My Wife Is Pregnant, But I'm Not The Father!!

My Wife Is Pregnant, But I'm Not The Father!!


Japanese Name: 見合い結婚のそのあとで

Writer: Minàgawa

Plot : A short story of a husband & wife having misunderstanding. 

Read Japanese Romance Oneshots translated in English.


My Wife Is Pregnant, But I'm Not The Father!!

My wife exclaimed, "Looks like I'm expecting a baby."

Curious, I inquired, "Whose child is it?"

In the blink of an eye, her right hand swiftly struck me with great force. Our meeting was arranged by others. Despite being a noble, I am the fifth son and unable to inherit the family name. My parents sought a connection with a wealthy merchant, believing it to be more beneficial for survival than a union with a poor nobleman.

"Pleased to meet you," we exchanged greetings, locking eyes and instantly liking each other. Her determination was evident in her gaze. She possessed both beauty and shyness, yet she stared directly into my eyes.

"This child has always been a spirited girl, and I worried she might not find a husband. Until it turns blue."

"Mother, you don't need to say that," she rebuked her mother in frustration. Her mother chuckled and remarked, "You should have told me this earlier; it didn't go well until now," while praising her daughter's courage. She revealed that she had been the mischievous neighborhood troublemaker, with an admirer who idolized her older sister since childhood. Her ability to handle conflicts was unparalleled—she fearlessly confronted bullies and eagerly jumped into any fray.

Midway through trying to prevent her mother from continuing, she became flushed and lowered her head. "Haha, you had an eventful childhood," I commented, noticing my father's tense expression. It was likely due to the rarity of encountering such an energetic noblewoman.

My paternal grandmother, my late mother, was also gentle, and my mother possessed a grace that even surpassed hers. I have no memory of her as she passed away shortly after my birth. My father and older brother held fond memories of her and mourned her loss. Since childhood, I've always felt dissatisfied. I couldn't help but envy other children who had mothers. If only my mother were alive, I wouldn't have felt such profound sadness.

"It's good to be well," I uttered sincerely.

Partly due to my lack of enthusiasm for marriage, I finally understood why I hadn't pursued relationships with the refined women I had encountered before. At that moment, I gained clarity about what I truly sought in a life partner.

Following the introduction, a marriage proposal swiftly followed. Though my father suggested taking some time to think, I remained resolute. The other party's parents were highly enthusiastic, and we seized this opportunity, ensuring our wedding took place the following month.

We became husband and wife, almost like strangers. Yet, I was confident that I would find happiness. However, it was at the end of the wedding ceremony, in my wife's absence, that her younger brother approached me and made that comment.

"Sister has feelings for someone else. She became your wife, but you can't be together."

"Don't say that!"

Her brother reacted and swiftly ran away. Judging by the reactions of others, it was evident that his words held some truth, rather than being mere playful nonsense.

"Don't worry about what he said. He's just jealous that his beloved sister is now taken."

Those comforting words were offered from left to right. Why didn't I notice it? As much as she appeared to be my destiny, I am not hers. It was merely a facade, and we could marry even with that level of affection.

I don't recall much after that. My emotions were in disarray. Perhaps it was conveyed to her that I was in a state of confusion.

"Are you okay?"

I knew she was concerned about me, but my pride prevented me from expressing my feelings at that moment. I love her. I want to be with her even if her feelings aren't reciprocated. So, what do we need to do to stay together? It would be ideal if I could suppress these emotions and be a tolerant husband. After all, she chose to marry me, so if that's the kind of husband she desires, I'm certain she won't abandon me.

After much contemplation, I arrived at our new home and uttered something a 'tolerant husband' would say.

"As long as you don't have a child that we both know isn't mine, you are free to do as you please."

She was taken aback and couldn't comprehend what I had just said, but I was glad to have conveyed my determination. It didn't matter if the children were biologically mine. If they were her children, I believed I could raise them as my own with love. There would be understanding and respect. If there were clear racial differences, there may be no choice but to relinquish paternity, but it was a common agreement for an unfaithful couple and not unusual.

Thus, our married life commenced in this distorted manner. Misunderstandings were eventually resolved during a subsequent encounter, and our feelings finally began to converge. I was simply overjoyed that we were becoming closer as a couple.

Then, a few months later, she revealed to me that she was pregnant.

As I held my left cheek, still stinging from the pain, I reflected on why I had said those words. I am aware that it was a gross misrepresentation. But... well, I must admit, it was my fault. I was upset. I never truly suspected her of infidelity. Even if the thought had crossed my mind, I couldn't fathom having a child, and she couldn't believe my thoughtless blunder.

In an instant, she pushed me away and hurried into her room, stating, "I'm going back to my parents' house."

Uttering those words, she grasped her bag, filled with her belongings, and left the house with both hands. Her struggle under the weight of the burden was anything but beautiful, yet I couldn't imagine wanting to stop anyone else so desperately. However, after saying what I did, I had no right to hold her back.

"You've really done it, young man."

"This is the most spectacular landmine misstep I've ever witnessed."

"Poor young lady..."

The maids chattered aimlessly while serving me coffee, completely oblivious to my state of shock.

"Can you give me a moment alone..."

The maids became even more bothersome as I expressed my desire to be alone and gather my thoughts.

"I can't keep quiet. Stress is not good for pregnant women."

"Absolutely. I can't believe you let her carry such a heavy bag by herself."

"If things go could lead to a miscarriage..."


I've never been around a pregnant woman before, and I've never really thought about having a child myself, so I didn't realize how delicate a pregnant woman could be.

"Especially in the early stages of pregnancy, there's a high risk of bleeding..."

"Poor young lady."

"The heartbroken young wife is now at her parents' house. What if she hits it off with her childhood friend who came to visit her..."

"It's not impossible."

"What if she wants a divorce?"

"This might finally give the young lady an opportunity."

"Nowadays, even in divorce, you can receive significant alimony under favorable conditions."

It was merely idle gossip among women. Despite knowing that it was pure speculation without any evidence, I couldn't help feeling restless. Ah, but what if her childhood friend went to see her and they grew closer...

Unable to stay still, the maids donned their top hats, took their canes, and polished their shoes as if they had been eagerly waiting for this moment.

"Have a pleasant day."

"I apologize, regardless."

"Good luck."

I paid no attention to the maids exchanging fist bumps as they bid me farewell with smiles. I hurried to my wife's parents' house.

"I'm here to pick up my wife."

Upon saying that, my wife's parents, whom I had only met during our wedding, happily welcomed me into their home.

"Well, our daughter has caused you trouble. I'm glad you're here. She's in the back, please take your time."

That seemed to be how her parents felt. They even shed tears of gratitude when I expressed my intention to marry her, as if they had been burdened with such a difficult daughter. And indeed, she could be quite difficult. When I asked whom she had fallen in love with, she simply replied, "With honesty." There were no falsehoods. Unlike me, who always took roundabout paths, she went straight to the core with her emotions.

I stood in front of her room and knocked. No reply.

"It's me."

I knocked again, but still no reply.

"...Could you please come back?"

Silence. Well, at a time like this, there's no point in holding onto my pride!

"Please, come back!"

I knelt by the door and bowed my head, yet there was still no response. It couldn't be helped. I had made up my mind to remain in that position until she emerged.

As I knelt on the floor, I heard a voice from behind me.

"My room is next door, not here."

It was my wife.

She invited me into her room and I sat on a chair inside. I felt embarrassed for entering the wrong room. It was the second time I had entered my wife's room, and it exuded a comforting atmosphere with its warm color scheme.

In the past, I had harbored great dissatisfaction as I suspected her of infidelity. But as I recently learned, she is a faithful wife when it comes to matters of fidelity.

"I swear, I never suspected you of being unfaithful! I was just shaken and made a mistake."

"It was hurtful that you doubted me, but more than that, you dislike children, don't you?"

She pointed to the stars indifferently, and her shoulders stiffened.

What could I say? I don't particularly like children. They can be bothersome and emotionally challenging to comprehend. Honestly, I'm not good with them, and it's beyond my control.

"The moment I mentioned I was pregnant, your expression turned really repulsive."

Did I? Perhaps I did. The word "pregnant" is often associated with children, and it's not like it carries a positive connotation. If that's the case, then it's truly the worst.

"I was saddened because I thought you wouldn't be happy even if I gave birth."

"That's not true! I'm glad, I want you to have the baby!"

The words escaped from me involuntarily. Pride? What's the point of holding onto that? I couldn't care less.

Looking back, when we first got married, didn't I think it would be okay if she belonged to another man? She had the confidence to love a child conceived with someone else. Not to mention, our child and her child will surely be adorable. I will love our child.

"I'm sorry for reacting that way. I apologize. I won't do it again. Please forgive me. I'm really sorry."

Even in moments when I made mistakes at work, I've never pleaded for forgiveness so desperately.

"So, could you please come back?"

I've never spoken with such a pitiful tone.

"Eh, no."

And I've never faced such a clear rejection.


"Well, things are easier when I'm at home, and this is my first pregnancy, so there are many things I don't understand."

It's a completely reasonable explanation, and it makes sense. But the fact that my wife isn't at home... Oh, it feels empty.

"Why do you look so down? If you come, we can be together. Even if we live in different houses, we can still be a married couple."

My wife's words only added to the tragedy I felt. Ah, while I'm preoccupied with that, I'm also worried that her childhood friend might appear and take her away. I harbor some resentment towards our unborn child because, at the very least, I wish I could have a better relationship with my wife.

"I want to go on a date with you. If we're always together, we won't need to make special plans for outings."

My wife laughs and says it's refreshing. A date, yes, a date. It's not a bad idea if I think about it. Why not invite her out every day, if not every week? Ah, but would daily outings be too strenuous for a pregnant woman's body? I'm not certain. I'll start gathering information from tomorrow.

"I'm sure we'll have an adorable baby, so let's show affection towards each other."

I happily rub her stomach. Now that I think about it, my wife seemed to have wanted to have a child from the very beginning.

"By the way, are you happy being with someone you don't even like?"

When I randomly blurted out that question, my wife gave me a good punch in the stomach. Ouch, it really hurt.

"I'm even happier because I'm having a child wi

th the man I love! You idiot!"

My wife stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut. Hey, what if she trips and falls! That's dangerous.

Um, what did you mean?

"The End"

Read Japanese Oneshots translated in English On T-novelodyssey.

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