The girl I believed was my closest friend attempted to take my soon-to-be spouse..

 The girl I believed was my closest friend attempted to take my soon-to-be spouse....

Alternative Name: 親友だと思っていた彼女が、私の婚約者を奪おうとしたのですが……
Author: Miina Aikawa

Plot : Maggie, my closest and most cherished friend, never regarded me in the same way. Instead, she considered me a mere contrast or counterpoint, and to my dismay, she took away my betrothed. Losing both my fiancé and my closest confidant simultaneously plunged me into a profound state of sorrow. However, just when I felt utterly desolate, a letter arrived, accompanied by a present from my former betrothed. Upon reading the letter, I hastily made my way to the location where the announcement of their engagement would take place. This tale unfolds within the confines of a fictional realm, featuring a loosely defined backdrop.

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The girl I believed was my closest friend attempted to take my soon-to-be spouse

"Mirana! Are you engaged? Congratulations! Is your partner from the Marquis Bogle family?" Maggie exclaimed with joy, embracing me. Maggie, the daughter of a Viscount, has been my closest companion since we were children.

"I haven't informed you yet, how did you find out? But thank you. I assumed Maggie would be happy," I responded.

My name is Mirana Rose, and I am the daughter of a Baron. I never anticipated that someone like me, a Baron's daughter, would marry into the esteemed Marquis household. I possess an ordinary appearance and no exceptional talents, yet he chose me. I wanted to immediately share the news with Maggie, but Marquis Bogle instructed me to keep it a secret until the engagement was officially announced.

"I know everything about Mirana! I've heard that the Marquis Bogle family is highly regarded by His Majesty! It's truly wonderful to be engaged to such a remarkable person!" Maggie exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with happiness. Having Maggie by my side doubles my joy. Or so I thought, but Maggie didn't regard me as her best friend.

"I'm sorry, Mirana. I stole your fiancé," Maggie suddenly confessed a week later, while we were sipping tea at our usual spot, a popular tearoom among young ladies.

"Why did you suddenly tell such a joke, Maggie?" I asked, feeling taken aback by her behavior. Something about her seemed different. While her mouth formed a smile, her eyes lacked any warmth.

"I'm not joking," she replied, her tone devoid of humor. "Don't you find it amusing? How can someone like you, who is beneath me, be engaged to the eldest son of the Marquis Bogle family? Shouldn't it be me who deserves that position? Well, don't you agree?"

I struggled to find the right words to respond to this newfound version of Maggie. We had been close friends since childhood, but the person standing before me was unrecognizable.

"What a foolish expression you have," she continued, looking down on me. "Did you really believe that I was your true friend? I'm the daughter of a viscount, while you're only a baron's daughter. I'm beautiful, and you're just ordinary. I was merely tolerating your presence. I grew tired of pretending. Finally, I can be my true self."

Her words shattered everything I believed in. The realization of her true intentions hit me like a gust of wind. Maggie, with her undeniable beauty, had always stood out, even though she appeared ordinary next to me. Was I just a tool for her to enhance her own attractiveness? And not only that, she had audaciously claimed to have stolen my fiancé.

Since that day, I hadn't seen Maggie at all. Our engagement had come as a surprise, but I had been drawn to him by his genuine affection. I wanted to trust him. Now, it seemed like I had lost both my beloved fiancé and my best friend of twelve years, whom I had cherished since the age of five.

"... If you managed to steal my fiancée, do you believe you've succeeded? I no longer have any need for you. May you find eternal happiness."

I have a multitude of thoughts, but even if I were to express them, she wouldn't understand. It's best to disengage now. I no longer wish to endure further pain, nor erase the enjoyable memories we shared. Keeping that in mind, I quietly rose from my seat and made my way towards the store exit.

"You're a dull woman. Now that you're no longer engaged to him, it's unlikely you'll find another suitor. Who would marry a plain, unremarkable woman like yourself? If you desire, I can make you my servant."

Even as we part ways, she continues to wound my heart. Ignoring Maggie's words, I departed from the store without delay.

There was supposed to be an evening celebration at Marquis Bogle's estate tonight, where he was to publicly announce our engagement. It now feels like it was all just a dream.

Upon returning to the mansion, I went straight to my room and collapsed onto the bed.

I desired not to contemplate anything.

I cannot attend the evening soiree with a composed countenance.

Undoubtedly, today's gathering will witness the announcement of Maggie's engagement.

Approximately an hour later, there came a knock at my chamber door.

A butler entered, carrying a sizable box.

"Young lady, a gift has arrived."

The person who possessed the gift was my future spouse. Inside the box, there was an exquisite, light pink dress, along with shoes and a letter. After reading the letter, I swiftly changed into the dress and made my way to Marquis Bogle's residence.

Upon arriving, the evening celebration was already in full swing, with numerous nobles engaged in cheerful conversations. Despite the crowd, I immediately spotted Maggie, who also noticed my presence and approached me.

I was taken aback by Maggie's actions, but I refused to let her see me distressed. Maggie desired my despair, so I faced her with a smile on my face.

"Mirana, you're here! I want to share my happiness with you! It's time to announce my engagement. If you truly care for me, this could pose a problem."

"Maggie is happy, and so am I!"

Maggie seemed displeased with my response, even though I delivered it with the utmost sincerity. This was my small act of revenge. Throughout my interactions with Maggie, I maintained a cheerful demeanor.

As I continued dealing with Maggie while wearing a smile, Marquis Bogle took the stage and began acknowledging my presence. After the formalities, Maggie smiled at me and gracefully ascended the stage.

"This time, my son is getting engaged, and I'd like to introduce his fiancée. Maggie, please come forward."

Blushing, Maggie approached the stage.

"My sons Patrick and Maggie are now engaged."

As the applause filled the room, Maggie looked at me triumphantly. But Maggie, you are mistaken.

While exchanging heated glances with Patrick-sama, he glanced in my direction. Did you wish to witness my tears?

I vowed not to cry... that's what I believed, yet tears flowed down my cheeks without my realizing it. I couldn't discern the reason. Was it because Maggie, whom I considered my closest friend, didn't regard me as such, or was it because I placed unwavering trust in her without a trace of doubt?


Maggie took pleasure in seeing my tears, but her satisfaction didn't last long. Although I could have informed her earlier during our conversation, perhaps my own lack of generosity prevented me from doing so. However, I had no obligation to educate her kindly since she had destroyed our relationship.

"Actually, I have another piece of news," Marquis Bogle happily announced as Patrick-sama and Maggie left the stage. And...

"I am pleased to announce the engagement of my son, Randall, who will inherit the Marquis Bogle family, and Mirana from the Baron Rose family! Please come forward, both of you."

Following the instructions, I ascended the stage, leaving Maggie bewildered and speechless, yet to grasp the situation. The person she had become engaged to was not Marquis Bogle's eldest son, but his stepchild. Randall-sama's mother had passed away shortly after his birth. Marquis Bogle's second wife, who was the daughter of a count, had married a commoner, and their child was Patrick-sama. Marquis Bogle, who had been childhood friends with Randall's mother, proposed to her after they both became widowed, and they got married. Maggie had only discovered my engagement a week ago and hadn't had enough time to investigate the circumstances surrounding the Marquis Bogle family.

Maggie mistakenly believed that Patrick was the eldest son of Marquis Bogle and seduced him. Randall noticed this and advised Patrick, but he didn't listen. This information was conveyed to me through a letter accompanying the dress.

"What do you mean?" Maggie's complexion turned pale as she glanced at Randall and me. Finally, my mind began to process.

"You were just being foolish."

Beside Maggie, Patrick-sama said it with a smirk. Perhaps Patrick had sensed Maggie's intentions from the start.

Witnessing Patrick's sudden change, Maggie seemed momentarily frozen, standing motionless with wide eyes.

After concluding my greetings and stepping off the stage, Maggie approached me, glaring at me with a menacing expression.

"Is this your responsibility!?"

As she stopped in front of me, she accused me in a resentful tone. What is going on in Maggie's mind?

"Please, stay away from my fiancée."

Though spoken softly, I could tell Randall-sama was furious. She felt remorseful for not trusting him.

"Lord Randall, why do you choose Mirana over me!? I am more beautiful than Mirana. It's not too late. Choose me! Mirana should be engaged to Patrick! I believe I am a better match for you!"

Observing Maggie's desperate plea to Randall-sama, I felt a mix of anger and pity. Why is she so desperate to steal my fiancé...

She uses me as a means to boost her own image, and by taking my fiancé away, she seeks to establish her superiority over me. I wonder if she finds happiness in constantly worrying about others' perceptions.

"I don't find you beautiful. When I say beautiful, I mean someone like Mirana. And I will never love you. My love is reserved solely for Mirana."

Randall-sama's words quickened my heartbeat. I had no idea he felt that way. I had indeed desired to be his wife, but I had yet to realize my own feelings for him...

"Have you forgotten that you are my fiancée? It is the gravest offense to cast your eyes on another man in front of your betrothed. Stringent discipline seems necessary."

Patrick stared at Maggie with sharp eyes and forcefully gripped her shoulders, as if to convey that he would not let her escape.

"What? Please release me! I will break off the engagement! There's no point in marrying Patrick-sama, who can't inherit the Marquis Bogle family!" Maggie, realizing she can't bring down Randall, reveals her true intentions. As she struggles to free herself from Patrick's grip, he whispers in her ear. 

"I cannot cancel the engagement. Wasn't it clearly stated in the agreement? It seems you were in a rush to get engaged and didn't read it properly. You will marry me and become a commoner, or the only other option is to relinquish your family's fortune. Will your father give up everything for your sake?"

Maggie's father wouldn't give up his fortune. Above all else, he values money. It seems Maggie hastily signed the agreement to quickly end our engagement.

"Oh... well..."

Perhaps recalling what she had signed, Maggie mutters something while collapsing on the spot, but I couldn't discern her words.

"Brother, are you fine with this!?" Randall-sama looks worriedly at Patrick-sama.

Patrick knew Maggie's true nature and still got engaged to her. And now, he has taken away her escape route. This means Patrick will marry Maggie. I never thought Patrick loved Maggie.

"I am your brother, and it is my responsibility to protect your happiness. Miss Mirana, I apologize for making you feel uneasy. I asked Randall to refrain from seeing you so that she would believe I was your fiancé. Please do not blame Randall."

Unlike Maggie's cold expression, Patrick has a gentle and warm look.

"I don't blame you. This time, my feelings for Randall-sama have grown stronger."

Patrick had a gentle smile on his face, expressing his satisfaction. He then burst into laughter. A few weeks later, Patrick and Maggie exchanged vows in a small church and officially became married. Just as Patrick had mentioned earlier, it appeared that Maggie had started working in the cafeteria. Despite having no prior experience in household chores or employment, Maggie confessed to being scolded by her employer every day. Nevertheless, she diligently worked from morning till night. One wonders what kind of training Patrick provided her with. A year later, I became Randall's spouse. On our wedding night, he lovingly placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me tenderly.

"I love you more than you can imagine," he confessed.

With a smile, I responded as my lips parted, "I know." 

I vowed to never let go of his hand, and together we would face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The End

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