April and The Teddy Prince

April and The Teddy Prince

Author: Midöri Ishikàwa

Alternative Name: 捨て子のエイプリルと、忘れられたぬいぐるみの王子さま

Plot: Orphan April picks up Bernard the teddy bear. However, Bernard began to say, "Actually, I am a prince cursed by a witch." Every day, he annoys the girl with his selfishness. One day, Bernard steals cookies from a candy store. April explodes in anger at Bernard who can't say sorry. But when Bernard leaves the house, April panics. Surprisingly, he is heading to a sweets shop that he was told not to go near again... A little  story of a selfish and naive prince who is said to be strange and lonely Girl with a Happy ending.
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"April and The Teddy Prince"


On a winter afternoon, April discovered a dirty teddy bear on a bench in the square. She wondered if someone had forgotten it amidst the hustle and bustle of children playing in the cold weather. Deciding to wait until everyone had gone home, April aimed to avoid the scolding of grumpy adults and the ridicule of mean children by remaining silent and inconspicuous. As night fell, warm lights and enticing aromas emanated from nearby houses, seemingly guiding the children away. Finally, when the square was empty, the teddy bear remained on the bench.

April picked up the stuffed animal, feeling the soft, fluffy fur against her chapped hands. The bear had sticky dark circles and a pleasant scent. April claimed it as her own, declaring her intention to take care of it before heading home.

April was a girl without a family, residing alone in an abandoned house on the outskirts of town. She deduced that the bear must have been abandoned by its biological mother, as babies did not actually come from cabbages like in storybooks. Being alone was always a lonely experience, especially during harsh winters. However, April was now excited because she and the teddy bear would live together, bringing joy to her days.

As April sat on the bench, holding the bear tightly, it suddenly started to move restlessly. It seemed unhappy with being hugged tightly, so April placed it on the bench and listened to its complaints. The bear expressed disappointment at being left in the cold and chastised April for being late to pick it up. April responded calmly, explaining that the bear had been forgotten and would now belong to her.

April was unfazed by the bear's ability to speak, remembering that the florist's sister had mentioned the existence of incredible things in the world. Determined to establish her authority, April insisted that she was in charge. The bear claimed to be a prince, but April pointed out that the little prince was no longer there, implying that the prince had likely forgotten about the bear as well. The bear grew agitated, asserting that April didn't understand its feelings.

Their argument was interrupted when the bear accidentally tumbled under the bench into a puddle. Looking down into the murky water, the bear questioned its circumstances. It shed no tears, only revealing the muddy water soaked into its fur.

A once-cherished stuffed animal, now discarded, met an orphan who had never experienced such affection. Which of them was truly unhappy? Nevertheless, April realized that she would have plenty to talk about with this cheeky bear.

Realizing the futility of fighting in such a place, April offered to clean the bear if it would listen to her. The bear, in turn, requested a cookie, and April agreed to share one if she could find it. Ultimately, April became the bear's caretaker, living with this self-proclaimed prince known as Bernard.


April brings Bernard back to the abandoned house, realizing that using water is the only option to wash the dirty stuffed animal. However, starting a fire is too risky without a fireplace and matches being valuable. Bernard protests, questioning why he is being soaked in cold water, but April insists it's necessary because he is dirty. When Bernard objects to being rubbed with a drawstring bag containing soap berries, April tells him to be quiet and proceeds with the washing. After finishing, April squeezes Bernard tightly, lacking extra towels to dry him properly. The once-noble stuffed animal has fallen into disrepair.

Feeling overwhelmed, April quickly hangs Bernard on the clothesline, tired of dealing with his complaints. She then questions Bernard about why he became a stuffed animal and whether he is truly a prince. Bernard claims that a royal witch transformed him and admits to skipping class, believing it wasn't his problem even if he struggled with subjects like math or history. April understands the reasons behind witches' anger in stories and realizes that Bernard's attitude may be self-centered.

Bernard's explanation frustrates April, causing her a headache. She explains the importance of learning and how deficiencies in subjects like math, reading, and language can lead to problems in everyday life. April suggests that Bernard might have been turned into a stuffed animal because he was deemed unnecessary as a foolish prince. She contemplates throwing him away, to which Bernard responds uncertainly by hanging himself on the clothesline.


Bernard felt regretful as he longed for the castle life from the moment he woke up until he went to sleep at night.

"It's the children's duty to sleep a lot."

"But if you don't wake up, you won't have any food."

"You won't usually find rice in garbage dumps."

"So, you need to wake up early."

Today's meager bounty consisted of a shriveled apple and a slightly stale meat pie. Someone who didn't consider April a nuisance had shared their leftovers from the previous day. April acknowledged the person's kindness, even though she didn't express gratitude outwardly.

"...It's not delicious."

"If you don't want it, give it to me."

"In the castle, you could even have ice cream for breakfast."

Bernard wondered about the food served in the castle. Would they have fragrant rice like the restaurants on the main street every day? As April involuntarily drooled at the thought, Bernard gazed up at the ceiling.

"I want a cookie."

"Do you think you can afford such an extravagant treat?"

"But you promised on the first day."

"I said I would get it."

Even April desired any food she could have. The cookies she had eaten long ago were sweet, crunchy, and had a delightful taste.

"April, why don't you go to an orphanage? In this country, there are orphanages to prevent suffering for children without parents."

April snorted at Bernard's suggestion.

"Do you think all orphaned children can go to an orphanage?"

"That's the purpose of an orphanage, isn't it?"

"It's not that simple. If they don't consider you adoptable, they won't accept you."

"But orphanages are charitable institutions."

"That's a notion held by high-ranking people. I was told that there was no point in raising me."

April was no fool. She knew that living in an orphanage would offer a better life than her current situation. However, she had been forced to leave the orphanage she had been in long ago.

"Why were you kicked out?"

"I'm different from everyone else, so I'm unwanted. I did my part and studied hard."

Bernard, who despised studying, and April, who never had the chance to study, compared their lives. A pang of discomfort arose in April's chest. It was then that she learned to be very quiet so as not to disturb anyone.

"Bernard, unlike me, you have a place to call home. Why don't you apologize to the witch?"

"I don't like it. Even if I apologize, no one will remember me anymore."

Apologizing wouldn't cost him his life. As April looked at the stubborn Bernard, she let out a small sigh.


Today, April and Bernard scoured through trash, with Bernard tucked away in April's bag. Along the way, Bernard spotted a candy store on the main street, and the enticing aroma of sweets filled the air.

"April, it's a cookie!"

"Yes, I wish I could eat until I'm full someday."

"Can you give me at least one?"

"If you do that, I'll splash water on you."

Bernard didn't comprehend April's words. He had accompanied his father, the King, into town before, and everyone was delighted to offer Bernard treats from the shop. People were happy when he pointed to the storefront to request something.

Perhaps people weren't as unkind as April made them out to be. With that thought, Bernard left April without permission and quickly grabbed a single cookie from the shop. He then discreetly slipped back into April's bag.


shouted the confectioner's wife. Startled, Bernard panicked and concealed himself at the bottom of the bag. April was taken aback as the woman, with great momentum, grabbed her arm.

"I didn't steal anything!"

"You thief."

April's lips pressed together, and she appeared even more frightened when she discovered the cookies in her bag. However, she didn't argue. Instead, she returned the cookie to the woman and lowered her head in apology.

"Don't ever come near my store again, seriously."

Scolded, April nodded slightly. When she arrived home, tears streaming down her face, April angrily threw Bernard against the wall.

"Why did you do that?"

"I didn't expect you to become so angry. But April, I also wanted to eat the cookie. Why did you give it back?"

"That person was the one who shared our delicious breakfast."

"There are plenty of other stores."

"There's no substitute for her. You betrayed her trust."

April was furious at Bernard for his ignorance.

Bernard experienced an indescribable sense of regret and sadness. He knew he had done something wrong. However, he couldn't utter a single word to apologize.


"If you have something to say, speak up."


"I don't recognize you anymore, Bernard."

April continued to avert her gaze. With his head hung low, Bernard quietly left the room.


After some time had passed, April grew increasingly concerned. She had anticipated Bernard's swift return, but he didn't come back.

Across town, one could catch a glimpse of a majestic castle. However, it was situated quite far away. With the limited mobility of a stuffed animal's feet, even a full day of walking wouldn't bring them any closer. Moreover, even if Bernard were to encounter the castle gatekeeper in his current form, they wouldn't recognize him as a prince.

If he were to venture around and reveal his ability to talk as a stuffed animal, he might be captured and sold. Despite his thoughtless and self-centered nature, Bernard was April's only cherished friend.

April hurriedly set off to find Bernard. The teddy bear was quickly located. It appeared that no one had noticed Bernard, who had become shiny and fluffy after being washed with soapnuts. He was on the verge of being trampled under the feet of an unaware adult, wobbling to and fro. April, observing from behind, remained unfazed.

"Where on earth are you going?"

As she tilted her head, April realized something. They were back on the same main street as before. Bernard had returned to the sweet shop where April had been scolded. Had he come back to satisfy his craving for cookies without learning his lesson? The bear slowly bowed before the shop owner, prompting a pale April to rush up to him.

"... I'm sorry, please forgive us."

April was astounded. How could Bernard, who believed that apologizing meant losing, manage to utter those words?

"April did nothing wrong.

The wife of the sweet shop owner, an attractive woman, displayed great understanding. Bernard pleaded in a hushed voice, trembling before her. In her haste, April stood by his side.

"I apologize on his behalf. He doesn't know how to handle money. Please don't make a spectacle of him or subject him to harsh consequences."

Observing the earnest apologies from both of them, the wife asked with a frightened expression.

"Have you truly reflected on your actions?"

"Yes, I will cease being self-centered and consider the well-being of others more."

"Well, it seems you have finally remembered your duty as a member of the royal family."

The woman nodded approvingly. With a snap of her fingers, she transformed into a beautiful witch.


Bernard couldn't hold back his tears any longer.

"April, thank you for not abandoning me."

"No way. You're my friend," April responded.

"Hey, don't you understand yet?"

As Bernard approached her, he wondered why tears were streaming down his face. Upon closer inspection, he realized that the hand rubbing his eyelids was not a furry paw but a soft human hand. Without realizing it, Bernard had transformed from a teddy bear back into a radiant prince. Furthermore, he seemed to have moved from the sweet shop on the main street to the castle garden.

"So, you truly were a prince, weren't you?"

Observing April's smiling face, Bernard finally grasped the emotions he had been experiencing all along. He had been comparing April's life to the life in the castle because he wished for his kind-hearted friend to live in safety and peace.

"Let's live in the castle together."

No more trembling in that cold, abandoned house. There would be delicious meals, beautiful clothes, and even warm baths. However, April shook her head.

"I can't go."

"You saved me. You saved my life."

"Because I only wanted a friend, and I didn't intend to help a little prince."

April pouted.

"When a friend is in trouble, you should lend a hand."

"But don't show favoritism to your friends."

April, being an orphan, was an intelligent girl. She could only be a character like Cinderella in a picture book. She knew that going to the castle without having any skills or abilities wouldn't truly make her happy. The witch, observing their unwavering determination, shook her head.

"It will take a lot of time. Are you still willing to wait?"

April tilted her head in response to the witch's question.

"Can you assist me?"

"Witches don't abandon their fellow beings."


"Oh, you haven't realized it yet. You're a natural-born witch, aren't you? That's why you noticed this abandoned stuffed animal's voice. Normally, you wouldn't be able to hear the voice of a forgotten stuffed animal left on a bench." If April hadn't picked him up, Bernard would have remained on that bench as a forsaken stuffed animal without anyone noticing. The witch, grinning and considering herself fortunate, seemed to possess a kind personality befitting a witch.

"In that case, I promise."

"Bernard, become a compassionate king."

"April will become a good witch too."

And thus, the prince, who had become the witch's apprentice and transformed from a stuffed animal back into a human, gently pricked his finger.


Bernard returned to the castle and dedicated himself to diligent studying. His efforts paid off, as he excelled in various fields. With a deep understanding of the outside world and a strong desire to protect others, the prince collaborated with many individuals to enhance the well-being of the country.

Although Bernard never married, he eventually passed the throne to his younger brother and chose to reside in a less affluent region in the north. There, he engaged in cultivating plants that could withstand the cold climate alongside the forest witch, who was once an apprentice to the castle witch. Together, they worked on developing cold-resistant crops, ensuring a stable food supply even in harsh weather conditions. They transformed the barren land in the north into a lush and thriving environment.

In addition to their agricultural endeavors, Bernard and the forest witch opened their doors to orphaned children, creating a loving and harmonious family. They lived happily together, cherishing the bonds they had formed.

------------The End------------

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