In an otome game, I resurrected as a villainess, and my fiancé ended up being The boss from My previous life! (Reincarnation)

 In an otome game, I resurrected as a villain, and my fiancé ended up being The boss from My previous life! 

Alternative Name :乙女ゲーの悪役令嬢に転生したら、婚約者の中の人が前世の上司だった!?

Author: Masaki

Plot: Nagase, a young, single office worker, receives an invitation to supper from Chief Shimada, one day after work. Nagase is experiencing unexpected good fortune. Additionally, the section manager informed her that he had something crucial to share with her in the middle of her dinner, which caused her heart to accelerate wildly. Nagase is killed when a truck, which was being driven by it's intoxicated driver out of control, crashes into the shop. But soon after, Nagase was reborn as Estelle, the antagonist of the otome game "A Rose Blooming in the School." In addition, it is found that Chief Shimada, who passed away at the same time as Nagase, had also taken the form of Prince Curtis, Estelle's fiance. Esther's condemnation outcome will be unavoidable if the situation plays out exactly as it does in the game. Will the two of them be able to alter the game scenario's ultimate outcome?

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 In an otome game, I resurrected as a villain, and my fiancé ended up being The boss from My previous life! 

"Please, Excuse me first, Senpai."

"What!? Have the specifications reached their conclusion yet?"

At the appropriate moment, a junior girl stood up from her seat, so I quickly called out to her.

"No, not yet, but the scheduled time has passed."

"Huh!? Tomorrow is the deadline for updating the requirements, right?"

"I'll leave the writing of the specifications to you if that's okay, as I have a date with my guy today."


She left, humming to herself, without even listening to what I had to say.

folks in their 20s today! !!It's finally over, haha.

It was shortly after 9 o'clock when I looked at the time.

The fact that I must develop the specs for my underclassmen instead makes me unhappy.

"Nagase, Are you still doing it?

Oh, chief.

At that time, it was.

The manager, who is also my immediate employer, called out to me.

Today, he wears a well fitted, wrinkle-free suit that accentuates his tiny frame and is really stunning.

It's alright! It is finally over!"

"...Perhaps you were carrying out another person's task for them?"


My voice was clogged up because it didn't belong there.

"That's not good for them, by any means. Please let me know if it happens again in the future. I'll handle everything."

"Y-yes, I'm sorry,"

Ah, Chief Shimada, whom I secretly admire, cautioned me.

I suppose this was a letdown...

"Hehe, but I appreciate Nagase-san's commitment to excellence."


Chief, just told me he likes me?

Ah, no, no, no, He likes the fact that I work hard, is that what He's saying now?

I almost spelled hazardous wrong: dangerous, dangerous.

"By the way, as a modest thank you for working so diligently, I'd like to give Nagase-san a small prize. Would it be acceptable if the two of us had dinner right away?"


Oops? ? ? ?

"Wow, what a fantastic store!"

I was taken to a nice restaurant by the manager that had a soothing ambience.

A melancholy environment is produced via indirect lighting that is used throughout.

Well, fashion and indirect lighting go hand in hand!

We were led to a window-side seat in a private room.

"Do you Like it?"

"Yes, thanks a lot! But are you certain you want to treat me to such a pricey restaurant?"

"Hehe, I already told you that. Don't be shy; it's a prize for Nagase-san. Can I drink red wine?"

Ah, sure, whatever!"

Ah, it's like a dream, I tell you.

The beef fillet steak provided as the main course was extremely exquisite; the instant I bit into it, the meat juices poured out, and the bread continued eternally. 

"What kinds of games have you been playing recently, Nagase-san?""

The chief asked me this while we waited for dessert.

In fact, it was just recently learned that the department manager is actually a die-hard game nerd despite his sophisticated appearance.

Chief and I occasionally enjoy discussing video games because I am a bit of an otaku as well.

"This is pretty inventive and fascinating, however lately I've been fascinated to an otome game called "A Single Rose Blooming in the Academy," also known as "A Single Rose Blooms in the Academy."

"What kind of game is it, I wonder?"

The chief doesn't have much experience with otome games, but he listens to my narrative with a smile and doesn't take it personally.

I appreciate that about him, ah!

"The idea behind Gakubara is to "import the world view of the villainess novel into an otome game," and in typical otome games, what is known as a villainess rarely appears. In Gakubara, there is a character called Estelle, who is a typical villainess.Esther treats Holly, the main character, harshly at every opportunity, and eventually pushes Holly down the stairs and injures her.After that, she was beheaded by a gui"

That's horrible, 

Like most otakus, I spoke too quickly!

"That's really inventive, haha. Would you mind lending it to me the next time? Likewise, I want to give it a shot."

"Are you serious, oh ho?"

"I'm serious, I swear. I'm interested in every detail regarding Nagase-san."


Under the soft indirect lighting, the chief smiled bewitchingly.

Hmm? ?

Why on earth is it this way right now?

"We apologize for keeping you waiting. Dessert is a strawberry tart.


At that time, it was.

I received dessert from the cool Romance Gray employee.

Oh, oh...

Is it a good or bad time?


"Wow, it seems quite delicious! I like strawberries a lot."

Let's enjoy the dessert we have before us for the moment!

"Oh, you enjoy strawberries, Nagase-san. --You are welcome to consume my food as well. Truth be told, I dislike strawberries."

Was there ever a person on this planet who didn't like strawberries?

Oh, this area.

In an attempt to give me a plate with a tart on it, the Chief grinned.

"Oh, I'm grateful. --Ah."

However, I unintentionally touched the manager's hand with my extending hand.


Chief Shimada and I exchange silent glances for a short while.

The manager's eyes seemed to be radiating so much fire that I thought they may burn me.

Also, Chief?

"Nagase-san, I want to tell you something Please listen to me."


The hand that is holding me receives intense pressure from the chief.

The manager's hands are indeed quite rough, and I suppose they are hands befitting a guy.

"I've been thinking about Nagase-san constantly."

-- At that moment.

Suddenly, we were illuminated by a bright light coming through the window.

I noticed a massive truck approaching us at a high rate of speed when I turned my head.

The truck driver had reddened skin and vacant eyes.

What is drunk driving?

Oh no, that's hazardous!


Lady Estelle, you also look lovely today.


A lovely woman with blonde hair styled in vertical rolls sat down in front of me before I knew what hit me.

No, that's a mirror, right?

So I'm this gorgeous woman...?

Moreover, Estelle...

"Young lady, what's wrong with you?"

"Na-na-na-na, it's nothing, n-no!"

Is that true?

The maid standing behind me looks at me bewildered.

-- Without a doubt.

I ultimately underwent reincarnation as Estelle, the school's rising star!

What should I do, I ask myself?

She is by herself in the duke's arbor, holding her head with her hand.

It appears that she and her fiance, the Crown Prince Curtis, will have a tea party here today.

Although Curtis was my favorite Character at the time, But Chief Shimada is really my favorite.

This feels like cheating ...

In addition, if things keep going the way they are, I'm going straight to condemnation!

This is horrible, a really bad situation...

"Hey, hi."


At that time, it was.

In front of me stood a lovely man clothed in sparkling attire.

Ah, Curtis, who I've viewed through the screen so frequently, is now directly in front of me.

But I apologize, Curtis.

Chief Shimada alone is the owner of my heart.

The maid from earlier brought tea and strawberry tart and swiftly left at the same moment Curtis arrived.

Oh my God, strawberry tarts are served here as well?

What a cruel twist of fate.

"A strawberry tart, I see. Would you mind getting some for me as well, please? Truth be told, I dislike strawberries."


Now! ?

In any situation, Curtis don't like strawberries??

-- Well, It never appear in the game 

"Do you happen to be Chief Shimada?"

"What!? Do you happen to be Nagase-san?"

It appears that both Chief Shimada and I have been reincarnated in the Gakubara universe.

"This has grown into a problem."

"..I concur"

We didn't even touch the tea as we stood facing one other with our heads bowed.

Being reunited with the manager was a blessing in disguise, but if things keep going the way they are, all that awaits me in the future is death.

Whatever she decides to do, whether in response to the harassment by the development personnel or not, Estelle will only lead to her total destruction.

In a way, it could be claimed that taking pleasure in seeing Estelle punished is a wicked game.

Since I was also having a good time playing, I can't comment for others.

"My sincere apologies, Nagase-san! I invited you to that shop, and then this occurred.'"

The chief gives me a deep bow.

"Oh, Chief, please raise your head! The Chief is not at blame! Please don't take offense; I was extremely pleased that the Chief welcomed me."


The manager raised his head with an attitude of unfathomable beauty, his eyes slightly damp.

Ah, it's the one who is pushing who is pushing, I see.

I'm worried that if I take too much, I'll develop an arrhythmia.

"But Nagase-san, if things go on like this..."

"That's right," I said.

It may be considered that God has granted me a second life as a bonus in this situation.

Waiting for him to be found guilty while remaining silent would be ineffective.

"Can't we somehow prevent Nagase-san from being condemned? If that's the case, I'll do all in my power to assist.


Ah, I'm so fortunate to have someone say such nice things to me.

"Do you feel prepared, Nagase-san? Estelle, "

The answer is "yes, Mr. Curtis."

Then, the main character of Gakubara, Holly, had her entry ceremony to the elite school.

The game's beginning is right here.

In this scene, Holly first encounters Curtis and Estelle in the hallway.

--The plan we came up with is presented here.

In other words, it would be okay if Esther didn't turn into the evil daughter.

To put it another way, all I need to do is treat Holly well and make friends with her.

I should be able to avoid getting condemned in the future if I do that!

The most important meeting was the first one with Holly today.

Good nature...

Kindness of spirit!

I repeated the first words I said to Holly while saying this to myself again and over.

I see, cool!

"Hello, here, here!"


At that time, it was.

In front of us, a sweet pink-blonde girl emerged.

Holly the Devil, it's arrived!

OK, kind words...

Say something nice to her!

"Araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You How Dare You"

".. I'm sorry, but because I used to be a commoner, I have no concept of noble manners.

Oh? ? ? ?

Why did I just say that now?

My immediate unusual conduct also caused the chief who was standing next to me to widen his eyes.

-But the following instant.

"What are you saying, Estelle? Don't you have compassion for this young woman? 

Tell me your name.""

Chief? ? ? ?

"My name is Holly"

"That's a nice name, Holly. This is Curtis. I am this nation's crown prince. And this is Estelle, my fiancée. Holly, please take care of me. Contact us at any time if you need assistance. Come speak with me."

"Yes," and "thank you!"

Ah, this conversation...

I've seen this moment in video games innumerable times.

I notice...or something similar...

Holly bowed to us before speeding down the corridor.

"Nagase, what's happening right now?"

The division manager's face grew pale as if he had suddenly come to his senses as soon as Holly vanished.

It appears that the section leader was likewise aware of the circumstance.

"Yes, sadly, it appears that what is described in the game is entirely accurate.

I wonder whether you might describe it as the coercive force of..."

"That's it, then, Estelle, I see."

"It's a hopeless circumstance."

I'll probably just calm down by counting prime numbers.

The section manager and I worked incredibly hard to change the game scenario starting that day.

However, they were all a failure.

We may walk around freely in places that aren't shown in the game, thus for instance, there was a moment when the two of us attempted to leave the nation.

We were discovered by a guard who happened to be passing by just as we were about to enter the carriage, and they were transported back to the school.

They weren't prepared for the absoluteness of the game scenario's coercive power.

The day of my condemning event eventually came.

Will this truly work out, Nagase-san?

We are forced to place a wager on this, so what do you think?

"..I concur"

--The plan we came up with is presented here.

I made the right arm of the garment stick out from the body only halfway by sewing the armpit of the sleeve to the main body of the dress.

Holly can't be pushed down the stairs with this on.

My dress tore as I strained to get my right arm out.

The scenario would be incongruous either way because the dress is torn in that manner and the moment wasn't in the game.

This might allow me to cheat the game and avert the condemned ending.

However, that is merely wishful thinking.

Mr. Curtis, ah! Hello!"

At that time, it was.

Holly ran in our direction while flashing his signature naive grin.

I've been picturing this girl lately as nothing more than a vicious monster.

First off, despite being severe, Estelle's words to Holly are appropriate.

The fact that they should not converse informally with the royal family and shouldn't attempt to seduce the crown prince—who is engaged—is even more absurd.

Holly would have been executed long ago if it weren't for the game.

Even I, though, am aware that it is not the appropriate time to voice such complaints.

The turning point has arrived.

Stay positive, I say.

"She has skin as thick as a coconut, so how dare she show up in front of us again without feeling guilty? I suppose she came here to seduce Curtis once more!?"

"That's not right."

"Don't get carried away, you vixen, I'm sure of it."

Holly is being pushed by my right hand, which moves independently.



My right hand was about to hit Holly when it suddenly halted.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! !!!Success! !!!"...huh"


At that time, it was.

Holly made a brave smile with her mouth.

Well, I didn't anticipate this kid! ?"Kya!"

Holly fell down the steps when she leapt backward.

"This vixen, hey!

 "!!Are you alright, Holly?"

In a hurry, the section chief rushes up to Holly.

"Yeah, that's right. I'm fine. It hurts!"

"Be gentle with yourself."

I thought she was being wonderfully passive, but vixen Holly is acting as though she had broken bones.

"Oh, dear! !!!", Estelle! This is a magnificent attempted murder! You will be beheaded right away as retribution!"

Oh no, to hear such a statement from Chief Shimada, my hero...

I'm breaking off my engagement with Estelle as of right now. From this point forward, I'll develop a sincere love for Holly. "Everyone, listen carefully! This Estelle just pushed Holly down the stairs! I can no longer be fiancée to such a criminal!"

"Mr. Curtis, I'm overjoyed!"

Noble Academy's courtyard.

Vixen Holly is hugging the section manager in front of all the students as he smiles broadly.

My neck was fastened to a guillotine table right next to me.

It's definitely out of style right now to make comments about why there's a guillotine in an aristocratic school.

Even though I've seen game ending scenes countless times, I never anticipated seeing one from the guillotine's side.

"Estel, do you need to apologise for anything?"

"No, there isn't anything,"

The next scene will show the guillotine blade falling, followed by a staff roll.

"I see; go ahead."


My eardrums shake when I hear metal moving.


--The courtyard was filled with the jarring sound of metal crashing into metal.


Holly the Vixen was staring at me with a look of utter stupidity.

Oh, well, it seems to have gone smoothly.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but it appears that the guillotine has been tampered with because the blade has stopped halfway."

"No problem, we accomplished the trick, so that's fine."


That's accurate.

This is our last line of defense in the event that we are unable to prevent a stair fall incident.

While it is impossible to avoid the game's depicted elements, it is possible to alter those that are not.

It should be possible to change the future soon after the guillotine blade landed because in the game, a staff roll was played.

However, it was a risky bet that ultimately appeared to pay off for us.

With her life on the line, the section chief rushes up to me.

"Do you feel pain, Estelle?""

"Yes, Mr. Curtis, I'm safe."

"I see. I'm very happy, Estelle.


The manager gave me a firm embrace.

Oh my gosh, what's going on?

"Were you not just saying that you would develop a true affection with me, Mr. Curtis?

The shrieking Holly.

"It was only a ruse to catch you off guard, " I observed you independently tumble down the steps. Holly, it was you who made the attempt to deceive Estelle. !"


The section leader indicated Holly.

Chief is awesome! !!!He's making me fall even more in love...

"Do you have any evidence, Sho?"

Holly will persevere as well.

"If you're going to claim that, then please provide me with evidence that Esther-sama did not force me to the ground!"

"Okay, hmm."


She probably didn't anticipate our two responses to say that. Holly once more displayed her foolish side.

A moisturizing loser folder is available.

"Do it"



A maid arrived shortly after the manager given the order and began applying white powder to Holly's stomach.

What are you doing, exactly?"

"Fingerprints are being taken."


Two persons can't have the same fingerprints, therefore if Esther actually pushed you down, then her fingerprints must be on your stomach. "It's the swirl-like pattern on your fingertips.


I couldn't discover any fingerprints on Esther, Your Highness.

How about it, Holly, do you still have something to gripe about? "I see, you're having a hard time.

"Ugh..., ugh... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

Holly, who had lost, fell to the ground while sobbing bloody sobs.



Suddenly, Chief Shimada addressed me by the name I had known in a prior life.

Oops? ???

"This time, I'll say what I was unable to say that day in my prior existence."


The manager's eyes are just as heated as they were that day as he glances at me.

The fact is!

"Nagase-san, please be married to me so we can spend the rest of our lives together.

The Chief Shimada.

Ah, it's like a dream, I tell you.

"Yes, I would be glad to, and I also admire Chief Shimada."

Nagase-san, "Huh!"

We gave each other tight hugs to show how much we care for one another.

The entire school applauded fervently as it gave us its congratulations.



The End

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