HNLBAPU By a Little Carpenter Chapter-4 Part 2


His new life began after being picked up and carried home by a little carpenter- Chapter 4 Part Two

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The sika deer, whose limbs were trembling and whose neck was still bleeding, dropped to the ground. To clean the blood off of it, Gu Qiming dragged it to the stream.

Blood smells too strongly, and if it draws wolves and dogs, that will be problematic.

He had the sashimi knife taken from Lin Xing. It was deemed a mistake that he kept it on his person this time because it ended up helping him. This bitch has done a nice thing, Gu Qiming thought to himself.

The basket on Gu Qiming's back suddenly became heavy when he finished packing the deer. He estimated how long it would take to find Lin Xing.

"...Lin Xing!"

The mountain was deserted, and every sound made by motion was audible. Gu Qiming arrived to see Lin Xing as he was cutting wood.

"You mentioned gathering mugwort leaves, didn't you? Why are you cutting wood ?"

I have gathered enough mugwort leaves, Lin Xing said after wiping away some sweat. 

"At home, I don't have a lot of wood. This tree just so happened to collapse. I noticed it and decided to brought it home to make a few little things."

Here, spruce trees predominate. Lin Xing typically collects his wood from the nearby community. The simple act of gathering a few of his little creations can linger for a very long time. The timber is worthless because they live close to a mountain.

"Are you going to sell it in town?" Gu Qiming inquired.

Lin Xing nodded his head: "Instead of selling it myself, the carpenter shop in the town usually collects stools, jewelry boxes ."

Gu Qiming suddenly realized; 

Isn't this outsourcing?

Gu Qiming curved his lips and grinned at him, "I'll do the sawing." He was eager to present the doe he had captured to Lin Xing. "Let's see what good stuff I caught."

A sika deer was sleeping beneath the weeds when Gu Qiming removed them from the prey.

"That's awesome, Brother Gu!"

His eyes glowed. This was actually very beneficial. A sika deer this large could fetch twenty or thirty taels of silver when sold in the town.

Gu Qiming gave a grin. This sika deer was a rare animal in both ancient and modern times. Even wealthy people are unable to eat it if they so choose, much less this wild deer.

He had just arrived, so perhaps God felt sorry for him since he was worried that he wouldn't survive here after bringing him here.

Lin Xing had never before seen a sika deer in his life. He was compelled to prod it with his hand. The deer's body was still warm and had a different texture from that of domesticated animals. It was really solid, the flesh.

Gu Qiming put on his work gloves and carefully sawed the wood. He had Lin Xing by his side to advise him on which area to saw. He only chose the best ones since he could only handle so much.

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His arm muscles tightened as he moved, displaying full explosive force. He was also dressed in Father Lin's clothing, which was a little too small for him. The garment was tightly adhered to his skin by the sweat, exposing his gorgeous muscles. line.

Gu Qiming undoubtedly has a good physique that most men can only wish they had. This number is sufficient to defeat many individuals, even in the army.

It's unfortunate that right now, only Lin Xing can see this scene. He is aware that his face must now be red. Brother Gu has a pretty attractive physique. Even if he needs to go to work tomorrow, unlike him, the flesh on his body will still remain tender. They lack the strength of males.

Oh my god.

He shared the envy.

"Why is your face so red? Do you feel exhausted? First, go take a nap under the tree. I'll be okay shortly.

Gu Qiming assumed Lin Xing was hot when he noticed his face was as red as an apple. He suggested that Lin Xing take a nap first because he should be exhausted after working for so long. In any case, he already knew how to accomplish it.

Lin Xing silently moved away. He was really unfit to remain here any longer. He was already perplexed due to his intense lust.

He shook his head to clear his mind of any negative ideas and to give himself time to consider what to do with the deer.

The most valuable sale would undoubtedly be to the town, but deer are not like rabbits. It is advisable to sell the large game to a local restaurant if wealthy people can easily consume it. Unlike other products, it is challenging to have a reliable source of game meat, but the cost is unquestionably lot lower.

Lin Xing was unable to contemplate that much. It was warm. They would undoubtedly lose the deer if they couldn't sell it in two days.

They ran down the mountain as soon as Gu Qiming had finished sawing the last of the wood. The two of them simply eat some fruit that Lin Xing had plucked before noon. Though the yellow fruit was sweet and tart, it was not completely ripe. Gu Qiming's eyes were dimmer and he was practically ravenous from working so hard.

They ran across Aunt Zhang from next door, who had just come from bringing food to her family in the fields, on the way back. She sent over a sizable dish of fried cucumbers and eggs at midday because she knew it was a lot of labor for the males in the family to work. In fat, they were fried. The aromatic and soft cucumbers were combined with the yellow eggs. Everyone in the family enjoys eating, so she rolled them up in a baked tortilla.

"Who is this?" Gu Qiming caught Aunt Zhang's attention as she pondered the origins of such a tall and appealing young guy.

"...Um, Aunt Zhang...him,"

Gu Qiming has yet to be introduced by Lin Xing... It's inappropriate to refer to him as his brother from a distance. Everyone in the village is aware of the circumstances in his household. What was his origin?

"You are Aunt Zhang, I frequently hear Lin Xing mention you," Gu Qiming said first.

" I'm an apprentice at the local carpenter's business. I've come here to consult Lin Xing about my current job."

He was lying for best but in his heart he was a terrible greeter. He wasn't sure if his words were reliable, so he could only offer this weak justification at the moment.

"So that's it, let me tell you," Aunt Zhang took hold of Lin Xing and remarked, "Xiao Lin does excellent carpentry. It's been in use by our family for many years and is still functional. Work hard at it. Come over to my house for dinner when the time comes; I will make delectable fare for you.'

When he had some free time, Lin Xing said he would visit her and promptly nodded. After saying a few kind words, Aunt Zhang went without asking any further questions. When she returned home, there was still a ton of work that needed to be done.

Gu Qiming pulled a basin of well water when they got home, and the two of them cleaned their faces before getting to work in the kitchen.

There is a large harvest today. Lin Xing intends to produce quality work. At home, there is still a slice of bacon from the New Year. The only remaining meat at home is this. A finger-long piece of bacon is chopped into small pieces by Lin Xing, who then spreads it out. Sprinkle the diced vegetables on top of the cooked rice before adding the soy sauce. People will drool at the thought.

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