A Large Snake with Arm

 A Large Snake with Arm

Author: Sunata Naoki

Alternative Name : 大蛇おらむ

Plot : The tale unfolds around a wandering samurai, seeking employment, who arrives at a post town and secures lodging at an inn. During his stay, he encounters a peculiar narrative relayed by a youthful shopkeeper.

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 A Large Snake with Arms

(Once upon a time, there was a samurai who traveled to various places in search of employment.)

Upon reaching a post town, the samurai decided to rent an inn. It was there that he heard an intriguing tale from a young shopkeeper.

The story began with the samurai's fondness for fishing. Carrying a fishing rod in a bag on his back during his travels, he decided to find a suitable fishing spot and entrust the catch to the inn's owner. Seeking advice, he approached the shopkeeper, who seemed troubled by his question.

"There is a nearby lake, but I advise against fishing there. It is infested with large snakes," warned the shopkeeper.

Amused, the samurai responded, "A big snake? How enormous is it?"

"I have not witnessed it myself, but it is renowned in these parts. They say it towers over humans and is revered by some as a dragon deity rather than a mere snake," explained the shopkeeper.

The samurai chuckled even louder. "It is absurd to believe in such a snake, let alone a dragon. It truly makes me laugh. Nonetheless, I will investigate."

The shopkeeper interjected, concerned. "You should not attempt it. If you desire fish, I suggest catching them in the river."

"Possibly, this rumor started with a real incident involving a snake sighting, perhaps as tall as a child. Over time, the tale grew, and the snake's height surpassed that of an adult, eventually becoming several times taller. Nevertheless, there is no need for concern. Maybe a fishing enthusiast like me simply desired a secluded fishing spot at the lake, so I spread this rumor," the samurai explained confidently.

"I understand. I will not deter you, but please exercise caution," replied the shopkeeper.

"Hmph, my main concern is not being able to catch a single fish," scoffed the samurai.

After inquiring about the route to the lake from the owner, the samurai made his way there. As he ventured through the less frequented thickets, the landscape opened up, revealing the lake. To his disappointment, a dense fog blanketed the area.

Upon gazing towards the shoreline, he noticed a specially crafted small boat. Without hesitation, the samurai boarded the vessel and pushed away from the bank. After paddling for a while, he settled down and retrieved a fishing rod from his bag and a bait box from his pocket. Using a needle, he impaled a worm and cast it into the lake. The sound of the water subsided, shrouding the surroundings in silence.

Gripping his fishing rod, he surveyed the vicinity and caught sight of something peculiar beyond the fog. It appeared as a shadow, elongated and thick like a tree trunk, measuring about one foot in height and three feet in width. Initially, he considered it to be the silhouette of a tree. However, upon closer inspection, he noticed movement. It was improbable for a tree of that girth to sway in the wind. Therefore, it must be the shadow of a colossal creature. The samurai gasped, realizing that the shopkeeper's account held some truth.

Yet, he struggled to believe it. If the protruding head were that of a snake, it would barely measure a foot in length. Concealed beneath the water's surface must be a longer body. The existence of such an immense snake in this world seemed unfathomable.

Releasing his fishing rod, the samurai grasped the oar, intending to ascertain the identity of the shadow. He steered the boat calmly towards the enigmatic figure. Whether or not the creature was aware of his approach, it remained motionless.

As he drew closer, he released the paddle and rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. The boat, propelled by momentum, slowly closed in on the shadow. Gradually, as the fog dissipated, the true nature of the shadow was revealed. It resembled a dark tree trunk, its upper portion bent and curved. Several slender rod-like appendages extended from its tip, unmistakably fingers. The samurai felt his sanity nearly slipping away. Emerging from the lake's surface was an enormous black arm, beckoning and swaying in his direction.

A Mysterious Encounter

The samurai whispered to himself, questioning whether it was a monster. He released his grip on the sword's hilt, took hold of the paddle, and silently steered the ship backward. He realized that monsters could not be vanquished with a sword.

With the samurai's intense gaze fixed upon the creature, the boat descended steadily. In an instant, the black arm became engulfed in fog, transforming into a mere shadow, until eventually, the shadow vanished.

As expected, the samurai no longer felt inclined to continue fishing. He promptly returned to the inn and recounted his sighting to the owner.

"Your account was not a falsehood. However, it was not a snake," the samurai confessed.

"If it wasn't a snake, then what was it?" inquired the owner.

"It was an arm," the samurai responded.

"An arm?" the shopkeeper questioned, perplexed.

The samurai tilted his head and proceeded to explain while gesturing with his own arm.

"The arm portion resembled a snake's body, and the wrist appeared as the head. It was a monstrous entity, unlike anything I've ever encountered. Do you believe me?"

"I do believe you. After all, it was said by a samurai who did not easily believe in mythical creatures like Orochi. So, what kind of monster was it exactly?" the owner inquired.

"Well, that's precisely what I described earlier. It was an aberration with an enormous black arm," replied the samurai.

"I understand that, but if it possesses arms, it must also have a head and torso," the owner pondered.

"...Indeed, now that you mention it, I was so preoccupied with the arm that I did not delve deeper into its appearance," the samurai acknowledged.

"No, no, I think it's best that way. If I had gazed into the lake, I might have been pulled into its depths. It was an odd encounter. Let us not dwell on it," reassured the owner.

"You're right. It would be wise for no one to venture near that lake," agreed the samurai.


With their conversation concluded, the samurai retired to his room. As he lay down, memories of the lake's incident flooded his mind. He was certain it was an arm. If he had peered into the lake...

The samurai shuddered at the mere thought of locking eyes with a monstrous creature.

The following morning, the samurai departed from the town.


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