The abandoned boy appears to have experienced a demon's Love

The abandoned boy appears to have experienced a demon's Love

Read Japanese Oneshot Stories translated in English.

Author: Sancchi

Alternative Name : 捨てられた少年、魔人の溺愛を頂いたようです

Plot : In his desperation, 15-year-old Raimondo Stimos sold by his father to a slave trader because he is unable to use magic. He is saved by the demon Daku while being transported, though, and ends up residing in his home. I don't believe there will be good relations between people and demons. How did he get back up? Daku accepts Raimondo properly despite a number of issues still being present.


The Abandoned Boy  Appears To  Have  Experienced  A  Demon's Love       


How many time have I wished that I had been born in a world where there is no magic?   

"Seriously, why don't you even possess magical abilities?"   "I guess you'll just have to crawl around on the ground like that for the rest of my life."   

"He lacks fundamental information, as would be anticipated of a "incompetent boy."   

From a distance, one could hear guests and other nobles backbiting.   

In this universe, people are born with magical abilities. Raimondo Stimos, however, was born without any magical abilities, and he is still unable to perform any form of magic. He did everything he could, but if he didn't understand the root of the problem, there was no way to get better. Raimondo is imprisoned at the Count and Countess' mansion and made to perform household duties since they are upset with him.  

But he was aware of it. He have nowhere to go.  His father, Count Stimos, call him the evening of his 15th birthday. 

As instructed, he proceeded to the back door and asked, "What's wrong?"  Raimondo was forced to have his lips covered by many hands.  

"Uh-oh? Uh-oh..."   

He immediately realised that he was being attacked. The Count pretends not to see Raymond while he is speaking to an unknown man. 

He was pushed inside a box while having a rope tied around his mouth to prevent him from speaking and his arms and legs restrained so he could not fight back. 

The box is positioned on the rear of an old carriage.   

"I'll leave it to you, but I didn't think a guy like that would sell for this much. 

I'll simply let the world know that he passed away in an accident."   

"I would want to introduce him to a decent men's brothel, but I'm sure some rich man with a taste for things would buy him. 

Such a gorgeous young man is likely to sell for a rather high price."   

After hearing his father's chat with the man over there, he was persuaded. They are slave traders who will eventually sell him. 

Although it is forbidden in the nation, many people attempt to engage in it in order to profit financially. 

Finally, his parents got down and dirty.  

Even though Raimondo was restrained so tightly that he was unable to cry out, he continued to cry. 

But with time, he begins to realise that this is it.   (They can't help but treat him this way, even though they don't need a son who has been useless for a long time and doesn't even possess magical abilities...They put up with him until now and raised him until he was 15 years old.)  

Without realising what Raimondo was considering, the guys who were operating the carriage were shouting at each other loudly. 

Evidently, they were looking for a shortcut through the jungle.  

"Hey, they claim there are monsters over there, right? What are you going to do if they attack us? Our magic won't be able to hold a candle to them, and the goods might be harmed."   

"This job pays better than my past employment, so I can't fail, I'm way behind schedule, and if I don't finish it by midnight, there's a good chance I'll be blamed."  

The carriage slowly moves towards a pitch-black wilderness. A criminal-filled vehicle that rushes ahead for reward and defence. Despite the poor road, I haven't seen any creatures.   

"Look here, they say you can't get a tiger cub if you don't go into a tiger's den. If you don't take risks, you can't make any profit."   

"Well, what we're doing is illegal in and of itself."  

At that precise time, a filthy chuckle resounded throughout the jungle.  

"You can't be compared to monsters because of the filth in your hearts."   

Someone immediately gets into the carriage as a low voice resonates around them. No, the loading platform was demolished by the impact! 

The impact caused the box that contained Raimondo to fall to the side.  

"Who or what are you?"  

"So, oi! 

A monster appears in front of me all of a sudden!?"  

A group of wolf creatures suddenly materialised in the men's path. The carrier's mouth is opened by the person within. Is the figure with the moon behind him a demon or a monster with human features? 

His right eye's side has turned blue-black and is heavily filled with "dark" magic, which is just as uncommon as light. His hands are radiating a dark aura that is only associated with dark magic as evidence.   

"I will not have mercy on those who enter through criminal activity; this is the domain of monsters."   

The wolf growls and the demon's warning may have bewildered the horse, who abruptly jumped away from the carrier. 

''Wait!'' they exclaim as they mount the horse."as it attempts to flee and flees, leaving the carriage behind. 

The demon examined each of the boxes scattered across the loading platform, thinking it was a dumb thief who appeared to be pursuing him. 

Eventually, he unlocked the box that Raimondo was stuffed into.   

What, a human...?"  

As soon as the restraints are taken off, Raimondo sobs and trembles throughout his entire body. He is also unable to talk. 

He probably fears getting killed here because he can see monsters and demons in his immediate surroundings. 

Man-eating creatures are widespread in this world. Raimondo was not attacked, though.   

"Let's go to my mansion. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but please bear with me. It's dangerous to stay here."  


As soon as the demon finished speaking, he tore off his cloak, wrapped it around Raimondo's waist, and held him securely. 

Although Raimondo was startled by the suddenness, he was still too speechless to respond. 

He can sense the demon's body, which is what he understands. 

Also, the warmth. He can't stop crying because he feels like this is the first time anyone has shown him kindness. He may have lost consciousness out of a feeling of security.  

The black aura that was emanating from the demon started to disappear as the tears landed on his body.   

"What, did this guy wipe out my black magic, and what's more, even when he receives dark magic, nothing happens..?"  

The dark aura does not erode Raimondo when it comes in contact with him. The demon looked astonished as he saw him dozing off in his arms.  



Ramondo awoke in a comfortable bed.   

"You are awake."  The demon who had helped him said. You can easily see the discolouration on his face and his blue eyes if you look at him in a light environment. Just looking at the figure, which seemed to be a mix of human and non-human, Raimondo simply enlarged his eyes.   


"Do you think we can talk, or if not, would you like to eat something first?"  

The demon was caring, despite his unnatural look and domineering air. Even when the servant-like monster promised to do something, he actually did it himself and took great care of it. 

The demon prepared him a bath and a new set of clothes because his clothes were filthy and he was probably hungry. 

Raimondo's appearance was spotless in a matter of hours.   

"I'm Daku, also known as the devil in the world."   Monsters that are not nationals of any nation reside close to the Kingdom of Vastel's border. This forest serves as an illustration. In essence, neither individuals enter nor do they reside there. 

Exceptionally, yesterday night's unique circumstance. Because of this, people were unaware that a mansion like this existed in a forest or that a demon like him existed.  

In this jungle, Daku generally leads a quiet life. He doesn't consider assaulting locals or other nations, but he will not put up with anyone who willfully destroys this forest. 

He occasionally patrols late at night because he doesn't particularly appreciate being a haven for crime and wrongdoing. 

He helped Raimondo when he was patrolling . Daku talked while petting the wolf monster that was accompanied by him on the patrol.   

"I was shocked to see you tied up and crammed into a box. 

Did you get kidnapped? If so, I'll send you home. What kind of house does he come from?"   


He wasn't sure if he ought to be honest.    

Since being sold from that residence, he believes he no longer even has a name. 

He is hesitant to open up to the guy who assisted him last night, someone he just met. However, he was unable to come up with a suitable solution, so in the end he was forced to reveal everything straight out.   

"Raymond Stimos, a descendant of the Count Stimos."   


"I had nowhere to go back to because I was sold because I was a stupid person who couldn't use magic."   

He was purchased by slave traders. It is simple to see why he was left behind. He closed my fist firmly. 

He was once more made aware of his helplessness and the fact that he could do nothing to repay those who had assisted him. He is unsure of what he can do because he lacks the resources to pay back the favour that was done for him. 

The only option left is to murder and eat, right?   Perhaps his thoughts were too intense, but he found himself crying out in frustration. 

Daku dabbed his tears with care. Someone he met for the first time had slightly firm yet warm hands.  

"You can stay here while things settle down because a lot of things transpired."  "eh"  

"You are under no obligation to do anything, however if you choose to, you can help me with some tasks."   


"If calling you Raimondo is difficult, I'll just call you "Rai" while you are here."  

Raimondo has no intention of stopping Daku from making his own judgements. He was actually pleased that they had accepted the notion of relocating here. 

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But why would he harm me in this way? I don't simply believe it's a noble purpose; I also wonder whether he might have some advantages.   

"You must be thinking why am going so far."  Daku grinned, as if he were an expert. Unexpectedly, he chose one of the flowers that were arranged next to the window. 

The flowers began to wilt instantly due to the black aura that was emanating from his right palm.   

"Like the flower from earlier, I have dark magical power, but it's so strong that I can't control it myself. 

I use various magical restraints to control it, but it's still coming out constantly. It weakens things. If it were someone with the same dark magical power, it wouldn't be that bad."   

Because it had many monsters as bonuses, its users were hated. 

It was true that Dak's body had magic suppression bandages wrapped around his arms, and chains with chains attached to his wrists and ankles. 

I wonder how strong the power is that it is overpowered by the forces of darkness, which are opposed to light, and are primarily associated with death, such as destruction and decay.   

"But there was nothing when I stroked your cheek earlier, correct?"  "···a"   

Though immediately his face gets red as he realises that he has been comforted as if he is his lover, he suddenly remembers that it was true that he wiped his tears with his hand, but his skin didn't hurt at all, and he didn't notice any changes.   

"Rai most likely possesses a resistance to evil magic. Your entire body must possess the ability to purify. The fact that yesterday night when I touched your body, it eliminated this dark aura is evidence of that."   

"But I don't possess any magical abilities."   "Apparently, it cannot be measured using standard methods for determining magic strength."   

In the capital, discussing dark magic is frowned upon and is hence banned. They most likely didn't comprehend this opposition because of this. 

There are a lot of potential outcomes, including a brand-new kind of magic or a mutation.   

"If you're cool with it, would you mind living with me? It's a lot of work managing such a vast estate with only a few people, " 

"The number of people in this mansion is pretty low."   

I can finally be of service to someone and be someone who has value, and for the first time in my life, my existence was validated.  

Raimondo cries once more as soon as Dak pats him on the head.   

"Oh, I'm sorry. I suppose I suddenly drew too near to you."  "N-no, I'm very thrilled, I say.''  

Dak felt at ease for the first time from the bottom of his heart when he saw Rai crying and laughing because he had finally found a place to belong.   

"I'll always be here if I can be of any help! Please, Daku-sama.!"   

"Oh, I'm grateful."  


Raimondo began residing in Daku's mansion after that.  He had a hard time getting acclimated to the servant-like monsters here, but they we work together, they'll become used to them. 

He felt it was wrong to do nothing, so he started helping out with various things.   It was explained that there was no place available for him, but he had a hard time getting used to being so near. 

But more than that, Daku cared for Rai; not only do they eat and go for walks, but they also take baths together and rest in the same bed.    

Rai may have wanted to be deeply loved by someone like this, though he accepted that it couldn't be helped, but he really isn't sure if he's up to the role. 

It's just that he's resistant to dark magic, and he's always depending on him to help h.  

"I wonder if I'll be able to get along with him in the future, especially since he's a demon and I'm a human, and I'm sure we all have different ideals and values..."  

While contemplating such things, half a year has passed. One night, as Rai was about to head back to his room, he noticed Daku and the butler, who was definitely a boar monster, chatting on the balcony.   

"Wow, Daku-sama, I can't believe someone will finally with you. As someone who has been following you for a while, I am overjoyed."   

"Oh, really?"    

"Since master was alive, I haven't seen Daku-sama appear happier. 

After all, isn't it necessary to have someone dear to you there?"    

"I see," the devil's face became scarlet.    "As expected, Daku-sama probably feels comfortable interacting with humans. 

After all, you were the only human left in this forest."  Daku was so startled that he lost his peripheral vision and nearly dropped a nearby vase; fortunately, the vase was unharmed, but it seemed to make too much noise at that moment. "Huh?" said a stupid voice.  

Daku is... not a demon, but a human.   "...Rai?"   "Ah···"   

Rai tried to escape, but Daku firmly grabbed him by the shoulders, so he had no choice but to be resolute and face him, but he just averts his gaze, not knowing what to say. 

The butler, who didn't know the situation, was a little taken aback, but he gave a slight nod and left, trying to get the two of them to have a conversation.   "Have you heard what I just said?"   

"···yes"   The fact that he didn't want Raimond to hear it was probably something daku didn't want him to know. Daku leans on the balcony railing. 

The night breeze caressed his skin comfortably, perhaps calming him down a little. He started talking about his past, piece by piece. He was trying to hide it, but his face was smiling, but his blue eyes were looking off into the distance.   

"My family is the Duke Andio, which is a rather illustrious family, and my real name is Douglas Andio. I was born in the Kingdom of Vastel. I possess a very strong dark power."   

"Although father treats me as a completely despised child, those around me desperately try to get rid of his dark power because I am his legitimate son. 

However, everything ended in vain, and the moment my father had a child with his second wife, Daku became obsolete. When I was five years old, I was abandoned in this forest.  

I met My master in this forest. He most likely desired evil power as well, yet he still treated me like a son. He showed me how to utilise magic, navigate this wilderness, and communicate with people.  

I was joyful because I thought I had found a family I could love."   He was exactly like him, Rai knew. Here, he was left behind, found, and given a new name. He was given a reason to live right here.   

"When that demon passed away, he left a will stating that you would be in control of the monsters in this forest going forward."   

Daku then started to label himself a demon as a result of that will. It was simple to make up the fact that he had formerly possessed incredible dark abilities. 

The monsters had a wonderful relationship with him because they had welcomed him since he was a young child. After some time, Dak and Raimondo cross paths.   

"I was initially taken aback and unsure of what to do, but for some reason I simply couldn't let it go. It seemed like I had rediscovered the old me."   

"I'm delighted that we met."   Daku lovingly pats Rai's head after saying that. Over the past six months, he has greatly adapted to it, yet he still finds it embarrassing to be petted. However, he also senses relief. Considering that he is joyful and can sense that he loves him.   

"...Me too. Please let me be closer to you."  Rai's face gets even redder after saying it; it's embarrassing to say it again. When Daku noticed this, he grinned and gave him a head pat.   


After that, time passed without incident.  The earl family's faith was severely damaged when it was revealed that Count Stimos had dabbled in slave selling. 

The son of Duke Andio's second wife's son who wasted practically the entire family's wealth.  

The two were blissfully ignorant of this scenario as they lived in the monster forest.   

"You should get into bed, Daku-sam. Ah, um, are you really going to recover if you stay in this position?"  Daku spent his afternoon break fending off invaders in the jungle, using up all of his energy. He was now exhausted and curled up on Rai's lap.    

"Rai's knees are warm and comfortable, and they put me at ease."   "If you are happy then Okay.''   -We are more than a family.   The butler watches the two fall in love without realising it because they skipped the process as he gets ready for a tea break.   

The End 

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