The Story Of A Youngest Knight And The Bakers Daughter.

The Story Of A Youngest Knight And The Bakers Daughter.

Alternative Name: パン屋の娘と末っ子騎士

Author : Searshi shirum

Plot: An Adventure story of a bakers daughter, a young knight and a dragon.

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The Story Of A Youngest Knight And The Bakers Daughter.

Once upon a time, there existed a nation. The periphery of this country, under the rule of a king, was safeguarded by the Margrave. The princess of a neighboring land wedded the second prince, resulting in a peaceful border. As a consequence, everyone in the city, where the Margrave's fortress stood, lived in contentment. In this remote town, there was a well-regarded bakery run by a family of three: a father and mother who were skilled bakers, and their daughter who sold bread at the shopfront. The daughter, gradually acquiring bread-making skills, was nearing adulthood when her father began commending her abilities.

One day, the father and daughter were at the market, shopping. Suddenly, large stones descended from the sky. "Dangerous!" cried out the father, swiftly pushing his daughter. Thankfully, she merely stumbled to the ground. Unfortunately, her father was struck by a stone and tragically passed away the following day. Numerous others were injured in the marketplace as well. The Margrave dispatched a knightly order to conduct a thorough investigation, but they were unable to ascertain the culprit responsible for the falling stones. The mother and daughter were left bereft of their beloved family members. However, they had no time for mourning.

"I'm sorry, but if you cannot pay the rent, I will have no choice but to request that you vacate the premises," declared the landlord. Unable to produce as much bread as before without their father, they were compelled to leave as they failed to meet the rent obligations for their rented store.

"Well, are you going to close the bakery?" lamented an old friend of the mother, employed as a maid in the Margrave's residence. "They were delighted when I secretly served them this bread as a snack." The woman referred to as "Onee-san" was the Margrave's youngest child, responsible for caring for the seventh son. Whenever they ventured into town for business, she would often purchase bread from their bakery. "I, too, will be moving away at the end of this month. Thank you for your patronage."

The mother and daughter, both bakers, searched tirelessly for a place where they could work together but found no success. Meanwhile, the deadline for eviction drew near. With heavy hearts, they set off on foot, each carrying a small bag.

After some time, a splendid carriage arrived and stopped near them.

"Oh, how fortunate! We made it in time," exclaimed the maid who stepped out.

"Are you the baker mother and daughter?" asked a young man in a knight's uniform, descending from the carriage.

"I am the youngest child of the Margrave family, and I serve as a knight. I have come to offer you an opportunity."

He introduced himself, and his proposition followed.

"I am looking for live-in bakers for the cafeteria at the Knights Dormitory. If you don't mind, would you consider working there?"

The mother and daughter exchanged glances, realizing they had found a place where they could both be employed together.

"Thank you," they both expressed with deep bows.

The Knights Dormitory stood adjacent to the Margrave's mansion, where numerous women prepared meals. Among them were widows of knights. There were also maids responsible for laundry and cleaning, as well as female-only dormitories.

The mother and daughter were assigned a shared room and embraced each other, filled with delight. With the arrival of two skilled bakers, the bread in the knights' cafeteria became exceptionally delicious. Although they couldn't handle all the work on their own, they sought assistance from senior cafeteria staff, who generously taught them the secrets of making delectable bread. As the bread grew more delicious, everyone in the kitchen began brainstorming and experimenting with ways to enhance other dishes as well. Consequently, the hungry knights relished their meals even more and became more passionate about their duties.

"I'm glad I invited you to join us," expressed the youngest knight of the Margrave family, beaming at the baker's daughter.

With each interaction, the daughter's heart fluttered, while her mother struggled to suppress her laughter by her side.

One day, the sky above the Margrave's territory became shrouded by twelve ominous shadows. The shadows drew closer to the fortress, revealing themselves as twelve flying dragons. Perched upon the first dragon was a malevolent demon.

"Last time, I showered them with stones, but it didn't quite capture their attention. Well, today I've brought Hiryu with me. Let's have some fun with the humans, starting with this fortress."

This demon served the demon king in the demon world, yet his arrogance and lack of effort earned him constant reprimands.

"Come forth, flying dragons, and raise the humans for a blood festival!" he commanded, sending terror through all who heard it. However, the dragons remained motionless, for reasons unknown.

"Don't those flying dragons appear hungry?" observed the youngest knight.

"Horses often appear like that when they're famished," added the baker's daughter, who had come out to assess the situation.

"Hmm, we don't know what they eat. Let's give it a try," suggested the knight.

A large basket filled with freshly baked bread was carried outside, and the strong knights hurled it toward the wyverns. The flying dragons warily eyed the airborne bread for a moment. However, they couldn't resist the aroma of the freshly baked loaves.

Chomp! Chomp! Chomping sounds filled the air.

The dragons savored the delicious bread they had received. They reclined beside the knights who had offered them the bread, completely at ease. The demons, initially cautious of the airborne bread and having left the dragons to witness the unfolding events, suddenly regained their senses.

"Useless dragons! I shall incinerate all the humans together!" declared the demon man, igniting flames in his hand.

"Do not be careless!" The Demon King appeared.

"Due to your doubt and disdain, the dragons refuse to obey you. Behold."

The dragons spread their majestic wings and positioned themselves, protecting the humans who had provided them with the delectable bread.


"You shall undergo retraining," the Demon King remarked, lightly waving his index finger, causing the demon man to vanish.

"My subordinate has caused trouble. Merely apologizing is insufficient, but I seek a way to make amends. Is there any possibility?" inquired the Demon King.

The Margrave's youngest knight tossed the bread he held towards an approaching dragon.

"These dragons are truly exceptional beings. Can humans ride them?" the devil grinned.

"Oh, if you care for them well, they will lend you their aid as well. Therefore, as a token of apology, let us offer twelve dragons."

"I accept."

"It is a rule that demons do not interfere with humans, but there is no guarantee that ill-wishers won't appear. If anything happens, instruct one of the dragons to summon me. I shall come to your aid whenever needed."

With those words, the Demon King vanished.

"Ah, I forgot to ask how to care for them!"

"Well, it will work out."

A few months later, a dragon laid a small egg. In due time, the egg hatched, revealing a tiny, adorable dragon.

"It was the offspring of a dragon and a wyvern, gifted with the ability to speak. From that point onward, the small dragon perched on the shoulder of the youngest knight, serving as a liaison between the dragons and the knights.

The bakers, along with the women aiding them, found themselves busier than ever, as they had to bake bread for the dragons. An additional oven was hastily added to accommodate the increased workload. In the midst of this, the youngest knight started visiting the girl who baked bread every day. The mischievous small dragon on his shoulder would often attempt to pilfer and devour the freshly baked bread.

"Oh no, it's still hot!"


The little dragon would spin through the air, only to be caught by the bewildered youngest knight.

"Why can't you resist stealing food, even though you're an intelligent creature?"

"I suppose the enticing aroma of bread is too much for me to resist."

"In that case, we might be the same."

As the dragon received a slightly cooled piece of bread and delightedly stuffed its

cheeks, the girl accepted a small bouquet and smiled happily at the knight.

"The End."

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