My husband suddenly called me by the name of a woman he didn't know.

 My husband suddenly called me by the name of a woman he didn't know.

Writer: Uchiwa

Japanese  Name : 夫が私の事を、知らない女性の名前で呼びまちがえました


Sophie (I), a nobleman's daughter whose family funded a frontier territory, entered into a marriage of convenience with Alain, the Duke of Rose's son. This union allowed her to become a regular participant in social circles where her husband was involved. Sophie enjoyed engaging in conversations, especially with male aristocrats, and she found satisfaction in being recognized favorably by her beloved husband, Alan.

However, her contentment took a turn when she overheard Alan mention the name "Mikaela," sparking suspicions of adultery. The situation intensified when Alan started mispronouncing her name, leading Sophie to question him. Despite her inquiries, Alan evaded the truth, causing immense pain and testing her patience to the breaking point.

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 My husband suddenly called me by the name of a woman he didn't know.

Sophie, the daughter of an earl who funded a frontier territory, married Alain, the Duke of Rose's son, for practical reasons. This alliance allowed her to participate more frequently as a duchess in social gatherings where Alain was present.

Today, Sophie prepared for a ball with her husband Alain, looking stunning. Upon arrival, she received compliments on her beauty and humbly attributed it to learning from her husband. Another noble expressed admiration for her humility and desire to learn from her. However, when Sophie mentioned being married, the noble left the conversation. Undeterred, she rejoined the circle of chatting nobles, eager to continue socializing.Upon reaching the social gathering, I engage in repetitive exchanges with the surrounding nobles. Recently, I discovered my fondness for chatting with people, finding joy in sharing my own experiences and gaining others' sympathy. Equally enjoyable is the excitement of uncovering new revelations by listening to their stories. Moreover, compliments on my appearance or playful teasing make me feel attractive and content, motivating me to put more effort into my appearance.

In the carriage ride home, Alan expresses gratitude for my presence, attributing his increased credibility in aristocratic society to me. He excitedly shares his connection with Marquis Wills, known for the mines containing ores useful for enchanting spirit arts. The Duke of Rose family has a long lineage of "Spiritians," who form contracts with special entities known as "spirits" to access extraordinary abilities called "spirit arts," such as healing and enhancing physical prowess. Additionally, the family is involved in selling and distributing enchanted items imbued with spirit arts as a business.Initially, I struggled with social interactions, but Alan reassured me that I didn't need to force myself to conform to societal expectations. He believed that if I displayed genuine behavior, it would positively influence how others perceived him. I happily shared anecdotes about Alan's virtues with those around me, further boosting his reputation.

Seeing Alan's happiness and receiving his affection brought me immense joy, becoming a moment of respite from the day's weariness. Supporting my husband in this way felt natural, even though our marriage was initially politically motivated. Over time, I came to love Alain deeply for his kindness and care towards me.

However, witnessing noble daughters seeking Alan's attention in social gatherings pained me. Despite this, I hoped the day would end peacefully as usual. Yet, an unexpected incident disrupted our tranquility on a nighttime carriage ride. Alan, tired from his busy business and social engagements, began to doze off, likely fatigued from interacting with nobles throughout the day. As I gazed at Alan's sleeping face, I wished for him to get some much-needed rest.


Alan's eyelids fluttered open slightly. Had I disturbed his sleep?

"Sorry, Alan. Did I wake you up?"

"Hmm, Mikaela. Thank you. Thank you..."

His half-asleep mumbles left me puzzled, and he soon dozed off again. My heart felt uneasy. Who was Mikaela? Was it the name of another woman? Did he mistakenly call me by that name?

"Huh!?" I couldn't contain my surprise and blurted out.

I quickly composed myself, trying to calm down. I restrained my hand, which had instinctively moved to hit Alan.

But really, who is this Mikaela? Could he be having an affair? No, it can't be true, can it? I had heard rumors about his past flings with female aristocrats before our marriage. When I confronted him about it, he insisted he was only focused on me.

"I-I'm only looking at you right now. It's true!" he had assured me.

Moreover, Alan is quite popular, isn't he? He stands about two heads taller than me and possesses a well-toned body from regular training. With his beautiful face, featuring blond hair, blue eyes, and a straight nose, he is undeniably charming. Despite his attempt to lull me to sleep during the carriage ride, my drowsiness vanished instantly. I contemplated asking him about it when he wakes up, but fear of the truth holds me back.

Back at the mansion, the annoyance and anger from witnessing him peacefully asleep next to me lingered. I mustered the courage to confront him about the name "Michaela."

"Hey, who's Michaela?" I asked determinedly.

"Huh? No~,. Did I say that?" Alain responded, dismissing the incident.

However, my suspicion towards him only grew from that day onward. Gradually, in private moments, Alan would call me by another woman's name more frequently, fueling my growing distrust of him."Alan, I tried baking cookies."

"Thank you, Christina."


"Oh, I made a mistake! Sophie!"

What did I do wrong?

"Alan, good. Let's have a drink. Thank you, Alice."


"No, Sophie!"

What's the difference?

Days like this continued for a while, and during the nights, I found myself with more time to ponder alone. The pain I felt when Alan called me by another woman's name was indescribable. Just the thought of who that person might be and what connection they have with him tightened my heart. Why does he keep mispronouncing my name? Is he so uninterested in me?

Our marriage was originally for convenience, but I believed Alain loved me too. Now, I can't tell if I'm upset because I fear he might not love me or if I'm frustrated because another woman has betrayed me, but either way, I find myself in tears.

I don't know what Alan is thinking. If he has something on his mind, I wish he would express it clearly.Contemplating these thoughts, I found myself crying for a while. After shedding tears, my sadness subsided, and my mind cleared a little, leading me to a decisive conclusion.

I have no other option but to take action. Regardless of whether I ask Alan directly, he will likely evade the truth. Although it frightens me to uncover the reality, I must confront the issue head-on to gain clarity.

Therefore, during the upcoming social gatherings, I will closely observe Alan's actions. I noticed that the frequency of him mistakenly calling me by another woman's name increased when I started participating in social circles more frequently. Those women he miscalled must be the young ladies he had connected with in those social circles.

Recalling the written vows from our marriage of convenience, I knew they allowed for divorce in the case of adultery. To find out the truth, I decided to follow Alan closely during the next social event, casually keeping an eye on his movements from the edge of my vision while engaging in conversations with other nobles.Reflecting on those thoughts, I found myself shedding tears for a while. After the tears, my sadness subsided, and my mind gained some clarity, leading me to a resolution.

I have no other option but to take action. Even if I were to inquire, Alan would likely evade the truth. It's daunting to confront the reality, but if I want to address the issue, I must take decisive steps. Hence, I plan to uncover the truth during the upcoming social gathering.

Ever since I started participating in social circles more frequently, I noticed that Alan mistakenly called me by another woman's name more often. I suspect those women are the young ladies he connected with in the social circle.

Considering the written vows from our marriage of convenience, which allow for divorce in case of adultery, I realized that following Alan discreetly during the next social event might reveal the truth. Consequently, on the next social day, while engaging in conversations with other nobles, I casually keep an eye on Alan's movements from the edge of my vision.

Despite trying my best to appear friendly, my thoughts remained fixated on Alain throughout the day. After observing the situation for a while, I noticed Alan glancing around once our conversation ended and I was left alone. Skillfully, he slipped through the crowd without anyone noticing.

"I'm sorry. My husband is calling for me," I quickly excused myself, forcibly breaking away from the group and chasing after Alan. My heart concealed a mix of emotions, uncertain if it was anger or sadness driving me forward. As Alain turned right in the passageway, I heard him say, "How was it, Michaela?" It was the same name he mentioned in the carriage.

"Eh, Michaela."

"Hmm, Michaela. Thank you."

It was the woman he had been talking about earlier! He sounded so happy, and the truth hit me like a knife – he was having an affair! The betrayal felt unbearable; I couldn't forgive him! My footsteps echoed loudly as I turned right along the aisle, closing in on Alan.

"Alan!!! If there's another woman you like, say it clearly!! I'm willing to do anything, even divorce you!! Being with someone who doesn't love me is too painful!! Besides, I'm putting in my best effort every day to support you, while you're deceiving me with other women.""What's wrong, Sophie!?" Alain was shocked to see me crying and screaming.

"What's wrong? How can you not know!? Were you having an affair with that woman?"

"What do you mean?"

When I looked around again, there was no one there. Until just now...

"Sophie, I'm not having an affair!" Alan placed his hands on my shoulders, looking serious.

"Because, until just now, you were talking to another woman!"


"Oh, and besides, you've mistakenly called me by another woman's name before! That's why I thought you were having an affair with someone else!"

"That's not it," Alan tried to explain.

"You were having an affair after all!"

"No, Sophie!"

"What's the difference! Enough! I've been with you all this time!"

"Listen! Actually, I can talk to spirits!!"

...Eh? What do you mean? Why are you saying this all of a sudden?

Alan continued to speak to me, leaving me dumbfounded.

"That's why... the one we were talking to just now was a spirit."

After a few seconds, Alan began to explain. According to him, the ability to communicate with spirits is quite rare, even among spirits themselves. Typically, they rely on magic circles to establish connections with spirits, make contracts, and utilize spirit arts. Since Alan can communicate with spirits using only language without the need for magic circles, he was considered an outlier among those around him.

"That's why I didn't want you to think that either. I haven't mentioned my ability to communicate with spirits until now."


I imagine it must have been very distressing for him to be seen as an outsider at a young age, leading to feelings of loneliness. Despite possessing the unique gift of speaking with spirits, Alan, being human, faced denial of his identity and personality. I can understand his reluctance to reveal his true self to others.

"I want to do something, but before that, isn't it unexpected? You seem to have looked down on me a little too much, Alan."


"Just because you can talk to spirits doesn't mean I hate you."


"At the beginning, our marriage might have been for political reasons, but I truly fell in love with the kind and thoughtful Alan, who always cared for me. Moreover, your ability to communicate with spirits is fascinating, and it adds to your charm in my eyes."


Alan approaches me slowly, his eyes wide open and arms ready to embrace me.

"Let me hug you, Sophie!"

I place my hand on Alan's forehead, stopping him.

"No, I'm still angry."

"Oh, yeah," he responds, looking sheepish.

"First and foremost, don't hide anything from me going forward! We are a married couple!"

"I understand. I'm sorry."

"And about just now, I noticed you were talking to a fairy. What were you discussing with the fairy? And why have you been calling me the wrong name lately?"

"That's... well," Alan stutters.


"Actually, I asked the spirit to keep an eye on you at all times."

"Huh? Surveillance!?"

"I-I mean surveillance, um, I wanted them to watch over you so that you don't get hurt when you go out, and also..."


"... I was worried that other men would approach you in society, so I needed to keep an eye on you. You are more attractive than I thought, and other male nobles seem to like you."


"Since you are always surrounded by spirits, I unintentionally talked to the spirits in front of you."


"I knew it wasn't right, but I couldn't help it!"

I hugged Alan tightly. My suspicions about him having an affair vanished, and I realized that he truly loved me. I was overwhelmed with happiness and realized that I also had feelings for Alan.


"... I'm truly sorry. I love you more than anything, Sophie. I can't imagine life without you. But my feelings got out of control and ended up hurting you."

"It's okay. But from now on, don't hide anything from me."


Afterward, the Duke of Rose family welcomed new members, the spirits who made contracts with Alan.Initially, the spirits who formed contracts with Alan were introduced.

"Michaela, Christina, and Alice. Nice to meet you!" Alan greeted them, and suddenly, things on the table began to move on their own. A teacup appeared in front of me, and freshly brewed black tea was poured into it.

"Everyone said, 'Nice to meet you!'" Alan smiled.

"Fufu. Thank you!" I expressed my gratitude to the invisible children who had always protected me from harm.

My family was precious to me, and eventually, the Duke of Rose household welcomed its first child, Marie, a true symbol of their love

. As time passed, both Alain and I never imagined that we would gain fame in aristocratic society as a closely bonded couple deeply in love, destined to be passionate forever.


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