Only Favoring His Wife C16

 Only Favoring His Wife Chapter 16

Ye Yunjin took some time to understand what the other side was asking. He instantly shook his head twice and said, "No, I have nothing planned for tomorrow. What's wrong?

Ye Yunjin gently questioned.

"Have you recently looked for work?" Quietly and without hesitation, Qin Mucheng said.

"How did you find out? No, I mean, I recently looked for a job."

Ye Yunjin really had a career earlier, but due to his unexpected marriage to Qin Mucheng, it was challenging for him to take a long leave of absence given that he had just recently joined the original company.

Even if you are allowed to take a leave, if coworkers you recently met find out why you are taking such a long break, they will undoubtedly question you.

Even the fact that the intended spouse is a man can be known.

Moreover, Ye Yunjin couldn't help but smile helplessly when he thought of the company's boss. Despite being a pleasant guy and a youthful, energetic employer.

According to logic, there ought to be a lot of women contending for such a man.

The fact that this man was open about being gay and disliking women, though, crushed the hearts of those women.

On his very first day of work, he even said that he would "pursue" him!

Ye Yunjin still remembered how indescribable his sentiments were when he learned this words, as well as the surprised looks on his coworkers' faces, even if he didn't take it seriously.

Because of all these factors, he decided to leave that position just in case.

Ye Yunjin regretted moving in with the Qin family after a month, though!

He initially intended to clean the house and do some chores just because he was truly free, but the Qin family had devoted members who could do these tasks.

As a result, he likewise had little to do every day and was left to sit by himself in a trance.

He therefore focused more on other businesses these days. He was unable to rejoin the prior employer, so he looked online for a platform and uploaded his résumé.

Numerous employers found him quickly because to the strong outcomes on his résumé.

However, Ye Yunjin turned them all down since he felt that he wasn't treated correctly by these businesses. Even though he has enough of money, this is work-related, thus the pay cannot be too low!

Either the chances for development are poor!

Alternatively, Qin Mucheng's villa is too far away. One of the companies offers a three-hour roundtrip.

Ye Yunjin was without work for a while after failing to find a suitable position. So a few days ago, he permitted Chu Yixi, a professional editor, to travel to Y City and his home and assist him in finishing the text. He had already finished the rush when The third day has arrived, and it is one in the afternoon.

Chu Yixi had wanted him to stay in city y for a few days after helping to catch up on the text, but Ye Yunjin didn't want to stay. He reserved a flight to go back to city b in the afternoon of the same day.

To put it frankly, he truly missed Qin Mucheng at that precise moment, even though Qin Mucheng might not have known that he had been gone for a few days and didn't care if he returned or not.

But all he wants to do is return!

"It just so happens that the company is hiring individuals for this module, and you studied in graphic design. Would you like to try applying?

In reality, thousands of thoughts only occur at once.

Ye Yunjin's face entirely changed in emotion as he heard this sentence.

"What, go to the Qin Corporation? Can I do it?"

It makes sense why Ye Yunjin had so many self-doubts.

He considers Qin Corporation to be among the top 100 businesses in the world. Even though he has some talent, it would be challenging for him to join a business as big and successful as Qin Corporation...

"If you don't try, how will you know? You already belong to the Qin family. Why shouldn't we join our own business? If you're on board, report to work right away in two days. I'll let the design director know in advance. Why not let him take you?

Qin Mucheng, who rarely spoke so much, was subconsciously spitting forth words at the time, as if he were really terrified, aside from the essential talks in the mall. As If He is afraid that Ye Yunjin will refused to join?

In truth, Qin Mucheng discovered that Yunjin was looking for work from Butler Su when he spoke with him recently, which is how he came to know.

At the time, he wasn't sure why, but this thought just struck him.

"Ah? So quickly. Okay, I promise to be there on time."Ye Yunjin made a swift, resolute statement.

"Well, then, rest well ." Qin Mucheng's voice sounded weaker when he spoke this than it had earlier.

Ye Yunjin was unaware of this, though, as he was in a stressed frame of mind.

Qin Mucheng had just finished speaking and was getting ready to depart.

"Wait a second!" Ye Yunjin was oblivious to his situation. He shouted out uncontrollably as he saw Qin Mucheng's back.

"What's wrong?" you ask.

Qin Mucheng paused, spun around, and addressed the guy in front of him. He could hear concern in his voice if he paid close attention.

Ye Yunjin didn't hear it, though, because he was still uneasy.

Of course he misunderstood.

Ye Yunjin raised his head a little and cast a quick glimpse at Qin Mucheng's face, which was slightly scowling.

He swiftly lowered his eyes and quietly pondered: Why did I stop him when it was already over? What should I say ?

"It's nothing, I just forgot to say, good night!" 

Looking into Qin Mucheng's eyes, Ye Yunjin uttered the final "Good night" in a low voice.

The person in front of him unexpectedly stopped to say "good night" to him. Qin Mucheng was momentarily rendered speechless.

Qin Mucheng was captivated by the other person's clear, translucent wide eyes, and he instantly said, "Good night."

The endearing voice has a cello-like depth.

When he turned around, Qin Mucheng was grinning uncontrollably and his aura had changed from being Chilly to being warm.

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