"I'll only say it once, so listen carefully,'' my husband said to me on the first night of our contract marriage, and ever since then I've been smitten with him.

 "I'll only say it once, so listen carefully,'' my husband said to me on the first night of our contract marriage, and ever since then I've been smitten with him.


Author: Sora Hyouu

Alternative Name : 契約結婚初夜に「一度しか言わないからよく聞け」と言ってきた旦那様にその後溺愛されています

Plot : Ariana, who endured abuse from her stepmother and sister, weds a rich commoner. She was in a contract marriage that was picture-perfect.


"I'll only say it once, so listen carefully,'' my husband said to me on the first night of our contract marriage, and ever since then I've been smitten with him.      


--The marriage under contract was picture-perfect.  

One cannot say that Ariana, a count's daughter, had a joyful upbringing.  She was intelligent but had a plain appearance with brown hair and green eyes that was common in the kingdom. She also lacked good fashion sense.  She received a letter from her stepmother.  

There, in a formal letter, was a marriage proposal from a wealthy man who want to wed the earl's daughter in order to become a member of aristocratic society.   

"Oh no..."  

 Ariana tilted her head and put her hand on her cheek; her stepmother shot her a chilly glance.  

She doesn't get along with Ariana very well. Most likely, Ariana's stepmother wants to get rid of her so she can have her son and inherit the house.  

Ariana is still an earl's daughter, despite her failure.  Even if she has a plain appearance, she is in a position to pick because she graduated from the Royal Academy with great grades, therefore there is no need to wed a wealthy guy who came from the ranks of commoners.  

Ariana chose to accept the marriage proposal in spite of this.  She returns to her room and selects a book from the extensive bookcase.  

Ariana is an extraordinary reader.  Her future husband is the owner of a sizable publishing house and newspaper.  

She would undoubtedly be free to read books after getting married because it was stated in the marriage proposal that she would be free to spend her time as she pleased.    

"...Ahh, I really like this book."   

A romance novel that is very well-liked by daughters of aristocracy. 

The affluent man who had made her marriage proposal founded a publishing house that was responsible for its publication.  

Ariana, who mainly read challenging literature growing up, fell in love with this romance book.   

"...I like the scene where someone fights for the person they love and then finally makes a marriage proposal."  

If you want to be married to a nobleman, you will need to demonstrate that you are close with him in social circles.  

Socializing will be necessary even if you marry a businessman, of course...  It affirms that being a showy wife is OK.  

Ariana, who was never loved growing up, will undoubtedly never experience love, and she has no aspirations to wed.  The wealthy man's wife who was married to an aristocracy in that situation seemed to have a lot more freedom than the confined aristocratic society.  

Simple was Ariana's response: "I accept your marriage proposal."  Without considering the pleasant days ahead when she would be spoiled beyond belief, Ariana gave her butler the letter and went to sleep.  


------  Additionally, Time of the wedding meeting came.  Rich man Rudolph Finger arrived at the home precisely five minutes early.  

He gave Ariana a blank look while maintaining flawlessly coiffed golden hair and eyes that were as dark blue as the night sky.   

"...I have listed the privileges and possessions you will receive upon marriage. Please look at this."   

"I understand."  

It appears a little challenging to read the rights to enjoy because they are so formal. That is Ariana's genuine viewpoint. 

Marriage conditions were meticulously handwritten on a huge stack of paper that appeared to be a contract for a significant firm.  

First, Party B will have breakfast with Party A.  Second, Party B will wave Party A off as he leaves for work.  

Three, Party B is free to use the mansion's amenities.  "......"  A clause declaring that Ariana owns all rights to the earl's domain is probably unnecessary.  It is true that the eldest child in this country retains ownership of the land even if they get married.  

However, Ariana's stepmother and sister will stop at nothing to deprive her of everything.  Even so, Ariana carefully read the comprehensive directions. She then reached a decision.    "We are like a normal couple,then.   


"You could just have written that you want to be a decent pair, wouldn't that be better? Well, you don't have to write it like this, wouldn't that be better?"   

Rudolph seemed a little, if not a lot, different to Ariana.   

However, the paper did not contain a single irrational statement; rather, it was prepared with Ariana in mind.   

--It's only that the quantity is excessive.   "Hehe, only I stand to gain, is that acceptable?"   

"Huh? Yes, it's all right,"  

Rudolph's unexpected benevolence causes Ariana to worry because he amassed his riches at a young age.  And she find him cute for some reason.   

"Do I have to sign here?"  

Nevertheless, I don't want to pass up the opportunity to leave this home and have a free life somewhere. 

Rudolph proposes marriage to Ariana, and she accepts.   

The quality is excellent.   Rudolph looks at Ariana with a face that suggests he has been changed into a demonic creature.  

He has extremely red cheeks.  Rudolph penned his signature below Ariana's name.   

"So, when is the wedding?"   

What About tomorrow?   


"No, I'm sure you've made your own arrangements. 

How about three months from now? You are welcome to stay as long as you like in my mansion till then.  

Green eyes of Ariana blinked briefly.  Of course, it's not all that uncommon in our nation for a fiancée to live with you before you get married.  

--But this is Ariana and Rudolph's first encounter.   "By the way, the terms of this agreement are binding as of right now. Are you all right with that?"   

"What if I am, as the rumors claim, a very nasty woman?"   

"There's no way you're the wicked woman people are talking about,"    


When Rudolph smiles for the first time, I worry because he seems so innocent.  Ariana could have been ignored, but for some reason, the hand he extended to her felt welcoming.   

"I heard that you enjoy reading."   "Yes, but how do you know?"   "I conducted some research on my partner."   

"Is that so!"   

I didn't feel awful about it because that was just normal. 

No matter how much a person marries someone to establish a connection with a noble, they will almost certainly at least learn about the other person.  

Rudolph is also a successful businessman.   

"Our company works with a publisher that has a book out but it hasn't hit the shelves yet.

If you're thinking about it.   

"I must see!"   

Ariana's somewhat hungry tone in her response was unavoidable.  

"Then, this way."  

I was directed to a library that was independent of the mansion.  

There were more volumes in the clearly new building than I had anticipated.   

"It's definitely on par with the Kingdom Central Library, to put it mildly."   

"I'm happy I found some novels you could enjoy."   


"A young lady your age would likely enjoy more books than those in the Kingdom Central Library."   

"Yes, wow!"   

It was crammed with volumes from Rudolph's publishing company, many of which had limited edition bindings and autographs.   

As expected, it's incredible. even when I notice it.   

"Of course, everything is yours."   

"I'll try my best to assist you."   

"I don't anticipate that from you."   

Ariana's upbeat attitude suddenly faded.  Rudolph really needs a decorative wife. 

He doesn't want her to leave the estate and start any trouble because of this.   

But does it mean I'm permitted to read every book in this library?  

Because Ariana is straightforward, she probably feels joyful once more. She is perplexed by the statements Rudolph said earlier there.   

"Am I going to stay here ?"   

"Don't you like it?   

"No, I mean my luggage."   

"You have everything you need. 

I'll get everything ready. Do you have anything else you'd like to bring?   "Nothing, nothing,"  

Everything Ariana valued was stolen by her stepsister.  She consequently has no regrets about leaving that residence.

In the end, Ariana moves into Rudolph's mansion.  


Rudolph was busy every day after that and never went back to the mansion.  He might be dating someone outside.  

Ariana wasn't too concerned because she had anticipated this ever since she agreed to the contract marriage.  

Reading a book, Ariana looks at the maid.   "Hey, the residents of this home treat me quite well."   

"Sure, "   


Just let me know if you need assistance, and I'll help you with the laundry and dishes.   

"There is absolutely no chance!"  

Ariana was honestly bored.  "Besides...Breakfast."  

Yes, the provision of the agreement with Rudolph that they would share breakfast has not yet been carried out.  

He wouldn't return, so even if she wanted to bid him farewell, she couldn't.   I wish you had left me a message urging me to merely be an ornamental wife in that event.  Even the most modest expectations are challenging to maintain.  

Rudolph, nevertheless...  Ariana delicately plucked up her dress' hem.  It has a popular design in the royal capital and is made of the finest cloth. 

Additionally, she receives great meals every day and, despite not asking, is often showered with flowers and other items.  

Ariana must be overanalyzing because it appears as though he knows everything about her.  That day has arrived three months later.   

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Rudolph was quite thin when she saw him for the first time in three months.   How are you feeling, um?   

"Don't worry about it."    "Please let me worry about you."   

"You're so generous,"   

Isn't it inevitable that we will start a family?   

"……family"   Ariana only needed to select a dress and a dessert for her wedding.  Everything else was ready thanks to Rudolph.  

The site was covered in flowers, and the feast, decorations, and other elements were excellent.   

"I can tell you've been active."   I apologize for breaking my pledge. I'll be taking a few days off starting tomorrow.   

"How about breakfast, then?"   

"I'd love to, if you'll let me."    

I tightly encircled the arm that was extended to me.  Rudolph regarded Ariana with a dazed expression.   

"Isn't it too adorable?"   

"Huh? Have you spoken up?   "no"   She moves ahead.  

When Ariana noticed her stepmother and stepsister in the audience, she tensed up a little.  Her sister and stepmother approach her while wearing masks of smiles.   

"Ariana, congratulations."   


You would truly enjoy having a commoner's wife.  Rudolph was a commoner, it was true, but as Ariana was about to object that it wasn't appropriate to say so in this setting, Rudolph grabbed her arm.   

Upon more reflection, it appears that the stormy weather in your region is to blame for the poor harvest this year.   

The question "So what"   "After releasing our family's stockpile, His Majesty the King informed us that Ariana is the legitimate lord."   


Next, Ariana found herself drawn to Rudolph and felt compelled to give him a wide-eyed stare.   

"Additionally, because of the two of you imposing high taxes on the region, the majority of the populace already supports Ariana."   

Such a thing had never occurred to her.  

He displays the motions he did throughout this time while Ariana is in a state of shock.  

Although there was no actual kiss, Ariana tugged him by the arm as they exchanged vows, and she then flung a big bouquet of white flowers at the guests.  

Her Royal Highness the Third Princess, who was present for some reason, was the one holding the bouquet.Then came their first night together as husband and wife.  

Ariana was clothed in a nightgown made of the finest silk when Rudolf greeted her from the bed where she was sitting.   

"We are in a contract marriage ."   

"...I know about it."   Rudolph has been using his engagement to Ariana for the previous three months to accomplish a variety of tasks, and in an instant, he has control over everything.  Ariana believed that she will soon be unnecessary.  

Whether or not he was aware of Ariana's emotions, Rudolph continued.   I'll only say it once, so pay close attention.   


"Since I first saw you ten years ago, I have fallen in love with you."   


The subsequent narrative was lengthy.  When Ariana's parents were still alive, Rudolph met her for the first time ten years prior.   

"I'll never forget the picture of you wearing the brooch your parents gave you."   "...Yeah?"   

"I also wanted to be in a position where I could stand next to you, which is why I worked so hard and built up this position by owning a store."  

When she realized the reason behind Rudolph's company's quick development, Ariana frequently blinked.  

Even after that, he was still attempting to save her since he was well aware of how she had been used as a tool after his father's death and how she had been oppressed by her stepmother as a result of her mother's passing.  

The final word was finally spoken.   "You would find it challenging to accept a marriage proposal from a commoner.The area and half of my property will be yours in accordance with the contract as a thank you gift for revealing such a delightful fantasy to me."   

"……that"   Ariana took another look at the desk-mounted marriage license.  She was taken aback by how closely people were watching over her, but she also felt relieved.  

Ariana is still in the dark on Rudolph, though.   

"Keep your contract, please."   

However, I want to free you.   "Then Can You Marry me? Every morning I want to eat breakfast with you.   

Although Ariana merely has an interest and liking that is less than love, she feels she can laugh and have breakfast with Rudolph every morning in the face of love that is too heavy.  She grinned while taking his hand.  The two of them undoubtedly need some time before they can be said to as a loving pair.  Ariana's romantic life has only just begun.      

The End 

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