The End of His Journey and the Hero's Concealed Truth

 The End of His Journey and the Hero's Concealed Truth

Alternative Name: 彼の最期と勇者の秘密

Author: Yosoka Sakuhi

Plot : Hero Alex harbored a profound secret, a secret so weighty that he vowed to confide in his mentor, the intrepid adventurer Sam, upon his triumphant return from slaying the fearsome Demon King. However, things did not unfold as planned... 

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 The End of His Journey and the Hero's Concealed Truth

Caution regarding minor distortions

The comforting crackle of a blazing bonfire brings solace to weary adventurers after days of warfare, safeguarding them from the threat of wild creatures. When will this pointless conflict finally come to an end? How many comrades must perish before they are duly rewarded for their sacrifices? Unbeknownst to anyone, life alone continued its relentless march.

Here, at the defensive line protecting Arpedo, the last stronghold of the Human Kingdom along the border shared with the Demon Kingdom, a handful of brave adventurers remained. Originally, a force of nearly 1,000 had been deployed, but desertions, deaths, and grave injuries beyond repair had whittled their numbers down to a mere 300.

Among the scarce survivors was Samuel, a man who sat by the campfire, nursing his wounds and sipping a makeshift tea brewed from weed roots. His lustrous navy blue hair blended with the darkness as he gently rocked his chair, his legs bearing the weight of severe injuries, his gaze fixed upon the dancing flames.

"Hey, is it happening tonight?"

Samuel's voice pierced the darkness, and a young man materialized, wearing a faint smile as he brushed away the remnants of night from his body.

"Good evening, Mr. Sam."

"No, I've told you countless times, but it's inevitable that I see through your disguise, Alex. Or rather, it's because of my eyes, so there's no avoiding it."

Alex, the young man, placed a hand on his slim waist, puffed his cheeks, and playfully jutted it towards Samuel.

"Yes, those captivating eyes! Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could share with me what those eyes perceive? It might be our final opportunity."

Samuel gazed into the air with his ordinary indigo eyes, causing confusion.

"I understand. Finally, dashi."

With a sigh, Samuel, who had been evading the subject until now, surrendered and expressed it aloud. Alex, his dark green short hair bouncing, celebrated with joy. Retrieving a large sword unsuited for her slender frame from her back, she settled onto a nearby dilapidated chair.

By the way, Samuel began by mentioning that it was an old tale lacking any amusement.

"My eyes possess the ability to discern a person's lifespan.

It all started when I was a child.

Would you like to hear? I can't resist sharing."

I must have been around ten years old, so it was about thirty years ago. I had a sister three years younger than me. In front of my helpless self, she was devoured by a demon beast and perished. I was a powerless fool, forced to watch her demise without being able to intervene.

Come to think of it, perhaps that's the reason I became an adventurer.

Ah, I'm clueless about what caused this. It could be the prank of a whimsical deity, the mindless play of a spirit, or the torment inflicted by a damned demon.

A sand timer materialized above my younger sister's head as she was devoured by a monstrous creature, her body wracked with pain. Once the sand falls, it can never be reversed. We humans are powerless against its relentless flow. No matter how fiercely we resist, those with less sand will inevitably meet their demise.

Can we keep her safe? Oh, how I wish. Even if we were to hide her in the safest haven or shield her within a miniature garden, her fate would remain unchanged—inevitably leading to her demise. It seems that's the hand destiny has dealt us.

Once upon a time, there was a girl I held dear. I did everything within my power to protect her. I spared no effort. However, in the end, I watched as the sand in her timer drained before my very eyes. It felt as though time slowed down, but perhaps that was merely a desperate illusion I clung to.

There is no use in battling against fate. No matter how hard we strive, if the timing of our deaths remains unaltered, our resistance is futile.

"That concludes my tale," said Samuel.

Alex spoke heavily, breaking the silence. "Do you know when I and my friends will meet our end?"

Samuel let out a soft exhale. "Even if I could tell you, what would you do with that knowledge? Whether it be today or tomorrow, you will fight with unwavering determination until the very end. It's in our nature, bound by what we call fate."

"Alright then, I'm sorry. Can I ask you a few more questions?"

"Don't worry, this is our final gathering. Feel free to ask anything."

Upon hearing those words, Alex furrowed his brow, unsure of what to inquire but ultimately decided to proceed.

"Is Sam avoiding romantic relationships because he can't forget someone from his past?"

Samuel tried to contain himself out of consideration for the slumbering warriors, but he couldn't help but burst forth.

"That's what you're asking? Well, yes. Perhaps that's the case. She was an extraordinary girl, radiating sunshine with her smile. I can't forget her."

Alex's smile turned melancholic. "Speaking of which, what about you? A good-hearted man like you would likely have stories of caring for women, but I haven't heard a single tale."

"I-I'm fine, it doesn't bother me. Anyway, moving on..."

"Alex, it's time. Let's go," interrupted the voices of his companions.

"Just wait a moment, Lane. I'll join you soon."

Upon hearing Alex's pleading voice, a man named Rahn showed compassion.

"Just a little longer."

With those words, Rahn departed. Alex, watching him walk away, hesitated for a moment but ultimately voiced his curiosity.

"Can you see your own sand timer, Sam?"

Samuel responded casually, as if discussing last night's dinner.

"Oh, I can see it."

Alex found himself at a loss for words in response to Samuel's revelation, the only sound echoing through the field being that of bursting sparks.

Just as Alex was about to speak, Samuel halted him with a gesture.

"Come now, your comrades are waiting for you, Hero-sama."

At the mention of that title, a fragile expression appeared on Alex's face.

"Yes, I'm coming."

Alex rose to his feet and effortlessly lifted a large sword, much taller than himself, despite its mismatched size. However, the weight of the expectations resting on his shoulders far outweighed the physical burden. As humanity's final hope, he bore the title of Alexandra Levedev, the last hero.

Alex turned away from Samuel but paused before taking a step.

"Hey, Mr. Sam, I've been keeping something hidden for a long time. You told me a secret, and when I return, I'll share it with you. I will definitely come back, even if it means facing death. So please, stay alive and wait."

Samuel weakly raised his right hand, as if implying that they might meet again tomorrow. No promises were spoken, nor any farewells exchanged.

Realizing that Samuel had remained silent, Alex wore a lonely expression, one he couldn't comprehend how many times he had worn before. To conceal it, he offered a smile that dispersed the clouds, reminiscent of the sun.

"I'm off!"

As he departed, a vision of her face flashed before his eyes. He dismissed it as a mere figment of his imagination, shaking the thought away.

Surveying the slumbering adventurers scattered around him, he observed the sand timers suspended above their heads. Without exception, over 90% of them held only three days' worth of sand remaining. The remaining less than 10% had a mere few hours to two days left.

This defensive stronghold will crumble within three days. A massive invasion looms, far surpassing anything it has faced before. I glance upward, and there it is—an accursed hourglass. The remaining sand grants us a mere three days.

It appears that Alex and the other heroes departed from the fortress where the demon king resided, a journey of approximately ten days each way.

"I'm sorry. Promises that cannot be fulfilled are already lessons learned."

The woman he swore to protect perished in his embrace. In her final moments, she was rendered speechless, and I can still vividly recall the movement of her lips as if it were yesterday. Alex. It was our first encounter, indeed. Was he then beginning to pay the price for the reckless acts he committed to safeguard her?

When I first met him, he was a mischievous and troublesome child.

"You've grown up."

Now burdened with the fate of humanity, he looks up to me, even though I was the one who initially taught him how to fight. He truly is a remarkable individual.

"I'm getting old too, becoming rather sentimental."

I downed the last remnants of the substitute tea, along with the surge of emotions welling up within me.

"Aria, I'll be with you soon. Please wait just a little while longer."

Gazing at the sky, I caught sight of one of the brightest stars. Its flickering and blurred appearance seemed only natural.


Alex approached Rahn, who had been patiently waiting nearby. Rahn slowly opened his half-closed eyelids.

"Are you prepared?"

"Yeah, let's go. I shouldn't keep the others waiting, right?"

"...Did you say it properly?"

I didn't need to ask what he meant. That was something I understood all too well.

"No, I couldn't bring myself to say it."

"It might be the last time I see him, you know? Even now."

I interjected, assuring him, "It's alright. I'll convey it when I return. I will definitely come back to tell him."

Rahn nodded silently and didn't speak further until he joined his comrades.

I truly appreciate his understated understanding in this moment.


Three dawns passed since Alex and the other heroes set off on their journey. The sand above steadily diminished, mere hours away from depletion. I longed for a dinner as tasteless as excrement, to quietly await that moment alone. However, with reports of the Demon King's army regaining strength over the past two days, indications of a massive assault emerged. The remaining 300 adventurers, unable to wait in tranquility, prepared to transition into battle formation at any given moment.

Until now, knowing my time to meet death was distant, I faced each intense conflict with composure. When the thought of my impending demise crossed my mind, fear would naturally arise, but more than that, a sense of hopefulness would wash over me. The relief of no longer needing to witness the sands of another's hourglass dwindling. I felt a profound longing to finally reunite with Aria. Yet, I mourned the fact that I would never see Alex again. Thoughts of him cast a shadow over my once sunny heart.

I shut my eyes tightly, attempting to banish all thoughts from my mind.

Then, the moment arrived.

A tremor, resonating deep within my stomach, approached. The flock of slumbering birds scattered as if popping bubbles, taking flight. Even the wild demonic beasts sensed the shift and, guided by their instincts, began attacking nearby creatures.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and rose to my feet, steadying my trembling legs. I caught sight of my sword and shield. Both had served me for over a decade, protecting Aria. I had yet to repay the debt from back then, which is why I now found myself on the final battleground. These weapons had slashed through countless enemies and safeguarded lives from innumerable threats, remaining unmarred by the passage of time.

A command was issued to the adventurers.

This was the ultimate battlefield. How many foes could they vanquish? How long could they survive? With the tip of the sword in my right hand pointed toward the quaking horizon, I declared.

"I will fight fiercely against you, accursed fate. I will resist with all my might."

Over two weeks have elapsed since the Demon King's army launched their massive invasion. The once formidable city of Arpedo now lay in ruins, and the defensive position that once stood before it had vanished without a trace. The corpses of valiant adventurers, intermingled with the remains of the demonic beasts they fought, had begun to decay. Flies swarmed the area, and the putrid stench of decomposition hung heavy in the air.

Amidst this grim scene, a solitary woman moved forward, her body drenched in blood. More than half of her equipment, including her breastplate that marked her as a warrior, had fallen off, and her left arm was absent from the elbow down. The great sword she once carried on her back had shattered, relieving her of its weight. Her right eye had been crushed, leaving only her left eye, bloodied and obscured by sweat, impairing her vision to less than 10% of what it once was. Her once beautiful dark green short hair was now matted with a mixture of mud and blood.

Despite her weakened state, she continued to roam the remains of the camp, driven by an unknown purpose. Finally, as the sun began its descent, she halted her steps. There, she beheld a single renowned sword protruding from the ground, alongside a cracked shield, both stained with blood, yet still emanating their presence.

Lying nearby was a fallen adventurer.

She found him and dropped to her knees, cradling the cold head of the adventurer with only one arm. A single tear fell from her left eye as she spoke to the adventurer, who had both eyes closed. It had been a while since she had a drink, and her voice trembled but remained strong.

"I am actually a woman, and I have always admired you," she confessed. Tears streamed down her chin and landed on the adventurer's face.

"I have returned, but why..." she choked on her words, unable to contain her sobs. Tear after tear fell, but then, the man's blue eyes flickered open slightly. Though his eye sockets were empty, he could still perceive the weeping woman.

"Welcome back," he uttered. The woman, wide-eyed and disbelieving, listened to those words and her face creased into a smile, the brightest smile in the world.

"I'm home!"

The End

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