An inebriated young woman hailing from the rural north found herself enamored with a nobleman from the central region, who had recently experienced the termination of his engagement.


An inebriated young woman hailing from the rural north found herself enamored with a nobleman from the central region, who had recently experienced the termination of his engagement.



Author: Hellhound



Plot : Ria, a young woman of 20 years, and the daughter of a prominent lord from the north, attended her first evening party in the center. However, feeling overwhelmed with nerves, she chose not to venture out into the crowd. Instead, she opted to stay inside and have a glass of wine brought to her by a waiter. It's worth mentioning that all the wines served at the event were carefully selected by a noble named Lord Aisline.

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An inebriated young woman hailing from the rural north found herself enamored with a nobleman from the central region, who had recently experienced the termination of his engagement.

The venue echoed with magnificent and majestic music, but amidst the loud sounds, I found myself all alone, unsure of what to do. It was an evening party graciously hosted by Her Majesty the Queen, held at a central location, and I had been invited to attend along with my father. However, he had to leave for a meeting, leaving me to fend for myself.

Feeling lost and uncertain, I whispered my thoughts softly, wondering how to proceed. Time passed, and fifteen minutes into the evening, still, nobody approached me. I felt like I couldn't muster the courage to join the heart of the party, so I remained seated by the wall.

At the center of the gathering was the illustrious Her Majesty Faris, the Queen of the country, with her beautiful wavy blonde hair adorned by an exquisite tiara. I couldn't help but recognize the stark difference in status between us. After all, my father was merely a lord governing the northern region – an area often looked down upon for its colder climate and perceived insignificance compared to the central part of the country.

Despite the criticisms, I cherished the north. It might be a snow country with its chilly weather, but the pleasant coolness even in summers, the kindness of its people, and the purity of the air held a special place in my heart.Accompanied by my father, Leah, I made my first visit to Chuo in two decades, as it had been my birthplace. The opulence of the central region left me astounded, feeling like I had entered a completely different world. The venue was adorned with splendid chandeliers, intricately patterned carpets, and vases brimming with beautiful flowers, while hundreds of aristocrats mingled around. It was a level of luxury I had never experienced in the north, where even modest nighttime gatherings occasionally took place, but nothing comparable to this grandeur.

A waiter approached me with an offer for a drink, and I couldn't help but compare their refined appearance to the more humble waiters in Kitakata, my hometown in the north. The thought left me slightly disoriented, contemplating the differences between the north and the central region. However, being the daughter of a northern lord, I knew I couldn't simply drift along and bring shame to my father's name. Summoning my courage, I decided to accept the drink.

Upon taking a sip, I realized it was an exceptional wine from a renowned winery, a name I had heard before. My father had mentioned that a noble soon to marry Her Majesty Faris was well-versed not only in wines but also various other spirits. Despite my expectations, I found myself drawn to the taste of this wine. It had a delicate grape flavor, but I sensed that wines of this variety should have a more refined taste, where grapes and alcohol harmoniously blend to create a wonderful balance.Could there be something amiss with my taste buds? That was my initial thought as I concluded one wine and the waiter promptly offered me another bottle, this time containing white wine. However, a single sip clarified everything. The white wine possessed a far more opulent taste, smoothly gliding down the palate without any harsh aftertaste. It had an enigmatic quality, as if I had encountered it before, and I found it undeniably more delightful than the wine touted as the finest variety.

I couldn't help but wonder about the origin of this remarkable wine. Upon inquiring, I learned that Sir Aislein had also purchased this particular wine. Intriguingly, I let out a thoughtful hum as I decided to sample a few more glasses of different wines, just to be sure. It became evident that all the wines served at the evening party were carefully selected by Lord Aisline. While the third glass of red wine I tried was exquisite, none of them possessed that unmistakable, first-class taste that is hard to overlook.

It dawned on me that this person's palate was indeed authentic. In that case, I couldn't fathom why they had opted for a supposedly top-notch wine that didn't quite live up to its reputation in terms of taste. That's what I pondered as the evening unfolded.

"Why on earth would you serve me such a wine?" Her Majesty's voice rang out, causing my heart to leap involuntarily. I turned to see an aristocrat by the Queen's side bowing his head in response.

"Your Majesty, I've mentioned it before. The winery has reached its capacity," the nobleman explained.

"So what? I don't care about that. I specifically asked for that wine, so why didn't you provide me with the perfect one? This is simply too insipid!" Her Majesty exclaimed in frustration, promptly pouring the wine over the nobleman's face.

Perplexed by the unexpected turn of events, I couldn't help but wonder about the reason behind such a reaction."The person who received that wine drenching is Sir Aisline," I observed, stealing a glance at his face, and I found myself taken aback. Sir Aisline possessed a youthful and dignified countenance, with his blond hair and piercing blue eyes resembling that of a statue. My face flushed slightly at the sight of him.

It appeared that Sir Aisline had incurred the wrath of Her Majesty the Queen. He had voiced concerns about the unreasonable development taking place around a particular winery, highlighting issues like soil and water pollution, as well as changes in the grape's taste, which ultimately resulted in the famous wine's decline in quality. Despite his warnings, the development had been forcefully carried out, leading to the unfortunate outcome we witnessed.

"What a commotion! I don't understand! Are you implying this is my fault? Is it my fault that the development for a magnificent statue of myself and an exquisite palace in that area turned out so poorly?"

The once-lively venue fell into silence. The music, which had been playing just moments ago, faded away.

"I will put an end to it."


"Our engagement is off; I am breaking it. Aisline, you shall be relegated to the north! Go marry some country girl there."

Her Majesty the Queen's intense glare sent shivers down my spine. However, despite the fear, a surge of something inside me swelled up.I never anticipated that Her Majesty the Queen would display such arrogance and selfishness. She refuses to take responsibility for the deterioration of the wine's taste, disregards the advice of those who tried to prevent it, and resorts to shouting at others. The rage inside me grows, making me question if this is what authority figures are like.

But then, it happened. Sir Aisline's gaze shifted towards me, though it might have been my imagination. I could sense him silently reassuring me that everything would be alright.

"I will comply with your wishes, Your Majesty," Sir Aisline declared, and he moved to stand beside me. "I apologize, Ria-sama," he added, bowing respectfully as soon as he reached my side.

As I observed Sir Aisline's eyes more closely, I could discern the sincerity within them. However, I also became aware of something peculiar – he was gazing at me in a rather unusual manner.

"Ria-sama, um, how much have you been drinking? You smell of alcohol," he remarked, and I was taken aback when I noticed the numerous wine glasses on the table beside me. To my surprise, fifteen cups had already been opened.

"I, well, it was just so delicious, and I couldn't resist..." I stammered, trying to explain.

"Did you drink all of these?" Sir Aisline asked incredulously.

"Yes. I may seem like this, but when it comes to wine, I can handle up to 10 full bottles in a day."

The venue erupted into a commotion.

"She said ten full bottles."

"Can she really consume that much alcohol?!"

"There's a limit to drinking, you know..."

I understood that they were astonished by my capacity for alcohol.

"That's quite amusing," Sir Aisline chuckled warmly, his smile exuding kindness.

"Sir Aisline, would you mind stepping outside for a chat?"

"Of course," he replied, willingly accompanying me out of the evening party. The atmosphere outside the palace was refreshingly delightful, and I couldn't help but be surprised at how tense I had felt indoors.

"Ria-sama, um, you had quite a few drinks. Do you recall which wine you found the most delicious?"

"Yes, undoubtedly. It was the third glass of red wine."

"Wow," Sir Aisline expressed with a groan.

"You have quite the discerning taste to recognize the excellence of that wine. The region where it originates hasn't seen much development, which results in rich soil and thriving grape growth."

"But I've heard it's rarely available in the market."

"Indeed, its slightly distinct flavor creates a clear divide between those who appreciate it and those who don't. But you enjoyed it, and that left a lasting impression."

"Oh, no, it's not like that..."

Following those words, Sir Aisline's expression turned solemn.

"Ria-sama, you must understand that Her Majesty's commands are absolute. I don't know if you'll be able to accept me considering the circumstances."

"No, Sir Aisline, my decision is firm."

I gazed into Sir Aisline's eyes as a gentle breeze swept by.

"I choose to be by your side. The compassion in your eyes captivates me."

"Are you certain about this?"

"Yes," I replied without hesitation.

Unintentionally, the two of us found ourselves standing face to face...

"Hey, Ria," a loud voice caught our attention, and we turned around.

"C-Father..." I exclaimed as I recognized my father accompanied by a guard soldier.

"Hmm? Oh, isn't it Sir Aisline? Is everything alright?" my father inquired, prompting Sir Aisline to kneel before him. He proceeded to narrate everything that had transpired.

Upon hearing the account, my father gently placed his hand on Sir Aisline's shoulder. "I understand. Son-in-law, please take care of my daughter."

"I will!" Sir Aisline vowed while tears streamed down his face as he remained kneeling.

About a month later, Lord Aisline arrived in the north with all the materials needed for sake production, surpassing our expectations.The materials covered a comprehensive range of aspects, including the soil and water quality of the land, suitable crops, and the finest types of sake that could be produced from them. Surprisingly, among the materials, there were some specifically related to the north.

"You've always believed that the north lacks any specialty products, but Lord-sama, Ria-sama, with such a climate, this land has the potential to yield exceptional wine," those words bestowed confidence upon us. I was assigned a crucial role in this assessment – to taste the wine crafted by Sir Aisline and offer my opinion, as the quality of the sake was under evaluation.

"However, Ria-sama, you are truly skilled in the art of drinking," Sir Aisline remarked with a wry smile.

Fifteen years later, the wine crafted in the north achieved the prestigious status of being the country's finest, and the region itself emerged as the leading winery in the nation. Both my father and Lord Aisline frequently acknowledged that my genuine taste buds played a significant role in this accomplishment.

Another five years passed, and a revolution erupted in the central region as the people revolted against Queen Faris' oppressive rule. Consequently, a new king came to power, leaving Queen Faris's fate uncertain.

On the other hand, our lives experienced a modest yet noticeable improvement. As a region renowned for producing the country's best specialty products, the old image of being relegated was replaced by prosperity and prominence. I credit this positive transformation to the leadership of my husband, Aisline, the current lord of the north. I take great pride in him.

As the wife of a feudal lord, I am devoted to supporting the people, the region, and my husband. I hope for the continuation of days where such thoughts guide our actions and contribute to the betterment of our community.


Note : ( "Our engagement is off; I am breaking it. Aisline, you shall be relegated to the north! Go marry some country girl there."

Her Majesty the Queen's intense glare sent shivers down my spine.) 

With a sharp gaze, Her Majesty the Queen issued a decree to Aisline, ordering him to marry the protagonist, who hails from the countryside in the north.

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