His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was murdered by a villainess in my presence! What ought I to do now?

 His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was murdered by a villainess in my presence! What ought I to do now?

Author: Akiko Imaoka

Alternative Name : 悪役令嬢が王太子殿下を殺害するところを目撃してしまいました!どうしたらいいですか!?

Plot : While gathering therapeutic herbs in the highlands, Monica, a pharmacy apprentice, notices a man and a lady who look out of place. The man turned out to be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince as I approached to warn them of a dangerous cliff ahead!? Why is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in the mountains by himself, without an escort, and with a woman? His Royal Highness was pushed by the woman as she hesitated to approach, and as a result, he fell off a cliff. What ought I to do? What ought I to do? Will Monica's future be bright after she unintentionally became a witness?


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His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was murdered by a villainess in my presence! What ought I to do now?

Right now, I'm in the highlands outside the royal castle.

My teacher assigned me to the surrounding mountain to gather therapeutic herbs as an apprentice pharmacist.

By the way, my master is a respectable and skilled pharmacist who works in the royal palace.

I came upon two figures in the mountains as I was stumbling around in search of the medical herbs I required.

One man and one woman in stunning attire, unfit for exploring the mountains in. Isn't the woman's dress hem caked with mud?

There is a potentially fatal cliff up ahead, but it appears to be a covert encounter.

You will undoubtedly pass away if you fall and slip. It could be a good idea to mention a few words just in case since I don't believe they are seasoned mountain walkers.



Although I can't hear it properly, it sounds like the man is yelling in unison.

As you observe the situation, gradually close the space between you and them. """If I approach them now, I might get dragged into a fight too.

After all, they are unquestionably prominent individuals.If it seems serious, I won't cry out to them; instead, I'll watch them carefully to make sure they don't approach the cliff any farther.


"Neliorus-sama, won't it be risky if we continue?"

I approached her near enough to hear her voice.

Mr. Nerioras, .?

Who exactly is Mr. Neriolus?

Neriolas-sama, is he not the Crown Prince?

why? Why is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince traveling alone with a woman across the mountains?

Isn't this an area where you shouldn't ever run into him? I refrained from calling to them right away.

"Shut up ! Don't tell me what to do! All you have to do is quietly follow me because I have something in front of me.""

Your Highness the Crown Prince, keep your distance from that precarious ledge.

I'm not sure what to do, I can't call out to him, but if something were to happen, I'd be in trouble.

Master. Bad timing.

Oh, if they continue, it will be quite hazardous. The grass is so bent that it's difficult to tell, but that portion of the earth is unstable, making it simple to collapse!

"What do you think lies ahead, Neliorus-sama?''

There is a cliff up ahead!

"I traveled this far to get your attention. There is something concealed here."

There is something, indeed.

Please don't keep it in a hazardous location.

After all, Neliorus-sama can move in accordance with the situation.

The question "What do you mean?"

"I am aware of the future. However, the true threat is currently behind you rather than in front of you."

The woman shoved His Highness the Crown Prince's back after saying that.

When unexpectedly shoved on his back, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince lost his equilibrium and toppled forward.I'm no longer able to see him.


terrible is awful! terrible!

It's likely that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince fell down a cliff.

Eh? What must I do? What ought should I do?

""I'm not going to carry out Neriorus-sama's orders. I was aware of your future treatment of me. I would have you die in order to protect myself if such a future occurred. I chose to."

It appears that the woman pushed His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's back with the intention of murder.

It's homicide...

That's why you said that, isn't it? Is it not risky from this point on?

It is you who is in jeopardy.

"Neriorus, farewell for all time."

Dangerous! His Highness the Crown Prince was murdered by a woman, as I saw.

"I'll stop being a villainess now."

No, you just murdered a person. You are a bad person no matter how you look at it!?

That woman will never discover me, regardless.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would land on a rocky, raging river if he were to plunge to the bottom of a precipice.

By me, I am helpless. I need to call for assistance right away!

His Highness the Crown Prince is exceedingly unlikely to be alive, however...

I quickly returned to the palace after that, taking care not to let that woman see me.

"S-Master!! It's hard! I saw His Royal Highness the Crown Prince fall down a cliff as I was hiking in the highlands in search of healing herbs."

"Huh? What are you referring to? His Highness the Crown Prince is in the mountain for what reason? First off, even if he had been present, wouldn't he have had company?"


"No, He was by himself with a lady! The woman also knocked him to the ground.

"It's not possible. You weren't awake, were you?"

After saying that, he started giving out medication once more.

Even though I'd prefer to believe it was a dream, it wasn't!

"Excuse me, master! His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is missing and there ought to be a ruckus at the royal palace right now. Please request that the military search beneath the cliff."

"Well, I guess I'll take a quick look at the royal palace and then you can accompany me to the pharmacy," the speaker said.

"Yes, yes, please move quickly. If you need assistance locating His Highness the Crown Prince, I will assist you in any way I can."

My master unwillingly exited the pharmacy room after that, and I followed suit.

Then, a startling event took place.

"What? Isn't His Royal Highness the Crown Prince present?

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who was reported to have vanished beneath the cliff, was present in the royal palace. why?

"Huh? That shouldn't be the case... Huh? A misperception?

"I suppose you dreamed while you were only semi-asleep. You're a doomsayer.

Was that a nightmare?

yet it seemed so genuine?

The days went without incident in the Royal Palace after that, as if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had never plunged off a cliff.

I walked upstream and downstream in search of the man's body to make sure.

I believed there was no question that one person had fallen, even if that individual wasn't His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

But no such body was discovered.

Perhaps it was all just a dream...?

But there's something that annoys me.

He is ruthless and self-centered, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Neriolas. It also appears that since that incident, he has changed into a fantastic crown prince, as if he had changed as a person, even though there were no positive rumors that he was an arrogant guy.

Isn't this worrying, though?

I also learned who that (potential) murderer really was.

Her Royal Highness the Crown Prince's fiancee was Lady Hannah.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Lady Hannah appear to have had a rocky relationship at one point, but things have improved since then.

There must be some significance to this, right?

It's odd that His Highness the Crown Prince decided to change his mind at such a last minute!

When I see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, I occasionally find myself looking at him because I'm so inquisitive about him.

"What? Has His Highness the Crown Prince won your heart? "My Master made fun of me.

"That's false! Right now, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is clearly odd. His character is very dissimilar."

"Ah well. But now, isn't it better? Everyone is pretending to be ignorant because of this.

His Highness the Crown Prince was awful, it's true, but...

His Highness the Crown Prince is said to be a shadow warrior, according to a rumor. There is certainly a story like that behind him if he is a member of the royal family.

Undoubtedly, it appears feasible. Everyone is pretending they are unaware that Lady Hanna assassinated the genuine Crown Prince Neriolas.

since the reigning Crown Prince is superior...

I genuinely saw His Royal Highness the Crown Prince being shoved down a cliff, master, you know that."

"I'll warn you just in case. Never discuss that with anyone else.

"...That's accurate. It might be best to keep your mouth shut."

Hannah should not be able to remove me either.Good day, Monica. You seem to be succeeding in your role as an apprentice apothecary."My life was suddenly in danger."Surprisingly, the Crown Prince of His Royal Highness is standing just in front of me.

"How did you find out who I am?"

"You were giving me a lot of glances. I was also glancing at Monica."

What is that? Death warrant?

The Crown Prince, who is rumored to be a shadow warrior, arrived just as I was ready to return to my apartment where I lived alone after working until I was fatigued.

Of course, He is not accompanied by anyone. All by ourselves.

"Ah, um..."

"Monica understands I'm a fraud."

Oh, how I knew!

I observed His Royal Highness the Crown Prince calling himself "Ore." When His Royal Highness the Crown Prince states "I" in front of me, he is absolutely different from him.

No, they have an identical appearance.

"Today, I denounced Hannah, my fiance. Hannah was terrified of my judgment, so I broke our engagement while also doing what she detested the most."

"Eh!? Why are you telling me this, I wonder?"

"Yeah. I felt compelled to tell someone. I'm the secret twin brother of Nerioras. I've been a shadow fighter all my life. Hanna, who later became Nerioras' fiancée, was unaware of my existence. Isn't that disgusting?"

Brother, younger..."

"Yes, young sibling. Hannah was aware of what will transpire in the future. It appears to be a situation. That scenario predicts a disastrous future for Hannah and me both.

The younger brother of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince continues to talk with a childlike innocence.

It appears that the discussion will last a short while.

Hannah-sama declared at the time that she would not turn into a villain.

"Yeah. It sounds like something a killer would say. Neriolas, my older brother, was slain by Hanna because he stood in the way of her plans for the future. She then appointed me as the next crown prince. Well, Nelioras is not my favorite. That is why I agreed to it."

"I heard you and Hannah get along well."

"I was acting that way. However, you obviously cannot be pals with a killer. Although my brother was a horrible guy, he had not yet killed anyone. Hannah, in contrast, was unquestionably a villain."

"Are you claiming that you exacted retaliation against Lord Neriolus?"

"That's not how it is. I merely despised Hannah. She is currently incarcerated, precisely like in the example. Great feeling! I wish to spread this happiness to somebody. Then I suddenly saw Monica's face. Danda!"

Oh, I get it.

Lady Hannah possessed a means of predicting the future.

She assassinated the true Crown Prince and tried to be content with his younger brother, a shadow warrior, in an effort to thwart that future.

However, she was deceived by this individual, and as she predicted, she is now incarcerated.

"Now that Hannah is no longer in my life, I feel fantastic. Yes! I'm going to share some positive things about Monica with you since Hannah was very knowledgeable.

"What's good about me?"

"I assume Monica has a master? Master and Monica are in a relationship.


"Hanna said in the case. Neriolas intended to mistreat Monica. With the woman he saw, he was meant to be the worst kind of bastard, giving into his desires. After being harmed by Nelioras, Monica is dejected."

 Hey! It seems like I'm being warned of a terrible future...

"Your master, who had affections for Monica in secret, is unable to forgive Neliorus and seeks retribution. in a very critical manner."


"Does Master secretly feel something for me?"

No way! ?

"Don't worry; Hannah's imagined future will never materialize. Good luck with your master, please.

The younger brother of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, abruptly stated, "Monica will be happy," and he walked away.


Yes, yes, yes?

My boss is an aged and worn-out man! As a pharmacist, I do respect him, but I guess he doesn't.

Even if my master is considering me, he wouldn't behave like way!

I began to feel curiously aware of my master, though, after His Royal Highness the Crown Prince (The younger brother) made such terrible remarks.

"Hey, haven't you been looking nice lately?"

"Eh!? It's not true, is it?"

"No, because—right—you didn't previously wear that much makeup."

I don't need to apply makeup because I simply meet my master every day in the pharmacy room! I was contemplating that. No, I'm still mulling it over!

"Occasionally, I feel like donning makeup!"

"What makes you so irate? I merely inquired, right?"

I am not irritated.

Oh, and Hannah, the fiancée, was sentenced to death as a result.

She was sentenced to prison because it appears that she was organizing various activities behind the scenes to establish connections with foreign nations.

She served as Majimon's villain.

Other than His Highness the Crown Prince (the genuine one), did she kill anyone else?

Sometimes, the younger brother of the Crown Prince is spotted at the Royal Palace. He will also speak to me in a cordial manner.

What do you anticipate transpiring then?

"Hey, lately, don't you seem to be getting too close to His Highness the Crown Prince? It won't matter if you like His Highness the Crown Prince. Stop it immediately."

"Are you also feeling queasy around a good man for your age? or something comparable."

"Don't leave the medical room too frequently," commanded my master.

He is jealous. He is undoubtedly envious of this!

I find it odd that the old man used phrases like "good guy" and "dizzy," as I think even those are endearing.

"Do you adore me, Master?"

A few years later, the river overflowed due to strong rainfall, resulting in landslides in the mountains next to the palace.

Thankfully, no one was killed in the landslide, although some skeleton remains that were thought to belong to a man were discovered.

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Neriolas, the real one, is who I believe it to be.

The discovered skeletons were interred in a mass grave as unidentified remains.

It must have been a tragic ending if that actually was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince (the real deal).

But because I have a hard heart, I won't say anything to anyone.

For me, the true deal is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who helped me reconcile with my husband.

Not just me, but everyone else concurs.

Nobody is speculating about the possibility that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is a fraud.

I'm still working in the corner of the royal palace's medicine room with my devoted hubby today.

The End 

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