet it wasn't his own blood. As he saw someone rushing to shield him, Qin Mucheng felt a deep shock. He never expected that the person who had protected him in this moment of danger was the same man he had once looked down upon. Supporting the fallen individual, Qin Mucheng felt regret for the first time.

"Quick, get away," the man reached out and pushed Qin Mucheng. "Hurry..."

Gazing into the man's anxious eyes, Qin Mucheng was taken aback. "Why did you save me? Because, because of me..." Qin Mucheng couldn't find an answer, realizing that the other person had already closed their tender eyes.

"Master, make a swift escape, we'll provide cover!" urged Qin Mucheng's associates.

As he placed the person he was carrying down and retreated, Qin Mucheng couldn't help but ponder: If I could start over, I'd want to understand why.


In City B, within a villa in the Jingyang District, hushed whispers echoed in a dimly lit room. Moonlight seeped through the window, casting a gentle glow upon the figure lying in bed. Suddenly, the person on the bed opened their eyes. Initially clouded with confusion, those slightly brown eyes swiftly regained clarity and focus.

Qin Mucheng lay in silence on the bed, closing his eyes, then reopening them, a silent smile gracing his lips. It was only a while later that Qin Mucheng gently pursed his lips.

Upon closer examination, one would notice that Qin Mucheng's eyes were now filled with a profound and dark intensity.

It appears to be a blend of hatred, along with a hint of intrigue and an inexplicable sense of delight.

Rising from the bed, he left it, opened the window, and peered into the darkness beyond. Qin Mucheng gazed outside for a considerable time before softly whispering, "I'm back. I wonder if I can bear the 'Return gift.'"

With a subtle smile, Qin Mucheng's attention shifted to a table adorned with a white photo frame. He approached it leisurely, lifting the "wedding photo" frame from his former life, and fixated his gaze on the person captured in the photograph.

The photo depicted just two men, each with distinct appearances and dispositions. The taller figure was none other than Qin Mucheng himself. In the picture, he wore an expensive black suit, his handsome face unwavering, exuding a cold and imposing aura.

Beside him stood a man in a white suit, visibly shorter than Qin Mucheng. In contrast to Qin Mucheng's striking presence, the man in the white suit lacked any notable features.

Standing next to Qin Mucheng, he appeared even more unremarkable. However, upon closer examination, one would notice the surprising beauty in the man's eyes. Beneath well-defined eyebrows were long, sweeping lashes that framed a pair of almond-shaped eyes, a rarity among men. These almond-like eyes possessed a remarkable clarity when they gazed gently forward.

It's often said that a person's eyes can offer insights into their inner thoughts. Combined with this man's gentle disposition, when they stood together, he seemed almost on par with Qin Mucheng. Their presence inexplicably harmonized.

Qin Mucheng lifted the photo frame, his fingers caressing the man's face as he observed the tenderness in the man's dark eyes. Unbeknownst to him, the fake sneer that had adorned his face had vanished, replaced by a genuine, slightly upturned corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, Qin Mucheng seemed to recall something, and his brow furrowed slightly, a trace of confusion clouding his eyes. "Ye Yunjin," he murmured softly. "Why? What could have compelled you..."

A gentle knock echoed through the door, pulling Qin Mucheng from his deep contemplation.

"Come in!" a deep voice beckoned.

"Second Young Master, you're awake! After returning from work, you've been resting in your room for an hour and haven't had dinner yet," Steward Su, who had entered the room, remarked with a smile. "Please come downstairs for dinner later."

"Of course, Uncle Su," Qin Mucheng replied.

"In addition, the master just called and requested that the Second Young Master return to the ancestral house tomorrow at noon for lunch with the old man," Steward Su added.

"Uncle Su, please inform Grandpa and Father on my behalf that I'll remember to attend tomorrow," Qin Mucheng replied in a composed manner.

"Very well, Second Young Master. I'll head downstairs and attend to my duties," Steward Su said before turning and leaving, closing the door behind him.

After Steward Su's departure, Qin Mucheng gently set down the photo frame and made his way into the bathroom. Regardless of the circumstances, since you once saved me, Ye Yunjin, I'll protect you as long as you're in the Qin family.

Little did anyone know that it was this decision of Qin Mucheng that would once again intertwine the fates of these two individuals. At the airport's entrance, he spotted a young ma

n in a light gray windbreaker, clutching a suitcase.

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