Upon waking up, I found myself transformed into a certain individual named Taro Urashima. As I arrived at Ryugu Castle accompanied by the turtle I had rescued, to my astonishment, my supposedly deceased ex-girlfriend was present!

Upon waking up, I found myself transformed into a certain individual named Taro Urashima. As I arrived at Ryugu Castle accompanied by the turtle I had rescued, to my astonishment, my supposedly deceased ex-girlfriend was present!



Author: Takuto Tokuda

Alternative Name : 目が覚めたら浦島太郎になっていました。 ~ 助けた亀に連れられて竜宮城に来てみたら、亡くなったはずの元カノがいるんですけど!? ~

Plot : 

I'm a corporate employee trapped in a grueling black company. One day, as usual, I worked overtime and returned home at 3:00 in the morning, utterly drained from the excessive workload. Without even changing out of my suit, I headed straight to bed and fell asleep instantly.

...And then, I remember... "Where am I?" Just like the tale of Taro Urashima, I had saved a turtle and was led to Ryugu Castle. To my surprise, my ex-girlfriend, Hiyori, who was supposed to have passed away a few years ago, was inexplicably there.

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Upon waking up, I found myself transformed into a certain individual named Taro Urashima. As I arrived at Ryugu Castle accompanied by the turtle I had rescued, to my astonishment, my supposedly deceased ex-girlfriend was present!


Confused by this inexplicable situation, I wondered aloud about my whereabouts.

As a corporate slave, I had returned home exhausted at 3:00 in the morning after a tiring day at work. My body felt on the verge of collapse, prompting me to collapse onto the bed without changing out of my suit.

However, amidst the perplexity, I suddenly found myself at a beach, clad in an unexpected old kimono and holding a battered fishing rod in my hand, which oddly felt familiar.

Contemplating the vast sea and sky, I pondered how long it had been since I last visited the ocean. My job was part of an exploitative "black company" where breaks were scarce, and monthly off-days amounted to a mere two or three. Moreover, despite the daily overtime, there was no compensation for it.

My daily routine has become monotonous, merely shuttling between home and work, leaving me devoid of any excitement. I used to find joy in reading manga and playing games, but lately, I lack the energy to engage in those activities after work. Instead, I find myself doing the bare minimum—taking a bath, eating, and sleeping.

In a moment of frustration, I express my dissatisfaction with life, yearning for someone to comfort me, perhaps a girlfriend, although I'm uncertain about that desire. Sitting by the sea, I contemplate my circumstances, wondering if this is all just a vivid dream due to the sensory experience being so genuine. I even consider the possibility of channeling my imagination into becoming a manga artist or novelist, but I feel limited by my inability to write.

As I ponder, I notice a large sea turtle resting nearby, and I reprimand some kids who are mistreating it, urging them to leave the creature in peace. The situation adds to the mix of emotions I'm experiencing.

"Hey Turtle! Don't sleep here!"

" I am tired from swimming that's why I am resting here...."

"No, ! Go away! You're an annoying!"

"That's right! Slow-poke Turtle Lord~!"

"Ouch! Please stop kicking me!"

"What! You dare talk back to humans, you're just a turtle!"

"Hey there! What's going on?"

I rushed over to the sea turtle and confronted the kids.

"Huh? What's it to you, old man?"

"Old man? I'm just 29!"

"Ha! Look at the old man!"

Ignoring their taunts, I inquired about the turtle's well-being after someone kicked it from behind, prompting the kids to leave, mocking me along the way.

Confused by the strange situation, I addressed the sea turtle and asked if it was alright or injured. To my surprise, the turtle responded, confirming that it could indeed talk. Perplexed, I questioned the reality of the situation, wondering if it was merely a dream since talking turtles seemed implausible.

As I gazed at the sea turtle, it suddenly exclaimed, and when I inquired about the cause, it mentioned receiving telepathic communication from someone named Otohime-sama. The mention of "Urashima Taro" triggered a memory of an outfit from somewhere in my dream.

The sea turtle continued its telepathic conversation with Otohime-sama. After the conversation end it express it's gratitude to me for assisting.

"Hey, do you have a moment?"

"Sure, I have some time, but..."

With these thoughts in mind, I glanced at the sea turtle. It then suggested, "Would you like to accompany me to 'Ryugu Castle'? I'd like to express my gratitude for your help."

Upon hearing the invitation to Ryugu Castle, I couldn't help but feel like I was in a fairy tale, perhaps even embodying the character of Urashima Taro.

"You don't have to thank me, but... I am curious about Ryugu Castle. So, please take me there."

"Thank you!"

The sea turtle took a deep breath and produced a massive soap bubble from its mouth, wrapping my body inside it.

"What is this?"

"This is called an 'air ball.' It allows you to breathe underwater while inside the transparent bubble."

I felt the surface of the soap bubble, realizing that this experience was entirely different from the familiar "Urashima Taro." The mysterious soap bubble and telepathic communication intrigued me deeply.

"Then, please hop onto my back, and I'll guide you to Ryugu Castle." As soon as I climbed onto the sea turtle's back, it gracefully dived into the sea.


"Oh... I can actually breathe inside this soap bubble! It's incredible!"

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Kamejiro. May I ask for your name as well?"

"I'm Mito... No, I mean, I'm Taro Urashima." I wonder if that's alright, I pondered.

"By the way, I overheard you talking to Otohime-sama earlier. What exactly is telepathy?"

"That's, um... It's like having a heart-to-heart conversation. With telepathy, we can communicate no matter how far apart we are, as long as we are both conscious."

"Heh... it's like having a cellphone, but more convenient."

-As we chatted, we caught sight of it. There was Ryugu Castle.

Deep beneath the sea, in the direction the sea turtle was swimming, an impressive sight greeted us: magnificent buildings surrounded by expansive castle walls. The place looked exquisite, exuding an atmosphere reminiscent of Okinawa's Shuri Castle.

As we approached the grand entrance, two well-built and bare-chested mermaids, each holding a naginata-like weapon, stood guard. Their intense gazes fixed on me.

"I have returned. Please open the gate," said the sea turtle.

Upon hearing its words, the gatekeepers nodded and swung open the massive gate.

"I'm entering the Dragon Palace now."

"Oooh," I marveled as we passed through the gate and followed the long path leading to the Seiden, the main hall. Eventually, Ryugu Castle came into full view.

"Oh... Could this be the legendary Dragon Palace?" I wondered aloud. We finally reached the front of the main shrine, an awe-inspiring sight adorned with red hues and green-tiled roofs. Nestled at the bottom of the sea, Ryugu Castle's mysterious beauty captured my undivided attention.

As we stood in front of the castle, the door opened on its own.

"Hey, do I have to wear this bubble-like thing all the time?" I inquired, feeling curious about the transparent bubble still surrounding me.

"Air bubbles? Oh, you mean the air balls. No, we don't use them inside the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace itself is enveloped in these air balls," the sea turtle clarified.

As I continued conversing, we entered Ryugu Castle. At the entrance, a transparent membrane-like barrier was stretched, and as I crossed it, the soap bubbles surrounding me suddenly burst and dispersed. However, to my surprise, there was no seawater inside the castle. Instead, it resembled a spacious and well-ventilated building on land. The interior boasted beauty as several elegant sisters stood lined up in the middle.

Then, a woman who resembled Otohime stepped forward from among the lined-up sisters.

"I have been awaiting your arrival. Thank you very much for helping Kamejiro," she greeted me.

I couldn't help but wonder what Otohime, who lived in such a place, would look like. As I pondered, I caught a glimpse of her face.



My eyes widened as I stared at Otohime's face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Princess Otohime, the ruler of Ryugu Castle."


"...Huh? Why did you use my previous name?" Otohime's eyes widened as she looked at me.

She appeared as stunning as the Otohime from the tale, but upon closer inspection, there was no denying it—it was my ex-girlfriend, Hiyori.

"Your name... is it really you, Hiyori? Why is this my dream? Why do you appear as Otohime?"

"Dream? This isn't a dream. This is the real Ryugu Castle, and I was born and raised here as 'Otohime'... Are you truly Hiroya? How did you end up here? Could it be that you also passed away...?"

"No, I went to bed right after coming home from work, and before I knew it, I was here. Well, my job was tough, and it was essentially a 'black company,' so I might have died from overwork."

"What's that? How old are you now?"

"I'm 29."

"Well, it's been just 8 years since I passed away in your world. Here, in this world, I was reborn, and now I'm 21 years old, which is when I died in my previous life."

"21 years old in 8 years? Hmmm? Time seems to flow differently here and there."

Setting that aside, there was something I wanted to ask Hiyori.

"Hey, Hiyori. Back when you suddenly broke up with me... was it because you found out about your illness and didn't have much time left?" I inquired, and Hiyori's expression turned sorrowful as she averted her gaze.

"After you passed away, I learned about it from someone else. Why didn't you tell me about your condition or how limited your time was? Why... why did you choose to break up with me?" I pressed for an explanation.

"Because... I was afraid that if I continued dating you, I would burden you until the end," she confessed.

"Ah, yes, just as you feared, I would have been there for you no matter what... because I loved you then, and I love you now."

As I realized tears streaming down my cheeks, I noticed Hiyori's eyes also welled up with tears.

"Hiyori... I care for you deeply. Whether this is a dream or another world, as long as you exist, I'm here for you. I want to be by your side," I declared, and Hiyori responded by embracing me tightly.

"I'm sorry for causing you sadness! I will always love you, Hiroya! Even if we have to part, even if I were to pass away... even if I'm reborn here, I'll always cherish the love we share that I could never forget..."

Hiyori embraced me tightly, tears streaming down both our faces. Overwhelmed with emotions, I couldn't hold back my tears either.

"Hey... could you consider being with me again? No, this time, I want you to be with me forever... I want you to be my life partner. Hiyori, will you marry me?"

In my chest, Hiyori lifted her head to look at me. Her face was drenched with tears, yet she looked adorable, beautiful, and full of love.


"Absolutely! I choose Hiyori," I replied.

"... And I choose Hiroya. Hiroya... No, Hiroya-san, please become my husband!"

As soon as I said those words, Hiyori kissed my lips.

"Hey, hey, that's my line, right?" I teased playfully.

"Oh? It doesn't matter, either way. Or... you didn't like it?" Hiyori looked up at me, her tearful eyes shimmering with beauty.

"You can't hate it. I love you, Hiyori." With those words, I kissed Hiyori's lips.

In no time, Hiyori and I got married at Ryugu Castle, and we lived happily ever after.

Happily ever after.

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