Only favouring His wife C27

 Only favouring His wife Chapter 27

Over a little length of time, Ye Yunjin eventually jerked his eyes away and dropped them.

Naturally, he also failed to see the "unpleasant" expression that suddenly flashed on Qin Mucheng's face.

Qin Mucheng observed him holding the hand of another man in front of him. For some reason, he found it to be quite infuriating.

He scowled angrily, and for a brief period, he had a impulse that he was unaware had come from.

He step forward And stretch his hand to separate their hands.

As if he didn't notice the shock on Ye Yunjin's face and didn't find his behaviour peculiar, Qin Mucheng seized his wrist.

Instead, he calmly stated, "Let's go and eat."

Even though it was supposed to be snatch Ye Yunjin felt absolutely no force for a considerable period of time. Holding might be a better word to use.

Butler Su and Chu Yixi were left stunned.

Butler Su, however, quickly got over his shock and smiled as he said to Chu Yixi, "Mr. Chu, please follow me."

However, Ye Yunjin, who was dragged away, was experiencing an inexplicable mixture of excitement and helplessness at the time.

Qin Mucheng released Ye Yunjin's hand when they entered the dining area.

"Sit down here."

Qin Mucheng spoke as if nothing had occurred while pointing to a location close to where he had stopped.

While listening to these comments in a trance, Yunjin's thoughts appeared to be spinning and bewildered.

Ye Yunjin's thoughts weren't clear and he was nervous, but it wasn't until he really sat down that he felt less anxious.

A chair was brought out, and Qin Mucheng sat down.

Ye Yunjin's heart, which had just been relieved, tensed up once more.

Butler Su, who was a few steps behind them, thankfully entered with Chu Yixi when the mood started to seem off.

"I want to sit next to you, Xiaojin."

Chu Yixi was still experiencing blockage as a result of what had just happened.

He purposefully sat across from Qin Mucheng, addressed Ye Yunjin while maintaining eye contact with Qin Mucheng.

"Huh? Oh, right."

Ye Yunjin was overjoyed to be close to Qin Mucheng at this time.

However, it was clear that he was increasingly uneasy.

Chu Yixi's words just so happened to cause him to switch chairs and release the tension.

A large hand suddenly gripped his shoulder as he was about to stand up, preventing him from doing so.

"Sit here, and don't move!"

Ye Yunjin was aware that Qin Mucheng was the source of the icy comments without even turning his head!

In other words, Qin Mucheng also put his hand against his shoulder.

Ye Yunjin's body fully stopped moving for a brief period of time.

He bowed his head and avoided focusing on the large hand on his shoulder or its owner.

Qin Mucheng checked that Ye Yunjin was still seated before bringing his hand slowly down to the ground from his shoulder.

He turned and stated icily to Chu Yixi, who was visibly upset.

"Yun Jin can simply sit here with me, Mr. Chu. Someone else will take the seat next to you.''

"Is anyone else here? Who's it?" Chu Yixi inquired curiously as he prepared to become enraged in response to the previous sentence. Even Ye Yunjin, who at this same time lowered his head, secretly perked up his ears.

"My friend, wait for him to arrive. He's almost here."

"Second Young Master Qin, I'm so sorry, I'm running late!"

Before he could finish, a somewhat casual voice interrupted.

As soon as Yan Qiu opened his mouth after being led inside by the maid Xiao Luo, he stated this.

Unceremoniously settling down, the stranger pulled out the chair next to Chu Yixi.

Yan Qiu is the man.

He was quietly introduced by Qin Mucheng, who was used to his appearance by this point.

"We're meeting for the first time today. I am Ye Yunjin."

Ye Yunjin hurriedly said hello after hearing what Qin Mucheng stated.

"I'm Yan Qiu, I haven't actually seen my sister-in-law up close until now.

When the time comes, don't object, sister-in-law, because I'll be back frequently."

Yan Qiu didn't appear to be aware of the effect his use of the term "sister-in-law" had on those in attendance.

Ye Yunjin was so startled that he was unable to speak and was unsure of how to respond.

Qin Mucheng was an exception. He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth in joy when he heard this word.

Ye Yunjin suddenly opened his eyes and cast a blank glance at Yan Qiu.

"Do you mind when I call you sister-in-law?""

Yan Qiu asked with a smile after noticing this.

" Don't use the term "sister-in-law" in this manner repeatedly. Is it acceptable to call someone like this?"

Chu Yixi couldn't help but choke just as Ye Yunjin was about to speak.

Why is Xiaojin his sister-in-law?

"Yi Xi, stop acting in this manner."

"Mr. Yan, I'm sorry; he's my friend Chu Yixi."

Chu Yixi was cut off by Ye Yunjin, who spoke.

"I don't mind, sister-in-law. It's all right. Let's eat right away!"

Yan Qiu grinned and spoke after giving a sidelong glance to Qin Mucheng. He then shifted his chopsticks and looked at the food on the table before beginning to eat.

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