Serena's last day before execution


Serena's last day before execution

Author: Tomocchi

Alternative Name: 【執行の女神】セレーナ最後の一日

Plot:The continent was united under Rubens Barrow, the first emperor of the Altanian Empire and a hero who got along well with the goddess Serena. When he first met Serena, he was in his early twenties and was drawn to her skill with a sword.He put a lot of work into his swordsmanship training under her tutelage, and he quickly rose to prominence on the continent. Due to the unexpected passing of his father, King of Altania, ascended to the throne. He was a brilliant monarch who via negotiations accepted Serena as a general and united the continent in just ten years, but he felt threatened by Serena's continued magical advancement and lack of aging. He was ultimately able to seal Serena away using the Goddess' sacred tool after being propelled onward by the nearby senior vassals and nobles. For a while, he had considered getting married to Serena, but she informed him that he was like her younger brother and can't be with him.

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Serena's last day before execution

It has been five years since the Alcan continent was united, and here is a desolate location.

The cape in the northeastern region of the continent is being battered by a strong north wind. Kielsen Castle, Serena's home, towers over this area.

Serena settled down in this region after the Great War cleanup effort and was given the title of Margrave, which is similar to a Marquis.

Despite the fierce wind outside and the influence of the magical barrier wall, the castle's interior remains silent.

The butler, Hiro, yells for Serena.

"His Majesty has appeared, Serena-sama." 

Serena answers by rising from her chair.

"Hmm, I haven't seen him in a while!"

She walked out of the office and into the first floor's wide entrance hall. She is tall, has long silver hair, and is dressed in a light purple one-piece that fits her body, giving her a slim and appealing appearance.

Although she is listed as being 44 years old, she actually looks to be in her early 20s.

Anyone who sees her for the first time will be captivated by her facial style.

Serena fought in many different locations throughout the Great War and was known by the enemy army as the Angel of Death, but she is now mostly focused on overseeing her domain.

The four lords of the empire met with the emperor on this visit to discuss how the empire will be run in the future.

Serena was a senior vassal as well, along with the Four Lords, but she hasn't attended meetings recently and shows little enthusiasm for running the affairs of the empire.

She had planned to skip it. However, the Emperor instructed her to go.

This time, the other members chose to meet at Serena's castle because it was difficult for Serena to participate.

This is Serena's area in the far-off Green Bay region. It was predicted that the Empire's territory would be challenging to administer steadily at the time of the continent's unification, but Serena managed to stabilize the area and win the hearts of the populace within three years.


The entrance hall with a huge door leading into the castle may be seen from the middle room of the windbreak wall.

Emperor Rubens notices a woman standing in the hallway who bends her head and lifts her skirt a little with both hands.

Your Imperial Majesty! I am incredibly appreciative of your attendance.

Says Emperor Rubens with a little smile.

"Lord Serena, stay away from unfamiliar activities. It treats me disrespectfully.

Emperor Rubens laughed while flashing his fangs.

Serena consented.

"Ha! Okay, then, in that manner.

Serena raises her head and beams.

It starts with "Your Majesty."

Emperor Rubens responds to Serena's cries. The Emperor gestures to the escort knights with a casual raising of his hand that they are not required to follow him.

Serena led the way as she and the Emperor made their way to the reception area.

Serena yells to the butler, Hiro, as they approach the reception room once the door is opened by the butler.

"You are not required to arrive until I call."

Hiro quickly responded.

"Yes, I get that,"

Hiro bowed deeply before locking the entrance to the lobby.

After making sure the door was shut, Emperor Rubens relaxedly murmured while sitting down on the couch in the back.

That Master appears to be doing well is fantastic.

Along with grinning, Serena took a seat on the couch across from the table.

Rubens is exhausted; are you taking the day off?

Rubens remarks as he briefly looks down.

It's challenging to get any rest because the Empire is so large.

With a slightly concerned expression on her face, Serena says. I understand that there may not be much I can do, but at least I will listen.

Emperor Rubens takes a little pause before speaking.

I'm pleased to be able to communicate to you in this way despite the fact that Master is working hard.

Serena spoke as she met Rubens' brown gaze with her scarlet eyes.

But you are extremely worn out. both the body and the intellect. I can treat your body in some ways, but I can't sufficiently heal your mind.

Rubens looks to be contemplating for a bit as he gently closes his eyes and exhales slowly. Then, as if he had made up his decision, Rubens got to his feet and moved in front of Serena.

What is wrong, Rubens?

Serena is given a tight hug by Rubens, who looks into her eyes and presses his face against hers.

Serena's ruby eyes caught Rubens' attention.

"Master Serena, accept my love, please! Then my mind will be at ease.

After saying that, he pressed his lips against Serena's light pink lips, but she quickly moved his face away with her right hand.

Serena exhaled and stated in a joking manner.

As I've repeatedly informed you, that is not conceivable. I can't let you in. So kindly grant me a respite.

Serena's eyes catch Rubens' attention as he speaks.

"Didn't you once accept me? Why have you continued to reject me since then? You reject me for being a man! Even though I've become emperor!"

Serena says to Rubens while erasing her smile and giving him a serious expression.

You are aware of it! I'm not right for you since I'm different from other people, and you should avoid interacting with me going forward because I know you'll come to regret it.There are undoubtedly numerous women who are right for you.

Prior to speaking, Serena took another breath.

"I intend to turn over the margrave and depart from this country in a moment."

Rubens gives Serena a surprised look.

"Why... The empire still requires Master Serena. Please don't leave me, please.

In front of her eyes, Serena strokes her silver hair.

"I'm no longer able to help you in any way! I've drawn too much attention in public, and I'll definitely give you problems going forward.

Rubens seems dejected.

The fact that I contributed to my master becoming a monster is my fault. I'm unable to forgive them for referring to you as a "Angel of Death."

Don't worry about it; it doesn't really matter.

Hiro's voice could be heard coming from outside the reception room door as there was a knock on the door.

"Serena-sama, all the lords are here."

Serena answers.

"Oh, I get it,"

Standing up, Serena turns to face Rubens.

I'll visit them, she said.

Serena flung open the door to the waiting area, nodded, and walked out.

Emperor Rubens then observed Serena leave as his eyes grew dreadfully chilly.


Inside Serena's castle, there is a 100-tatami reception hall with two substantial glass walls.

The Emperor, Serena, and six other people were gathered around a big marble table there, along with the four Lords of the Empire who had arrived earlier.

The emperor removed a necklace with a jewel in the center from a box that had been placed on the table and was lavishly ornamented.

This necklace was purchased for Lord Serena and is made of priceless stones from the Accelial continent.

Serena gives the Emperor a smile. "It's a tremendous honor,"

The necklace's metal fitting is opened by Emperor Rubens, who then approaches Serena from behind and fastens the necklace on her.

Strange events begin to occur shortly after Serena starts wearing the necklace.

In Serena's mind, her threat detection abilities are warning her of anomalies.

(Wow! There has never been anything like this before! Is this scenario truly so bad?

Selena's physique is utterly broken down. Selena spoke as her awareness started to wane.)


Serena is vital to me, but if things go on like way, the emperor Rubens said.

You shouldn't be staring at me like that; I guess I went too far.

Serena pondered as her awareness subsided. (Ah, what have you done to me? I live forever! One day I'll be raised, and then, ah...) In addition, Serena causes me to pass out.

Emperor Rubens seized Selena with both hands and sustained her when her body, which had somehow lost the ability to keep its balance, lost its life and fell.

He couldn't even feel Serena's heartbeat, and her lovely face had grown pallid and lost all of its color. She loses the noble and dignified attractiveness she had while she was pacing the battlefield as her lovely silver hair slips down.

Serena's pendant on her chest started to shine suspiciously and became brighter. The necklace's oval purple stone went completely black and began to emanate an odd light.

Goddess Rose and the Four Lords of the Empire devised this method to imprison Goddess Serena.

The other four lords exchanged relief looks as they stared at each other as Serena, who had collapsed, was being held by Emperor Rubens.

Emperor Rubens spoke haltingly.

"Why did Lord Serena pass away? She said that she was merely encasing her powers in a powerless seal."

This is what Duke Zelian says to the emperor.

"Yes, I heard that as well!"

Serena was lying on the ground when Marquis Jerry shifted his attention to her.

"Serena-sama is a Solaris deity known as the deity of Execution; I would like to make this plain to Your Majesty the Emperor."

The Marquis Jerrys focused on the Emperor.

"We have no power over this issue because it is an oracle from Rose, the goddess of control! This is our obligation."

Emperor Rubens gives Marquis Jerry's a stern look.

"You anticipated that this would occur from the start! The Emperor, you duped me.

Marquis Jerry responded while looking at Emperor Rubens."

"Yes, as predicted by Goddess Rose's oracle. By all means, you must take action if you want the empire to be peaceful and prosperous. Please remember that, or we will eventually turn against Serena and perish."

Marquis Jerrys keeps talking.

"The oath of allegiance to His Majesty the Emperor contains no lies, yet His Majesty has shown too little concern for Lady Serena.I'm sorry, but this time I'm operating under Lady Rose's authority. I was given the go-ahead.

Emperor Rubens raised his voice when he heard the words.


"It's for the empire's peace and prosperity! Lord Selena has devoted a lot of time and effort to building our empire, so why are you treating her like this?

Marquis Jerry shook his head and muttered, "I'm sorry."

"Serena, the Goddess of Enforcement, transgressed the celestial realm's laws and joined forces with the human realm. Rose, the Goddess of Control, could not stand this at all.

As he stroked Serena's long silver hair in his arms, Emperor Rubens uttered these words.

Is everything your fault...?

Marquis Jerry is squatting and bending over.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, Goddess Rose said she would tolerate it this time because he was the man that her sister loved."

Emperor Rubens glances into Serena's face with his eyes.

It's the person her sister adored.

Marquis "This is His Majesty the Emperor," Jerry's announces. Lady Serena, a goddess of the heavenly realm, was unable to accept Your Majesty because you are a human."

"And Lady Rose, the goddess of control, is Serena's younger sister."

"Goddess Rose has commanded me to seal Serena-sama in the underground temple of Zesta, where she will be safe from the intrusion of outside enemies."

Marquis Jerry bows deeply and kneels down.

"If everything is resolved in this matter, We will accept any punishment."

I'll now convey Serena-sama to Zesta Temple.

Emperor Rubens lifts Serena while standing. I'll take Serena to the temple, she says.

Marquis Jerry turns to face the Emperor, who is now standing, and says.

"Please accept my apology!"

"Goddess Rose's special sealing method will keep everyone out!"

Then, do you believe that Serena-sama's disappearance is acceptable?

Emperor Rubens regarded Marquis Jerry with chilly eyes and said: Emperor Rubens regarded Marquis Jerry with a shocked expression.

"What exactly do you mean by that?"

Says Marquis Jerry

The spiritual body is momentarily separated from the physical body by the magic necklace, which absorbs magical energy. However, if the sealing ceremony is not carried out within a day, the spiritual body will be destroyed by the necklace and will never be able to recover. Is that alright?

Emperor Rubens said as he averted his eyes.

Does that imply that she might resurrect in the future?

"Yes, I think it might happen in the future, if Goddess Rose-sama permits it," said the speaker.

Marquis Jerry uttered.

"I see...Okay, I'll let Jerry handle it.

Emperor Rubens mutely nodded.

Serena was in the arms of Emperor Rubens as he approached the entrance hall after opening the door to the guest hall.

After three days, Margrave According to imperial decree, Selena was given a death sentence for treason, her vassal knights and subordinate knights were disarmed and imprisoned, 10 of the knights who served directly under her were given death sentences for their involvement in treason, and the Margrave region was added to the area directly under the Emperor's control. That was declared.

Since then, roughly a thousand years, Rose, the goddess of control, has struggled to keep the chaos of the world under control without Serena, the goddess of enforcement.

She used a girl as her yorishiro to revive the goddess Serena. Ellie Brown is the name of the girl.


Translator's Note : I hope The author make a second Part .🥺

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