Life As a Ghost

 Life As a Ghost

Author: Nekoda Pana

Alternative Name : 幽霊の日常

Plot : I'm a ghost.This is the account of a ghost's typical day.


 Life As a Ghost

Poppy Pu Puru Pu Pu Pu Pu Pu Pu Pu -Pi. Pipi pipi piyu piyu piyu piyu piyu piyu piyu.

A silly whistling drew me in, and before I realized it, I was standing in the restroom of a private residence.

A chubby mother was foaming her five-year-old daughter's body in front of me.

"Yuyu can't do that, therefore it's remarkable that it sounds like a whistle, mama."

'"This is challenging, but maybe you can manage it as you become older."

The mother proudly smiled as she said this. She doesn't appear to be aware that blowing her whistle allowed a ghost inside her house.

What a moron to whistle in the nighttime bathroom. If she did that, she would be calling the spirit in by saying, "I am here."

Yuyu immediately enters the bathtub with Zabun after washing the bubbles out of her hair.

(Zabun = Splash )

"Mom, Yuyu didn't think Gigabo was the tallest insect in the world,"

(I'm not sure what Gigabo is, but it might be a kind of insect. I couldn't find it on google . If anyone is aware of what it is, Please inform me.)

That's when I abruptly looked up and Yuyu turned to face me.

This kid won't be able to see me because of the strong lights and on-going lighting in the room.

Yet Yuyu appeared to be aware of my presence.

"What's wrong?"

Yuyu responds to her mother's query.


After Yuyu had gone to sleep at night, her mother entered the living room.

I stood close to the kitchen sink because the living room and kitchen are connected by a counter, and I felt comfortable there for some reason. Unwashed dirty dishes that are left in the sink to soak in water. Her mother will undoubtedly run it through the dishwasher the next day. Ghosts frequently gather in locations with dirty water.

I keep looking at the mother in a blank manner. 

"Wow, she's finally asleep,'' her mother thought to herself as she stretched, before beginning to stretch. The living room is just next to Yuyu's bedroom, so her mother keeps the lights in there low. This means that not even I, a ghost, have to be concerned about being blinded.

But it's difficult. Her mother's level of exertion was astounding. She began to stoop forward, but she was unable to bend her body even to a 90-degree angle. She then strikes each of her body-twisting stances for 40 seconds before quickly standing up with one leg bent in a flamingo position and her hands clasped above her head. extended.

Yoga, ah. Something that has been well-liked for some time...

But when did yoga start to gain popularity?

Even while you would say it was ten years ago, to me as a ghost, the previous twenty or thirty years felt as though they were only yesterday.

Even my personality from when I was alive escapes me now.

I couldn't see my own face in the mirror, so I forgot who I was. Oddly enough, I can't even recall when I was born. I have no idea what kind of regrets I may have had in this life, whether I was a normal person, someone who was particularly adored by people, or someone who was despised.

The mother, who was doing her best to hold a yoga pose, started to tremble in less than ten seconds, and her bent leg soon touched the ground.

After laughing, the mother walks over to the refrigerator. She didn't even appear to notice me as she walked right by me.

The mother then looked as if, "Why is this the only thing I have? " as she removed an ice-cold can of lemon-sour chu-hi from the refrigerator and searched through the shelves for a small bag of small fish nuts.But she did take the bag open. I took it in my hands and returned to the living room.

I keep looking at the mother. There is nothing else I need to do.

Strangely enough, it never feels monotonous. Since I passed away, I've continued to feel half asleep. I'm sure there's a reason why I've been unable to become a Buddha, but I've forgotten it now. Whatever the case, all I can do is observe reality from a distance till the day I stop existing.

The mother booted up her computer, went to a video website, and began to watch a variety show. The Ghost Story Destruction Challenge is a project that is being completed in the program. there seems like a comedian will make fun of a ghost story told by a ghost storyteller, and then there will be a contest to see who can make people laugh or jump out of their skin first.


The mother laughing to herself as she munches on tiny fish nuts while sipping lemonade.

The clock's hands were about to strike two in the morning as it was growing late in the evening.

Why is this person still awake? The door to the bedroom next to the living room opened just as I was beginning to consider this, and a half-awake Yuyu jumped out. Even though it was still the middle of the night, she must have awakened.

She shrieked as soon as she saw me.

"Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Mommy! Mommy! Ghost! Ghost!"


The mother scowled as she turned to face me in the direction Yuyu was pointing.

"Nothing, here?"

""There it is: a black creature with human-like features, orange eyes, and an abundance of black fluffy protrusions from its body."


No matter how hard she squints, my mother can't seem to see me, and she doesn't appear to possess any supernatural abilities.

When the mother finally recognized that her daughter's brain was the source of this dysfunction, she took her hand and murmured,

"Mom can't see the ghost, so maybe it's not there."


Although Yuyu appears disappointed, her mother soothes her.

"I'll stay with you until Yuyu nods off as we return to the futon with mum."

Then her father, who was in another room working, came out of his chamber.

"What is wrong with you, exactly?"

"Yuyu claims that a ghost exists."


"There, at the sink," I said.

Yuyu says something while pointing at me.

With a somber expression on his face, her father approached me and took a seat next to me. On his father's arm, goosebumps emerged abruptly.

"There is something here, it's true."


When Yuyu said as much, her mother coldly laughed.

"You won't be able to attend kindergarten tomorrow if you don't get enough sleep, I said as I got up to go back to bed."


"Mommy will look into exorcism and drive the ghosts out."



Yuyu smiled relieved and tugged her mother's hand as she went back to the bedroom because she trusted her mother's advice.

Her father continued to move up and down the corridor while he stood next to me shaking.

"I can sense the spiritual energy here, so yes, it's definitely here."

He nods while standing next to me.

I suppose so.

"I really hope it's not a bad spirit."

Her father finished and went back to his office.

I was unsure about my status as a wicked spirit.

After dropping Yuyu off for kindergarten the following day, Yuyu's mother really got into researching exorcism.

"Hmm, I suppose for the time being we should only freshen the air in the room, clean it, and salt it!"

Her mother opened the windows, tossed the soiled dishes in the dishwasher, filled a tiny dish with salt, and set it on the kitchen counter.

"This is okay!"

It's true that what the mum did reduced my comfort level in half.

Despite this, the salt was positioned correctly, and it only took ten minutes to replace the air in the room. This was likely due to the extreme heat outside, and over time, fresh and used dishes began to accumulate in the sink.

I never left the house as a result, and the place went back to being comfortable for me.

It takes too much effort to even relocate. Unless it becomes significantly more uncomfortable, it is impossible. I'm unable to move because it hurts.

When darkness fell once more, the mother began to stretch and practice yoga in the living room.

I once more give it a blank stare. Her mother doesn't appear to mind at all that I'm here. Wouldn't it be a little unsettling if the boy and his father had both claimed that a ghost was present in this room?

There was her father.

"There seems to be something going on; perhaps I should visit the shrine and request an exorcism."

Yes, but wouldn't hiring a professional exorcist to visit your home be extremely costly?

The price listed on this website is between 5,000 and 10,000 yen, however consulting a psychic would probably cost more.

The mother makes a grumpy grimace and stretches some more. She seems unwilling to spend money on that kind of thing. She is not able to see ghosts, so it is most likely a waste of money.

"You know, while I was looking up ghosts, I saw on some website that people who think they've seen paranormal occurrences tend to be right-brained. The right brain is in charge of facial recognition and creative thinking. It appears to be simple to mistake what you see for a ghost."


"Yuyu mentioned that the ghost's eyes are orange, but I'm sure the lamp in the refrigerator or rice cooker in the kitchen is illuminating. Didn't you have the illusion that it was a ghost's face? "You and Yuyu both like to draw, and you're more of a right-brained person, right?"


The father didn't appear to be all that convinced, but after giving it some thought, he remarked.

"Let's wait and see what transpires, then."

That response caused the mother to nod in relief.

"I suppose it's easy to perceive such hallucinations at this age. There is, right? Come to think of it, when my friend's child was approximately Yuyu's age, there was a period when she was complaining about a ghost in her room."

Her father seems to have chosen not to execute an exorcism for the time being since her mother had reached that determination.

Yuyu takes a bath with her mother once more this evening.

"Mom, perform pyurupururu. Fun ensues."

"Oh, right,"

Bubbles were all over Yuyu when her mother whistled in the toilet once more.

I hope she don't do something like that to bring another ghost.

The ghost of a guy was standing next to me before I realized it.


I won't say anything, but the number of ghosts has risen once more.

He wears a topknot and is dressed in a kimono, making me wonder if he was ever a samurai.

I guess I should at least say hello, it's odd to sit next to each other without saying a word.


I summoned the guts to shout out to him, but he didn't respond. Instead, he simply folded his arms and glared at Yuyu and the others without turning around.

"Why blow a whistle in the bathtroom. Carelessness has its boundaries."


Is he upset?

It could seem that until you turn into a ghost, you don't need to worry about such things, but just because you're a ghost doesn't mean you can exist carefree.

Will I now have to spend some awkward time with this samurai? Ah, I'm glad I could be alone and forgetful for a few days.

I was instantly burdened.

The mother begins her regular yoga and stretching routine at night.

We'll be gazing at the landscape in a stupor today, the samurai and I.

She appears to be watching a continuation of the Ghost Story Destruction Challenge she was viewing earlier when the mother turned on the computer and resumed watching the variety program.

∆∆A hand poked its way through the opening in the front door at that very moment.

∆∆I should not have locked the door, I thought.

The samurai next to me who was watching the show then burst out laughing.

"Fuhahahaha! Ghosts don't have that kind of tsukkomi! Fuhahahahaha!"

The mother doesn't have any spiritual senses, therefore she doesn't seem to be able to hear the samurai's laughter. I gazed at the samurai in amazement.

"You Can Laugh?"

The samurai responded when I questioned him, his eyes filled with tears.

"When you see this, how can you not laugh?"

"No, I'm a ghost, so no."

the lives of ghosts, who are only able to observe those of humans in the present.

I noticed that as that existence carried on, I lost my sense of humor.

All of his feelings were vanished, and I was left merely standing there as if I were half asleep.

I wasn't exactly sure why I was standing here, just observing in this way.

"I hope the ghosts enjoy themselves."

That samurai's statement helped me feel a little better.


I started to look forward to each day after that.

We enjoyed living together while standing and spoke with the samurai as we observed the residents of the home.

I used to watch TV and have Alexa play music when my family was out, they played games to guess what their mother would make for supper, they followed their mother's internet news, and they spoke about social topics like people these days.

The mother was humming this song, I believe.

Oh, it seems to be a well-liked tune right now.

The sun had gone and the room was black before I realized it.

"People of this house, aren't they home yet?"

"Sunday is today. They are going to play somewhere, and I'm sure they will have dinner outside."

"Um... So, may I dance for a while?"



I immediately began dancing to the music Alexa was playing after saying that.

When I was alive, I believe that dancing was probably how I supported myself.

Without without considering it, my body starts to sway to the music.

I haven't had this much fun in a very long time...

Because I am a ghost, I can dance for as long as I want without ever running out of breath, so I kicked the toys that were scattered about the living room and the candy and glasses that had been left on the dining table.

"Hahaha, this is incredible."

The samurai is joyfully clapping his hands.

The entrance door suddenly flung open.

Then, when Yuyu saw me dancing crazily, she cried out in a loud voice.

The father invited the shrine priest to the home the following day.

Yuyu has been having difficulties sleeping lately since she has a ghost phobia and is afraid to use the restroom alone.

After observing Yuyu's puffy eyes, crying, and whining that she didn't want to stay at home, her father appeared to decide that the cost of having her spirit exorcised was worthwhile.

I assume this implies we're also breaking up, haha.

Being left behind is regrettable.

Although I felt bad for Yuyu, I actually enjoyed my stay here.

"I wish I could have played around like this with Samurai-san for longer."

The samurai then uttered:

"There's no reason to end things. We can simply travel somewhere else together as we won't be able to stay here any longer.

"Are you certain?"

"Bad or good. There is plenty of time. It wouldn't be a bad idea to spend it with you chit-chatting till we become bored at some point.

"I see... That's correct.

"The only thing I'm concerned about is that mother will whistle in the bathroom once more; if she does something like that, ghosts will start gathering again; if they're harmless ghosts like us, there won't be any problems; but if evil spirits gather together, there will be a lot of issues."


I searched the space for the crayon Yuyu normally uses, pulled out a red one, and drew a line on the dining table with it.

In "Flobade Kuchibue Fukuna"

As a result, ghosts won't congregate in this house anymore.

When my mother noticed the message scrawled on the table, she screamed, and Samurai and I ran out of the home.

"Where are we going next?"

The samurai replied to my query.

"You know, just go to an area where your body is attracted to it naturally, without thinking about it. But if you can, head to a location where Alexa is playing music. During this time, I want to see the dance continue.

Is that true?

We meander aimlessly along the dark road.

I suddenly believe that ghosts aren't all awful.

The night breeze flows through my body, uncertain if it is there or not, and tonight it felt so good.

The End

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